No Bookmarks Exist.
Quite a quite a successful evening and we're thrilled. Our grand marshals were Jerry and Kathy Chappelle. They weren't here. For 00:00:01
those of you who know Jerry and Kathy, they were a longtime artist who lived in Watkinsville. 00:00:06
And then I don't know if Ed Keegan with the Ashton Hope Keegan Foundation is here. Edie, come on up, we have have something for 00:00:13
you. 00:00:16
Edie helped was the artist for our 2001 commemorative ornament. 00:00:21
Are a vital part of making this event work. Mark and Shannon Martin with Classic City Clydesdales provided a ride for the Grand 00:00:57
Marshals. I don't see Mark or Shannon. They aren't here. 00:01:02
They're probably tending cows and horses, if I know them. 00:01:07
Mallory Enterprises and Human Services. Is there anybody here with those organizations? 00:01:10
They provided records for the judges and announcers. Taylor Gable with Watkinsville golf carts provided golf carts for the event 00:01:15
staff. 00:01:19
The school district provided a bucket, truck and staff to help with the Christmas. 00:01:23
Hal Jackson, I know is here with Oconee State Bank in the Oconee County Tourism and Visitors Bureau Commercial grade ornaments for 00:01:28
the trees. How wave at everybody. Again, thank you for doing that. 00:01:32
Um. 00:01:37
What's that? 00:01:38
Hal gets an ornament. All right, good. 00:01:39
OK. 00:01:46
And then the Oconee County Civic Center in Grace, Athens helped us with the audio system and set up. 00:01:47
And then John Ayers, is John here? 00:01:52
John provided Santas ride, which is really important. We couldn't have flying reindeer on Main Street, it's too dangerous. So he 00:01:56
provided a great ride for Santa. So those are our sponsors who helped put together the. 00:02:01
And now want to present the awards. 00:02:07
For in the children's category, the best float was Boy Scout Troop 80. That's flight number 48. Who's here from Troop 80? I see a 00:02:10
lot of Scouts. 00:02:14
All right, you got your guys with you. We have them all come up and they get a picture. 00:02:19
Ornament right here. 00:02:28
Come over a little bit. 00:02:32
All right. Most artistic in the children's category. Boy Scout Troop 96. 00:02:44
Anybody here from Troop 96? 00:02:51
Doesn't look like. 00:02:53
Best use of fame was Cub Scout Pack 149. 00:02:55
Best float for adults was American pest control. Anybody here from American Pest control? 00:03:20
Then they have the one with the cake. It was pretty awesome. Really great quote from them. Long time Oconee County business I 00:03:26
think. 00:03:29
Their 50th anniversary, maybe this year, if I remember right. 00:03:32
Most artistic was the smile. 00:03:35
No one from Smile Doctors. They would had a great picture though, wouldn't they? And best use of theme was first response, 00:03:38
pressure, cleaning anybody here from first response I don't see anyone now. I know we've got our best tractor here. We're 00:03:44
appreciative of the Montgomery family for coming out. Our best tractor was Montgomery Farms. Y'all come on up. 00:03:50
Yes. 00:04:13
How many years y'all become? 00:04:16
All right. Best antique was Little Italy. 00:04:26
I don't see Little Italy or smell the. 00:04:30
And best overall. 00:04:33
Was our Cub Scout Pack 300? 00:04:35
You want to hold this? 00:04:45
All. 00:04:50
All right, so another successful parade. I do want to recognize the announcers that we had. Adam Hammond, Kirk Dunnigan, Kara 00:04:56
Broad. 00:04:59
Michael Gill. Our parade judges were Jessica Gill, Callie Mobley, Alexis Kramer, Valerie Ladue, Callie Pennington and Emily Dobbs. 00:05:03
That was not an easy job I'm thinking through. 00:05:08
All the floats that went through more than 100 floats, that's a really tough. 00:05:14
Our lineup volunteers of County, County, Rotary Club and the Chops and Hop. 00:05:18
And our vocalist for the national anthem was John Haley. Special thanks, Chief, to you and your guys. I know how hard you worked 00:05:22
our public works department. 00:05:26
That was a long afternoon setting up and traffic control, crowd control. Oconee County Sheriff's Office also helped and there are 00:05:31
members of the planning committee, Kathy Anderson from the Oconee Farmers Market, Christy Curtis from the Convention and Visitors 00:05:35
Bureau. 00:05:39
Angela Farr, Shannon Brock, Sharon Dickerson from the. 00:05:44
And. 00:05:48
And she couldn't believe least. And she's not here, right because she's got a restaurant to run, but Melanie Adkins James 00:05:49
volunteers her time. 00:05:53
To run the Christmas parade for us and the tree lighting and does a wonderful job. 00:05:57
For those of you who know Melanie, she does. She's the owner, correct at Chops and Hops and does a wonderful job there too and 00:06:03
volunteers her time to put on the Christmas parade and that's quite a commitment, so. 00:06:07
Anyway, if we could give another round, everybody involved in the parade. 00:06:13
Now to our parade folks, as exciting as these meetings are, don't feel like you have to hang around. We're going to keep on going. 00:06:20
But if y'all want to take a couple minutes, if you want to go, feel free to exit and nobody will think I'll of you at all. 00:06:26
All right, it looks like we've got some scouts. Or are y'all here? Are y'all here to get a requirement done tonight? 00:07:09
Okay. All right. 00:07:16
Well, kill two birds with one stone. Maybe for some of you, but welcome. We're glad to have you. 00:07:18
I'm trying to remember the merit badge. Is it communication or citizenship or which one are you working on? 00:07:23
Citizenship. 00:07:28
I get to sign off on that at Troop Troop 7 from time to time. So excited to have you all here. 00:07:30
If you have any questions, there's a citizen comment point later on and you can work on your public speaking skills there, you 00:07:37
know, So if you're if you want to step forward to the podium, we always love to hear from our youngest citizens so. 00:07:42
Welcome to all of you. We're glad that you're here, Council. We're going to move on through the agenda at this point. We'll start 00:07:48
with the approval of the minutes. Do you have? Everyone should have had those minutes in their packet for several days. Are there? 00:07:54
Discussions, corrections, or comments on the. 00:08:01
