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All right, we ready? 00:00:04
All right, welcome to the July 26th Special Meeting of the Watkinsville City Council. We. 00:00:07
A quorum here tonight. Do we have a council member from Kuwait with us tonight? We do not. OK, so it'll be the three of y'all and 00:00:13
myself for the meeting tonight. I. 00:00:19
Let's start with the Pledge of Allegiance. 00:00:24
Pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:00:30
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:36
All right, we have a short agenda tonight. If I could entertain a motion to approve the agenda, please make a motion to approve 00:00:47
the agenda. Do we have a second? 00:00:51
Before we move on to the second item on the agenda, so with that we have electric Ave. tax parcels. I won't list them all, but 00:01:57
basically we have an amendment to rezone and revise the development agreement to adjust the number of residential single single 00:02:02
family detached units. 00:02:07
And attached residential units in some small ways. 00:02:14
Understanding that the total exceeded bedrooms for the project in its entirety is 231, Engineer Campbell asked for the staff 00:02:18
report. Please. 00:02:22
Thank you, Mayor. You did a great job of giving a summary there. So again this is an amendment to the rezoning conditions and the 00:02:27
development agreement for water park. The total parcel is a little over 66 acres. It is a combination of both mixed-use zoning and 00:02:35
attached residential. This amendment will impact both of those zonings within the overall wire park development so. 00:02:44
That are up along Barnett Shoals Rd. That's part of the attached residential use within the mixed-use zone. 00:03:30
So you can go to the next slide. Here's kind of that breakdown. This is of the the latest plan based on the package in the 00:03:35
narrative that was submitted by the applicant. The focus there wouldn't be the bottom of the page with the commercial, but it 00:03:42
would be the proposed residential. So you see there again detached residential at 52 units, townhomes and condo flats totaling 81 00:03:49
units for the total residential units proposed at 133. 00:03:55
So then on the next slide, we can see again the, the number of detached residential units has actually already changed. It changed 00:04:03
between the original rezone and April 2020. It was amended in 2021. So the number of detached residential units that's being 00:04:09
proposed is actually kind of in that same range. 00:04:14
The number of attached residential units that is now being considered is actually the same number that was originally proposed in 00:04:22
2020 that the issue is as you kind of go back and forth between those two numbers and settle on the final number, it does increase 00:04:27
the total number of residential units from 130. 00:04:33
To 133 and that is really confined within the area defined as condo flats. Hopefully that's relatively straightforward enough. And 00:04:39
again there is the the the further stipulation on the maximum number of bedrooms. 00:04:46
I'll be happy to answer any questions that you might. 00:04:54
Council Questions for Mr. 00:04:59
So an overall net increase of three units, but we're still within that total number of bedrooms envelope that was approved as part 00:05:04
of the development agreement, OK. 00:05:08
There's an applicant. Do you have anything to add? 00:05:13
And Mr. Bates, you'll just want to state your name, make sure the microphone is turned on and and then have at us. 00:05:16
Smith Planning. 00:05:23
Couple of queries. 00:05:27
All right. Got it. Yeah. A couple things I want to mention Full disclosure and clarity. It said condo flats, but I think you know 00:05:31
the discussion has been that that could be rental property for those buildings there and I didn't want to just I might have an 00:05:37
error on our plans as you want to clarify that. And then as far as the total bedrooms, is that for just the 231 is just for the 00:05:43
attached? 00:05:49
Product I. 00:05:56
For the bedrooms, because we've got a total of 133. 00:05:58
You know residential units and so I think just to clarify my understanding is that the 231 is for the attached and the condo flats 00:06:05
was a terminology in the original result. So that's why that that was to be misleading here and so. 00:06:12
That's our way that we're available if you got any questions and crowd answer. Thanks. 00:06:20
Questions for Mr. Bates. 00:06:26
It's been a while since we have anybody from Wire Park here. Clint, appreciate you being in and we also have the leadership from 00:06:28
the Stone Shoals Homeowners Association with us here. So appreciate you all being with us tonight. 00:06:33
All right, we are still in a public hearing. Council. Any questions for staff, Any questions for? 00:06:41
The. 00:06:46
Members of the public any questions or comments regarding the. 00:06:49
OK, for the public hearing. 00:06:54
All right, hearing none. Then I will close the public hearing. 00:06:57
And we will move into item 2, which is to actually vote on the amendment. 00:07:01
To the rezone and revise the development agreement to make those adjustments. 00:07:07
Council, any discussion or questions? 00:07:13
Hearing none, I'll request a motion. 00:07:16
Make a motion to approve. 00:07:22
Electric Ave. 00:07:26
Rezone. 00:07:28
All right, we have a motion. Do we have a second? 00:07:31
Any discussion? 00:07:33
All in favor, Say aye. 00:07:35
Aye. Any opposed motion carries 3 to nothing. 00:07:37
Council members, do you have anything else you want to bring before us tonight? 00:07:42
We will adjourn for dinner. 00:07:46
We need a motion to adjourn. Christine is not here, so this is a good story. OK, Jeff. And you're going to make the motion OK, 00:07:49
Motion to adjourn. Do we have a second? 00:07:54
Come on, Connie, give us a second. 00:08:00
He said. I thought he was asking you to say. 00:08:02
Second. All right, all right, all right, all right. We have a motion. We have a second. All in favor, say aye. Good night, 00:08:08
everyone. 00:08:11
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All right, we ready? 00:00:04
All right, welcome to the July 26th Special Meeting of the Watkinsville City Council. We. 00:00:07
A quorum here tonight. Do we have a council member from Kuwait with us tonight? We do not. OK, so it'll be the three of y'all and 00:00:13
myself for the meeting tonight. I. 00:00:19
Let's start with the Pledge of Allegiance. 00:00:24
Pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:00:30
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:36
All right, we have a short agenda tonight. If I could entertain a motion to approve the agenda, please make a motion to approve 00:00:47
the agenda. Do we have a second? 00:00:51
Before we move on to the second item on the agenda, so with that we have electric Ave. tax parcels. I won't list them all, but 00:01:57
basically we have an amendment to rezone and revise the development agreement to adjust the number of residential single single 00:02:02
family detached units. 00:02:07
And attached residential units in some small ways. 00:02:14
Understanding that the total exceeded bedrooms for the project in its entirety is 231, Engineer Campbell asked for the staff 00:02:18
report. Please. 00:02:22
Thank you, Mayor. You did a great job of giving a summary there. So again this is an amendment to the rezoning conditions and the 00:02:27
development agreement for water park. The total parcel is a little over 66 acres. It is a combination of both mixed-use zoning and 00:02:35
attached residential. This amendment will impact both of those zonings within the overall wire park development so. 00:02:44
That are up along Barnett Shoals Rd. That's part of the attached residential use within the mixed-use zone. 00:03:30
So you can go to the next slide. Here's kind of that breakdown. This is of the the latest plan based on the package in the 00:03:35
narrative that was submitted by the applicant. The focus there wouldn't be the bottom of the page with the commercial, but it 00:03:42
would be the proposed residential. So you see there again detached residential at 52 units, townhomes and condo flats totaling 81 00:03:49
units for the total residential units proposed at 133. 00:03:55
So then on the next slide, we can see again the, the number of detached residential units has actually already changed. It changed 00:04:03
between the original rezone and April 2020. It was amended in 2021. So the number of detached residential units that's being 00:04:09
proposed is actually kind of in that same range. 00:04:14
The number of attached residential units that is now being considered is actually the same number that was originally proposed in 00:04:22
2020 that the issue is as you kind of go back and forth between those two numbers and settle on the final number, it does increase 00:04:27
the total number of residential units from 130. 00:04:33
To 133 and that is really confined within the area defined as condo flats. Hopefully that's relatively straightforward enough. And 00:04:39
again there is the the the further stipulation on the maximum number of bedrooms. 00:04:46
I'll be happy to answer any questions that you might. 00:04:54
Council Questions for Mr. 00:04:59
So an overall net increase of three units, but we're still within that total number of bedrooms envelope that was approved as part 00:05:04
of the development agreement, OK. 00:05:08
There's an applicant. Do you have anything to add? 00:05:13
And Mr. Bates, you'll just want to state your name, make sure the microphone is turned on and and then have at us. 00:05:16
Smith Planning. 00:05:23
Couple of queries. 00:05:27
All right. Got it. Yeah. A couple things I want to mention Full disclosure and clarity. It said condo flats, but I think you know 00:05:31
the discussion has been that that could be rental property for those buildings there and I didn't want to just I might have an 00:05:37
error on our plans as you want to clarify that. And then as far as the total bedrooms, is that for just the 231 is just for the 00:05:43
attached? 00:05:49
Product I. 00:05:56
For the bedrooms, because we've got a total of 133. 00:05:58
You know residential units and so I think just to clarify my understanding is that the 231 is for the attached and the condo flats 00:06:05
was a terminology in the original result. So that's why that that was to be misleading here and so. 00:06:12
That's our way that we're available if you got any questions and crowd answer. Thanks. 00:06:20
Questions for Mr. Bates. 00:06:26
It's been a while since we have anybody from Wire Park here. Clint, appreciate you being in and we also have the leadership from 00:06:28
the Stone Shoals Homeowners Association with us here. So appreciate you all being with us tonight. 00:06:33
All right, we are still in a public hearing. Council. Any questions for staff, Any questions for? 00:06:41
The. 00:06:46
Members of the public any questions or comments regarding the. 00:06:49
OK, for the public hearing. 00:06:54
All right, hearing none. Then I will close the public hearing. 00:06:57
And we will move into item 2, which is to actually vote on the amendment. 00:07:01
To the rezone and revise the development agreement to make those adjustments. 00:07:07
Council, any discussion or questions? 00:07:13
Hearing none, I'll request a motion. 00:07:16
Make a motion to approve. 00:07:22
Electric Ave. 00:07:26
Rezone. 00:07:28
All right, we have a motion. Do we have a second? 00:07:31
Any discussion? 00:07:33
All in favor, Say aye. 00:07:35
Aye. Any opposed motion carries 3 to nothing. 00:07:37
Council members, do you have anything else you want to bring before us tonight? 00:07:42
We will adjourn for dinner. 00:07:46
We need a motion to adjourn. Christine is not here, so this is a good story. OK, Jeff. And you're going to make the motion OK, 00:07:49
Motion to adjourn. Do we have a second? 00:07:54
Come on, Connie, give us a second. 00:08:00
He said. I thought he was asking you to say. 00:08:02
Second. All right, all right, all right, all right. We have a motion. We have a second. All in favor, say aye. Good night, 00:08:08
everyone. 00:08:11
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