Hearing none, is there a motion for approval? I make a motion to approve the minutes. 00:08:05
All right, we have a motion. Do we have a 2nd? I'll second? We have a motion and a second. Any comments? 00:08:10
All in favor say. 00:08:15
Any opposed motion carries 5 O minutes are approved. 00:08:17
Approval of the agenda. 00:08:23
I don't know if any council member has anything they wish to add or remove from the. 00:08:27
I would ask that we remove item 5 under consent. We have not confirmed our potential member of the Board of Health yet. 00:08:31
So the consent agenda, for those of you who are new, are scouts. That's where the City Council has reviewed that material in 00:08:38
advance. 00:08:42
So we don't have all the. 00:09:18
Customized for Watkins Ville, but we'll probably do is talk about having you. Please add to the agenda that for at least 00:09:21
discussion perhaps consideration of the template standard forms. 00:09:27
The county is going to get we believe approximately $100,000 out of this opioid litigation overtime since the population base you 00:09:33
may get something in the ballpark of 10,000, but there's Dickerson, are you good also with having that added to the agenda for 00:09:38
that purpose? 00:09:43
OK. So we have one item allowed under new business item 17 regarding the opioid lawsuit. Is there any other additions or 00:09:50
considerations for the agenda? 00:09:54
Mayor, there is one under consent that's setting the qualifying fees for the 2022 election if we can get that approved. And I did 00:09:59
hand that out a document out everybody's spot tonight, All right. So new addition under consent agenda is qualifying fees, which 00:10:05
have not changed for elections. So we have one that we're removing item 5, we're adding an additional item. 00:10:11
Under consent. And then we're adding an item regarding the opioid lawsuit. That's the agenda that we have for approval unless 00:10:18
there's anything else. 00:10:22
If it is something brand new that we're just seeing right here, can it go to new business instead of consent if we haven't had a 00:10:26
chance to look at it? If you haven't had a chance look at it, let's move it to new business. That's fine. OK. So we will move. 00:10:31
Which one do you want to move to new business qualify, right. So we're going to move the qualifying fees. If everyone's good with 00:10:35
that, that'll move to item 18, OK, under new business. 00:10:40
Rather than consent, because not everyone's had a chance to. 00:10:45
All right. Any further suggestions on the agenda? 00:10:51
Hearing none, can I have a motion please? 00:10:54
I make a motion to approve the agenda with the modifications just mentioned. All right, we have a motion to approve the agenda as 00:10:58
modified. And do we have a second? 00:11:02
I'll second. We have a second from Councilman Thomas. Any further discussion? 00:11:07
All in favor, Say aye. 00:11:12
Any opposed motion carries 5. 00:11:14
All right, we're going to move on to administration. I will say broadly we like to remind everyone of our public input and public 00:11:18
comment rules. There are certain spots during the meeting where public comment is legally required. There are others where it is 00:11:23
not, but it councils discretion we may choose. 00:11:28
To allow that, obviously we advise everyone to refrain from debate back and forth. Argument personal attacks are irrelevant 00:11:34
discussion when they make comments. But unless it's a specific public hearing or legally required, council will make the decision 00:11:40
as to whether allow public comment on a matter or not. With that, I'll turn it over to Manager Dickerson for our financial 00:11:45
reports. Economic development reports, please. 00:11:51
Thank you. 00:11:58
The first is we have the balance sheet, the revenues and expenses and they're a new packet has been placed in front of you simply 00:11:59
because there was a slight change in that want to make sure you had. 00:12:04
Some of the other reports that we had in your packet include your spouse. One report, So this is from 2009. There's $452,000 in 00:12:41
there. That money will be used for the sewer, or at least right now is is. 00:12:48
Program to be used for Sewer line A. The construction of sewer line A. There's money in this one as well as in SPLOST 2. 00:12:55
Spots to report We are no longer getting money in either spot One or Spice 2. Revenues have ceased on those two. 00:13:03
Projects, there is $41,000 balance funds in spots two right now. We'll talk a little bit tonight. One of the items about using 00:13:10
some of that money, possibly using some of that money in there for one of the projects, but we are at 41,000, nine, 920 over what 00:13:16
we already have programs. So there's a little bit of extra room in there. 00:13:22
Splash 3 reports and I we don't really have. So the items in red and y'all seen these before. The items in red have been 00:13:31
designated. I'll remind you all that the audit, the categories were what the city citizens voted on 4 categories with certain 00:13:38
amounts in those categories. The items underneath that are in black are items that were during the planning phase were discussed 00:13:45
as potential projects. You still have to appropriate or designate those. The items in red are the ones that have been designated. 00:13:52
So sort of keeping track of what you've already allocated money to be used for in Spa 3 right now, the 1st and we'll talk about 00:14:00
that. The first installment we got, we started accepting money in October. We don't see it till the end of November because the 00:14:06
way it's paid out to, to the city. So you got 68,000. We only budgeted I think at 80%, I think we budgeted about 60,000. So we're 00:14:13
above what we budget, what we thought we were going to project to receive. 00:14:20
And I like to do that. That way we have a little money if we need. 00:14:27
The American Rescue Plan reports right now we have a balance of 556,000. 00:14:31
It's a little. 00:14:38
It's not, it's the city was given 548,000. 00:14:40
They didn't clear by the end of November because we just wrote them at the end of November. So next month you'll see that it'll 00:15:23
wash out, but we have to use that account to keep track of it. 00:15:27
A couple things to note on the ARP. 00:15:32
Again you had 500. If you look at the bottom, the expenses, you have 548,204. Fifty is what you were given the amount. Again, 00:15:36
these are appropriated amounts you have already appropriated. 00:15:41
Um. 00:15:47
2/3 of the money you have a project that starting started today on Hardin Hill resurfacing of that road which was one of the 00:15:48
projects. 00:15:52
And then you appropriate money at the last meeting for a pay retention program for the Police Department that again it hasn't been 00:15:58
expended yet, but they're those are expenses we're anticipating. So you have about $160,000 still not appropriated that actually 00:16:03
can be used. There are no real restrictions on that money because that was money that was set aside as revenue loss. It was one of 00:16:09
the categories we calculated had the city been operating normally you would have seen that money in revenues you didn't and so the 00:16:14
state. 00:16:20
Provided a formula for us to use and that's the money that does not have to be used for broadband, for public safety, for anything 00:16:26
dealing with COVID storm water or or sewer. So. So you got a little flexibility with that money. Again at the top you'll notice 00:16:32
where we have the Georgia State Fiscal Recovery fund money for first responders to supplement that money did come in like I said 00:16:38
next month you'll see it in the expense column so. 00:16:44
Lot of information. Any questions? 00:16:52
I'll just say for the benefit of our young attendees, this seems probably complicated and boring. The easy way to think about a 00:16:55
lot of this is the SPLOST money. It's a big acronym, but we get a little every time your parents go shopping in Oconee. 00:17:01
There's a there's a little bit of extra tax that's on there and Watkinsville gets a super small amount of that that comes back to 00:17:08
the city when your parents shop, and so that helps pay. 00:17:12
For roads, for sidewalks, for police officers and things like that. That's what we use that money for, for our scouts who may not 00:17:17
be familiar with some of those terms. 00:17:21
Move to the next. 00:17:32
For business licenses and building permits. 00:17:34
We've received 27 business licenses as of November, the end of November for a total of a little bit more than $4000 and those were 00:17:44
just sent out. They have until March 15th to without penalty to pay their business license. 00:17:51
And then on the building permit side, we're starting to see more projects, more projects over at Water Park come through. There 00:18:00
are actually 10 building permits for 9 projects because some of those are at Wire Park. 00:18:05
And yeah, so we're going to start probably next month, you'll see even more. So any questions on either one of those reports? 00:18:11
All right, police report from Chief Brock. 00:18:30
Tell us what's going on in the world of law enforcement chief. 00:18:34
Everything's. 00:18:37
Thank you for keeping your promise. I know. I'm so disappointed Michael didn't run that as the as the headline chief keeps his 00:18:41
promise. 00:18:44
Makes good. 00:18:48
But thank you Michael for all the recognition and the coverage that you've provided us throughout this last year. It's been 00:18:52
pretty, pretty awesome to. 00:18:55
Be in the paper and for good things. 00:18:59
Yeah. 00:19:01
Good evening, Mayor and Council. It's always an honor to be in front of you again. I provided the report for the Monthly. 00:19:04
Allocation of. 00:19:12
Of. 00:19:15
Speed devices that we have out there in place as well as the activity officers have been up to. Does anybody have any questions 00:19:16
over any of the data or material that I provided? 00:19:20
I see. You know, I see everybody being quiet. Let's just be quiet and go home. Merry Christmas, All right. 00:19:26
Well. 00:19:34
We've made it around the we've made it around the sun one more time, so here we are. 00:19:35
It's. 00:19:41
It's always an honor to be in front of you and. 00:19:42
It's an honor to serve this. 00:19:44
All right, Chief. Thank you for thank you for another great year. Appreciate you and all your officers and what you do and know 00:19:47
this. 00:19:50
Tough time of year. Tough time of year. 00:19:54
Maybe be in law enforcement, be away from your family, but we appreciate y'all serving, so the rest of us. 00:19:56
Rest of us can rest easy. Thank you. Yep. 00:20:01
All right. Moving on, we have the consent agenda. I would ask for approval on the consent agenda as modified earlier. So we're 00:20:06
removing item 5. 00:20:11
And item 9A is also coming off, so we would be appro. 00:20:16
Item. 00:20:20
Through nine on the consent agenda. 00:20:21
Correct, Sharon. 00:20:24
I'll entertain a motion unless anybody this is your last chance to pull something off. 00:20:26
All right, motion, please. 00:20:33
I'll make a motion that we approve the consented consent agenda. 00:20:38
Uh. 00:20:42
For six through 9. 00:20:44
All right, we have a motion. Do we have a second? 00:20:47
I second. All right, We have a motion in a second. Any further discussion on the consent agenda? 00:20:51
Hearing none all in favor say. 00:20:56
Any opposed motion carries 5. 00:20:58
We'll move on to our public hearings we have. 00:21:01
One public hearing tonight that is a We're considering a new city charter again for our scouts who are here and folks who aren't 00:21:04
normally here, our charter. 00:21:08
I guess you'd say our highest level governing document for the city. It's kind of our foundational document that describes the 00:21:14
role of the city, the city's responsibilities and how we operate. And it's combined with our city codes and other documents. But 00:21:19
it has to be approved. 00:21:24
By the state legislature for it to be changed, so we. 00:21:29
Approve any changes that we want to Our charter has not been updated since 1983. 00:21:32
So there are some parts of it that are out of date. State law has. 00:21:38
And so this group had a public meeting last week to discuss at a workshop. We also had a public hearing at last month's council 00:21:41
meeting. 00:21:45
We've advertised. 00:21:49
And this is once again a public hearing for that. 00:21:51
Attorney Reitman, if you'll formally walk through the comment procedures for the public on the charter, and then we will have a 00:21:56
public hearing on our new charter. Glad to do so, Mr. Mayor. Section 2-26 of the City Code looks like this, and it's a list of 00:22:02
public hearing procedures and we try to keep copies up at the podium. 00:22:08
And as stated by the mayor earlier, obviously we do not have debate, argument, personal attacks or irrelevant discussion. A few 00:22:15
other rules of the road, so to speak, includes comments shall only be directly relating to agenda items and that this is for 00:22:21
comment as opposed to question, answer and it's a 4 minutes per individual rule. So again, this is up at the podium. If anybody 00:22:28
wants to grab one now or when they leave, they're welcome to do so. And I guess we're now ready to transition into our public 00:22:34
hearing, Mr. Mayor. 00:22:41
All right. Thank you. Attorney. Reitman. Mrs. Dickerson, do we have anyone on RingCentral tonight? 00:22:49
Just want to be sure if we do that, we're able to accommodate them for public comment. We do not have anyone other than staff, OK? 00:22:57
No one other than staff, All right. At this point, is there anyone who wants to come forward and make a comment on the new city 00:23:01
charter? 00:23:05
May I point out, Mr. Mayor, that online for about the last week or so we've had the existing 1983 charter and the proposed new 00:23:10
charter as well and a document that looks like this that maybe you can put up on the screen, Sharon, if you have it. 00:23:18
It's all it's on the drop box comparison of some key elements of the current quote old charter with the GMA. 00:23:27
New Charter and that has been available online for some time. There it is and if anybody wants to make reference to that if they 00:23:36
come up to the podium and wish to speak and ask any questions in regards to those charter changes. 00:23:43
All right, I'm not seeing anyone come forward. So at this point, unless there's anyone online, I'm going to close the public 00:23:52
hearing. 00:23:55
All right, we will move on to appearances. We have a 10 minute time limit for appearances per the guideline of state zoning 00:24:02
procedures laws. 00:24:06
If we have anyone who comes forward, Joe, then we can get more specifics on time limits for applicant presentation. I think 00:24:12
tonight, Sir, may be pretty straightforward. 00:24:16
The one item that we have is the 13 School St. partial demolition permit. 00:24:20
Mayor, Mayor Mark, if you could give us a quick update on. 00:24:27
What the situation is on School St. 00:24:31
Thank you Mayor. So the the address there, 13 school St. the application was presented by the owner, Tom McConnell. The the size 00:24:35
of the property it's it's just under an A/C. 00:24:40
And it's got frontage on more than one street, but the Main Street it has frontage on is School St. It's zoned downtown. It's 00:24:46
currently a detached residential. The request is not for demolition of the entire structure, it's just for a portion of the 00:24:52
structure. So if you can go to the next slide, for those of you who are not familiar with where 13 School St. is located, I would 00:24:58
consider that to be centrally. 00:25:03
Located, so hopefully that gives you an idea within the city where that that is located. 00:25:10
The next line, there you go. So there's a picture from School St. Again, the request is specifically related to a porch area and 00:25:15
then an added room as they have phrased it that can probably be seen better there on the next slide, yeah, the room that would be 00:25:21
on that southern facing side, you can see the the need. 00:25:28
For. 00:25:35
In that area. I know that the city staff has been working with the property owner to discuss that in some greater detail, but that 00:25:37
is what the application. 00:25:41
Would. 00:25:46
So the existing structure is approximately 2000 square feet. The application specifically is for that front porch and side room 00:25:47
that you saw in the picture previously. 00:25:52
The indication is those structures or those portions of the structures are not providing adequate drainage from the roof, which is 00:25:57
allowed water infiltration and that results in the deterioration of the structure that you've seen. 00:26:04
So they have said that, or the applicant, I should say, has indicated they will reconstruct. 00:26:10
Those portions of the home. 00:26:16
And they indicated that they would mitigate the asbestos. 00:26:19
Removal prior to the completion of the demolition, but they did not provide a specific asbest. 00:26:26
Containing materials report. 00:26:32
There's a number of companies they can engage with to do that. They only indicated that that asbestos medication would be done 00:26:34
prior to the demolition, which is again part of the state requirement on that. So that would need to be a condition and another 00:26:41
condition would be, again, this is not, it's not going to stir more than an acre because the property itself is less than an acre. 00:26:47
It's not within 200 feet of a stream. So it's not required to go to the state from an erosion control standpoint, but. 00:26:53
As always on any project, they shall install the appropriate best management practices to to ensure that there's no sedimentation 00:27:00
or erosion control that adversely impacts either the the public right of way or any adjacent properties. 00:27:07
Be happy to answer any questions that you might. 00:27:13
Before we get into our questions. But I mean, I don't think Mr. McConnell is here tonight. He's not here. OK, great. Christine, go 00:27:18
ahead with your questions. Yes. 00:27:22
This is the first demo. 00:27:28
Request for a partial. 00:27:30
It is on, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything at all in any way. 00:27:34
They are OK. 00:27:40
Sit. 00:27:44
So. 00:27:45
Why is this a demo and not? 00:27:47
Like a building permit. 00:27:51
Because. 00:27:55
I guess I'm just wondering the the order of things like what is the guarantee that indeed the porch and this room will be rebuilt? 00:27:57
OK. 00:28:41
OK. So I do think it is, that is a fair question as in this situation if someone typically is renovating a home. 00:28:43
This. 00:28:49
Why we're calling it demolition versus building, but since we're working on a table tonight, maybe Y'all can tackle that and come 00:28:50
back. If you aren't prepared to answer that tonight, come back to us on that. 00:28:55
Well, I mean my understanding I'd have to pull the code, but my understanding of a demolition, A partial demolition even is that 00:29:00
you're structurally, you're moving something that's structural. It's not like you're going in and you're just replacing a roof or 00:29:05
your and you're physically removing a section of the house. I mean just like we had an incident on column fair at one point. 00:29:11
And it was a it wasn't intended to be a demolition, but it became a demolition. I think there were some other instances, you know, 00:29:17
where. 00:29:20
Some people made, some, you know. 00:29:23
Happened and that was considered a demolition. It wasn't considered a renovate because you're taking a section of the house off. 00:29:26
So that's that's why, but we'll get more information and be prepared at the next meeting to give you that. 00:29:30
It may just be semantic, but I think it is a fairpoint because when people see demolition that implies it may not ever come back 00:29:35
if it's not coupled with the building permit. But all that being said, it sounds like the applicant wants to. 00:29:40
My sense is we're probably comfortable tabling that until we have more information. 00:29:46
So with that, I'll entertain a motion. 00:29:49
I make a motion to table this to the next meeting to the January meeting. 00:29:54
All right. We have a motion to table to January. Do we have a second? 00:29:59
I'll second we have a second. Any further discussion? 00:30:02
All right. All in favor of tabling until January? Say aye. Any opposed? 00:30:07
Motion carries 5 O. 00:30:12
All right. We will move on to old business. 00:30:15
The We have an amendment to the Alcoholic beverages Ordinance. This is. 00:30:19
To enable Watkinsville to have a brew, have breweries and. 00:30:24
The Brewery Committee that's been working on this is council members Campbell and Tucker. 00:30:29
Councilman Campbell, if you can give us an update on the ordinance, what might have changed since the first reading? 00:30:35
And any other information council needs to know. 00:30:43
Sorry. 00:30:57
Let's see number. 00:31:01
#7, #2 Also we do allow special rates for fundraisers. For that we added. 00:31:03
Yes. 00:31:10
In Section 2, we changed the no happy hour discounts, no Buy one. Get one for your other specials, except special rates for 00:31:16
fundraisers for 55O1C3 nonprofits in compliance with state law. 00:31:24
We clarified a company. Yeah, that was the main one I saw. And then the next one was in #7. We added that no one under 21 be 00:31:40
allowed inside without an adult. 00:31:46
I think importantly, not just an adult, but a parent or guardian. So you say, you know, that's an important difference there. 00:31:55
And then on the back, the crow. 00:32:05
Then we added in the section about growlers. You poor growlers seems to be more common. 00:32:08
In breweries to fill cans instead of glass, it seems to be a better option. Easier to do for breweries, so we added the crowlers 00:32:14
with the sea instead of AG that you could fill the can or a glass bottle. 00:32:21
Those are the primary changes, I think. I think the final change that we added was we made it explicit that you can bring in food 00:32:29
from a neighboring. 00:32:33
Neighboring establishment, you know, again with the idea being you know that that outside food is is welcome inside the brewery, 00:32:38
so. 00:32:42
Anything else? 00:32:47
As long as it complies with all health department requirements for food consumption on premises, which typically as a brewery 00:32:49
manufacturing facility probably would. But in an abundance of caution, we put that guardrail, so to speak, in there. 00:32:55
All right. So we have been discussing this for several months. 00:33:05
I'm going to look out at the audience. This is, this is something different than big for Watkinsville. If and if you going to 00:33:10
comment on this, then this might be a place where council would welcome a comment. I don't see anybody anxiously nodding at me so. 00:33:17
I'll bring it back behind the rail council. 00:33:25
Any discussion on the second reading of the? 00:33:28
Proposed brewery alcoholic beverage ordinance for breweries. 00:33:34
All right. I'm not hearing any. I think we all kind of have staked out our positions previously on this ordinance, so. 00:33:45
Hearing that, I'll call for a motion on the. 00:33:51
On the brewery. 00:33:55
I make a motion to pass the amendment to the. 00:34:00
Brewery. 00:34:04
All right, we have a motion from Councilman Campbell. Do we have a second? I second. 00:34:07
All right, once again, Council, this is your chance for discussion. 00:34:10
Any discussion? 00:34:14
Everybody's just looking this. 00:34:16
Connie again. 00:34:19
Enough restaurants in town now serving alcohol. We don't need to brew it. We're trying to turn it into Athens. 00:34:22
All right, Connie has made her opinion known. Anyone else want to discuss this? 00:34:30
All right. Hearing none. All in favor of the ordinance, Say aye. 00:34:37
Aye. 00:34:42
Any opposed? 00:34:43
All right, the motion carries. 00:34:45
With Councilwoman Massey opposing. 00:34:49
All right, we are returning now to the new city charter again for our civic minded young guests. The reason we have to do this 00:34:53
twice is we're legally required to have a formal public hearing, but the council does not take action after a hearing. We have to 00:34:59
bring it back onto the agenda and actually vote, vote for it as an old business item. So we're going to. 00:35:05
We're going to bring the new charter back is our old business item. Attorney Reitman if you want to give us whatever we need to 00:35:12
know before we vote on that. Yes Sir, a few things. Number one, this is a documents been online, it looks like this. It says a 00:35:18
bill to be entitled and act and we have 6 copies up at the podium with a few little corrections hand marked on that. Number one, 00:35:24
Miss Christine Tucker point out that our lettering was CDEF instead of BCD etcetera. So that is fixed in the final version that is 00:35:31
online. 00:35:37
And on the screen if that's available. 00:35:44
If you have that, but it might be too small from the screen, don't worry, that's OK not a problem. 00:35:45
So that is the Christine Tucker correction there. Thank you for catching that sharper eyes than mine. The next correction, and 00:35:51
this is more of a change, is at page 11. 00:35:56
To clarify the general powers of a Municipal Court judge to not only punish for contempt, which means wrong behavior, but to use 00:36:01
what we call civil contempt or remedial contempt to encourage somebody to comply with orders of the court. So instead of it saying 00:36:09
punish those in its presence of contempt at page 11. And this has been marked on those copies at least with the notation to 00:36:17
utilize the powers of contempt. 00:36:24
And take out the word punishment and also instead of saying $200 it now says. 00:36:32
$200 per day or 10 days in jail. That is important because to get the attention of a large corporation or industry who might be a 00:36:38
violator, there needs to be a per diem contempt to encourage them to do the right thing $200. 00:36:46
Total is ineffective for our large companies. That's the purpose behind that. 00:36:55
And those are the two late breaking changes from today. The rest of the changes are fully covered in the document that the city 00:37:00
manager has on the screen that we talked about a little bit earlier and that documents been up since probably at least last 00:37:06
Friday, maybe earlier probably. 00:37:12
As we go back to last. 00:37:18
Excellent. Well and this is this is the updated version you might recall is a little unclear as to whether talking about the old 00:37:20
number example 6.28 or the new section 6.32, all that has been updated and this has been online for at least since last Friday I 00:37:26
believe with more detail, more particulars to address issues and Mr. Mayor, I think that's it other than to mention that the 00:37:33
legislature will take this up in January and or February when it comes into session. This basically goes forward as a vote of 00:37:39
approval from the council. 00:37:46
Does not become effective until the state legislature would approve that probably in February and then it'll be enacted into law 00:37:53
formally on July 1 of 2022 and you will have a 39 years more modern charter at that time. 00:38:01
All right. Thank you, Joe. Yes, Sir, Council any? 00:38:12
Any comments regarding the? 00:38:16
Long compound flights. 00:38:20
Hearing none, I'll entertain a motion, please. 00:38:23
I'll make a motion to approve the updated charter as as written. 00:38:30
Let's just make that clear with the changes that the attorneys outlined, correct? With the new changes, All right, perfect. 00:38:39
And those changes, clean copy, I think there's a little bit of underlining have been up since mid afternoon on the website as 00:38:45
well. So the public had access to that prior to this meeting. 00:38:49
All right, so we have a motion. 00:38:55
For the charter, with the adjustments, slight adjustments made by the attorney, do we have a second? We have a second from 00:38:57
Councilman Garrett. Any further discussion? 00:39:02
All right. All in favor, please say aye. 00:39:08
Any opposed? 00:39:12
Motion carries. 00:39:13
Thank. 00:39:15
All right, we will move on to item 14. This is the Pavement Management Program Report manager Dickerson. We're going to let you 00:39:16
tell us all about the city's roads. 00:39:20
Just a little history. 00:39:27
Sorry, I'm determined. My mic on. So I was being told I wasn't being heard. We engaged a company that the county was working with 00:40:10
and they came in and they used a specialized truck and they wrote, drove all of our all of our 2223 miles of roads and I used a 00:40:18
laser and captured a lot of data. That data then was put into you know a system that they've created that helps determine. 00:40:27
The strength of the road what type of pavement treatment might be be used for that road because you may not always have to 00:40:36
resurface it. You could use crack seal or. 00:40:40
Councilman Garrett. What's the other one? The Crush. 00:40:47
Chip seals our chip seal. So so because that helps your Rd. 00:40:50
Last longer and you don't have to do an expensive resurfacing. 00:40:55
So that has all occurred since August of this year. We spent a little bit more than $5000 to have that done. I think that money is 00:40:59
going to, you know, come back and and really help us and help you all make decisions to really good use of the money. 00:41:05
There are 18 streets, about 162 segments, about 22 linear miles of Rd. 00:41:13
It is somewhat subjective, but there is a pavement condition index that they've been using. A rating scale where zero is worse 00:41:19
than 100 is best where it's just been resurfaced. 00:41:23
I mentioned about the fact that they did, they did collect the data, recorded 100 foot intervals, so a lot of deep, very detailed 00:41:28
data and then they do a quality, they go back. 00:41:32
They're one of their engineers goes back and actually pulls actually goes along those roads and gets a visual as well. So sort of 00:41:38
to confirm the the rating of those roads. 00:41:42
I did provide an Excel spreadsheet. Will I I don't. I think I do do have a screenshot of that that I'll put up here in a minute. 00:41:47
What's interesting though is so and Councilman Garrett May, since he's in this industry, may know a little bit about this. So the 00:41:55
G dot says that the condition of Rd. should be 70, should at least be 70. Our average condition is 65. Now don't freak out too 00:42:03
much because basically we we do have, as you see in item, 662% of our roads are in good to excellent condition. 00:42:11
But it also is a wake up call that we need to start paying attention to some of the roads, and I know there are roads in the city 00:42:20
that probably haven't been paved since people moved in 30-40 years ago, so this will be a great opportunity to start. 00:42:26
You know, putting the money back into those roads and providing improvements to those Rd. 00:42:32
This is a map with the red lines are the city streets, and you probably can't make out the other colors because they're kind of 00:42:39
close, but there are some county roads in there as well. 00:42:43
Simonton Bridge probably is the one you can probably make out the best and then barn. 00:42:48
On. 00:42:52
Those are the roads the city is is responsible for. 00:42:53
The pavement condition summary These are the top 12. I believe they're twelve. I think there's 122468 or 10 roads and you'll see 00:42:58
the PCI is there in yellow. It's been highlighted the lowest, which is not a surprise. The lowest rated street is Durham St. which 00:43:04
is. 00:43:11
Hardly a street, right, but and that's something that we'll talk a little bit about as well. The next Rd. up is Layla Lane and if 00:43:17
you've been out there you can see that it is in poor condition. There are estimates and I'm still going to, I'm still working on 00:43:23
that sound and of course you know this is still an estimate. We won't know really the cost until we go out and and get a price, 00:43:29
but the estimate for the for rehab in that road. 00:43:36
Layer lane which is like. 00:43:43
.124 miles or 657 linear feet is around $77,000. 00:43:45
We'll talk about that in a minute. Here's the network overview. So again, our overall network PCI is 65. 00:43:52
2/3 of a range roughly are in good shape. The other third need some help. 00:44:01
In in the report I didn't screenshot this. 00:44:08
Make sure I've got. 00:44:11
You gotta put it on here. 00:44:13
Well, on the, on the next item, I'll talk about what we're going to do. I'm sorry, I'm getting confused because we've got another 00:44:17
report on this. So L Meg is coming up next. In the next report, I'll talk a little bit about how about for y'all to use that money 00:44:22
or ask that we use that money. So for right now, this is the report about the pavement condition index again. 00:44:28
My hope is is that this will be. 00:44:35
This will serve as the tool for you all as you make decisions about how to use spouse money, because we have money in spouse 3, 00:44:38
have a little bit of money in Spas 2, and we can talk about that on the next item that can be spent to you know to track to pull 00:44:43
these. 00:44:48
Poor roads off of this list and get them improved. 00:44:55
Are there any quest? 00:44:59
All right. Thank you. Manager Dickerson. Really great system. 00:45:04
So they recommend. 00:45:12
Refreshing it every, you know, four to five years depending and you know if we have a, if there's a, if there's some significant, 00:45:14
you know, weather event or something like that, maybe earlier, but typically four to five years, I think. I don't. Sorry. 00:45:20
Councilman Garrett might be able to speak to that as well. 00:45:25
Let's think that's a valuable, great investment. Help us use our dollars wisely, Manager Dickerson. If you could just roll on and 00:45:39
then to your recommendations on the L Meg. For those of you who are new here, that's some funds that are provided to us by the 00:45:44
state to help us pave some of these roads. 00:45:49
So. 00:45:55
So the Local maintenance improvement grant is provided through G dot. That's in the past. I guess the state gives money to local 00:45:57
governments to resurface their own roads, so they're not responsible for doing that. 00:46:02
They give you a certain amount for every lane mile that you have. Certainly mile you have. The city has benefited fairly fairly 00:46:08
well with that money over the last few years. We've most recently resurfaced portions of 1st St. Bond Drive, Bond Court, Bonway, 00:46:14
Meadowview Court, Tanyard Trail, 1st St. 3rd St. 00:46:20
As I mentioned, I am going to request that you go to the street that's listed as item 2, the second worst St. in the city layout 00:46:58
lane according to. 00:47:03
Survey that was just done and because Durham St. is obviously the worst, but Durham St. there's a lot of activity that's going to 00:47:09
be happening along that street. We anticipate with Waters Walk and there will be some opportunity to coordinate with that 00:47:15
developer and and that street would be estimated at about 1/4 of $1,000,000 to do if we had to do it by ourselves. So we'll we'll 00:47:21
move into that as this other development comes forward. 00:47:27
So our recommendation is to pave lay a lane using the L make money. This year we're only expected to get about $43,000. We are 00:47:33
required to match that with 30% local funds. We do have that money in our SPLOST and I don't know if I have that in my slide. Let 00:47:40
me see if I've got that spreadsheet or not. Nope. 00:47:46
So we are required to. 00:47:54
To match that, I did budget again, y'all have not appropriated that, but we did talk about it and I did appropriate about $20,000 00:47:56
or sorry designate that we would need $20,000 for that. So we're still shy. 00:48:03
Let me get to the next slide. 00:48:12
So we're still shy about $21,000 on this report. I said you could appropriate the funds from SPLOS 3 or the city's fund balance, 00:48:14
but you do have about $20,000 in splash Two. Sorry, 40 thousand, $40,000 in Splash Two. That is more than what we project we're 00:48:21
going to need. So you could also take it out of that. It's 6 1/2 a dozen the other I guess. 00:48:28
We do have to have the application in by I think February 1 and they should let us know March, April time frame whether or not 00:48:36
they approve that road and then we'll have to and then that's when we'll go out forbid you know get pricing and stuff. 00:48:42
All right. Thank you. Manager Dickerson, do you need a? 00:48:52
Do you want to make a recommendation to us as you get a little further along where you want to pull the funds from or do you want 00:48:55
us to discuss that? 00:48:57
I mean, I honestly, I think it's 661 half a dozen. The other, I mean we're based on our projections of what has been committed out 00:49:00
of Splice 2 for the playground. 00:49:05
And trying to think what else is left in. 00:49:10
Based on the on the projects we response to, is the the funds for. 00:49:15
Sewer line. 00:49:21
Yeah, so, so I, you know take it out of two, take it out of three, I don't think it matters you've got both those categories are 00:49:22
are eligible categories you can pull it from so. 00:49:27
Why don't we, why don't you come back to us in a month? We also have the state grant that could come out that could impact the 00:49:33
pool where we pull our funds from on. 00:49:37
So I'd recommend that we wait a month, you know, and I don't even know that you really need to come back to us to determine that, 00:49:41
but. 00:49:44
You know, because we have, we have a request in for a state grant that could affect the SPLOST allocations. Why don't we sit tight 00:49:47
on that unless you, well, I do need to get the application in because the state would like our application. They've already sent 00:49:53
several emails. I'm just saying in terms of you picking and choosing the funding source, I think we ought. 00:49:58
Go ahead and approve the request tonight and then. 00:50:04
You know, you can just let us know what your recommendation is on funding that, but I think we need to go ahead and approve it if 00:50:07
that's OK. 00:50:09
Right. 00:50:12
All right, Council, can we have a motion? 00:50:14
On the element. 00:50:18
I make a motion to approve the L. 00:50:22
Project. 00:50:25
All right, we have a motion to approve that Whale Lane project. We have a second. 00:50:28
All right. We have a second from Chuck. We have a motion. We have a second. Any discussion. 00:50:34
All in favor, say aye, any OPP. 00:50:39
Motion carries 5 O. 00:50:42
All right. 00:50:45
Next up is we have. 00:50:47
Recommendation from our Finance and Personnel committ. 00:50:50
And manager Dickerson regarding utilizing American Rescue Plan funds for a premium pay for essential workers. 00:50:53
And a budget amendment. So manager Dickerson if. 00:51:02
Lead us in that conversation. That'd be great. 00:51:07
Would you like to start, Connie? 00:51:10
Now we are just going to say that Mister Garrett and I met with you and you went over all this with us and. 00:51:12
And I'm hopeful at least everybody's had a chance to read this and but I would like to make a recommendation that we add Miss 00:51:19
Dickerson to the list. 00:51:23
All right. So we won't, we won't give, we'll come back to that. I think we'll let Sharon walk us through. 00:51:29
Walk us through the memo and then Connie and Chuck, I'll come back to you all at the end if you want to make a specific 00:51:35
recommendation on that, OK, OK, so the ARP money, the American Rescue Plan money, that was. 00:51:41
Issued to cities and counties and states throughout the United States was for the purpose of. 00:51:48
Addressing COVID impacts, which included the impact on essential workers in this government, we have 17 when we're fully staffed, 00:51:55
17 employees who are essential, everyone of them, what they do, if we're just like Athens, Clark County, City of Atlanta, Augusta, 00:52:04
Richmond County, we're required to do the exact same things they're required to do, but you know, require a little bit more. 00:52:14
For each of our staff members to take on in order to perform those duties. So the ARP money, the American rescue plan money can be 00:52:25
used for essential workers to help boost essential workers pay. I'll remind council that in fiscal year 21 there was no cost of 00:52:32
living increase because of what was going on with COVID. Council did not approve that there was a there was a bonus that was 00:52:39
provided to staff. I think it was one week's pay for staff that were on board. 00:52:47
And that's been somewhat of a tradition since I've been here, something that the Council has gifted to to our staff. 00:52:55
But we're talking about a very small amount of money, about 20,000, well $17,000 out of 1.1 million that the city is going to be 00:53:00
getting, which is about 1.8%. 00:53:05
I only had three employees over at home and that was because they had someone who was. 00:53:41
In a critical critical category. 00:53:45
What I'm recommending is that the monies be used to. 00:53:50
To basically boost up the city staff the essential workers. It will not include the officers who received the first responder 00:53:54
supplement that thousand it would they will not receive and you'll if you look at the and I don't I didn't put it up I thought I 00:53:59
did but the in the. 00:54:04
In your packet, I gave you a chart and I gave that to the committee that day. There's a chart and it's a two-part. We're asking 00:54:10
for essential pay, which will be one week pay for that worker and then an additional retention bonus. There were and there still 00:54:16
are lots of opportunities for our employees to go elsewhere and for a lot more money. 00:54:23
I've been really fortunate to have a great staff who, you know, become a family and we support each other and there's some value 00:54:31
in that as well. But there have been opportunities for other staff members to leave and they've they've stuck it out and I 00:54:35
certainly appreciate them doing that. 00:54:39
We're asking that there be a retention, that additional $1000 retention bonus. Again, the officers who got the state supplement 00:54:45
will not be able to get that. We're only asking that they would get that one week pay and this is also only for those employers 00:54:50
who've been here for at least 12 months. So they've been working through these these. 00:54:56
Toms. 00:55:04
Are there? 00:55:05
I can. 00:55:07
All right, we have the recommendation from the manager. 00:55:12
On. 00:55:15
On the essential worker pay, as you said, it is has been tradition for us historically in the city that we do. 00:55:17
End of year, end of year amount to our employees. This year is a little bit different because we have a. 00:55:27
Funding source potentially to use for that. 00:55:32
Chuck or The other thing that I want to say about this is we need to avoid this isn't a conversation about performance of 00:55:37
employees. This is you either need to vote this up or vote this maker, vote this up, vote for a different amount collectively. 00:55:44
Or vote it down. We don't need to discuss. 00:55:51
Employees or individual employee performance that would go into executive session if we needed to do that. 00:55:54
So Connie or Chuck, you all have any anything that you want? 00:56:01
You want to add, I know you mentioned potentially. 00:56:04
Mrs. ****. 00:56:06
Mayor, if you if the if the decision is made to include me, you cannot use ARP money for me. You'll have to use fund balance money 00:56:13
but the. 00:56:16
U.S. Treasury guidelines do not allow for employees earning more than 150% of the OR 3746 per hour, and I'm just over that amount, 00:56:22
so I will not be able to be used ARP money. You'll have to use fund balance money for me if you decide to do that. 00:56:29
Doesn't it have on the have Sharon on this? 00:56:39
This one that we have to hold like. 00:56:42
To look at is this what we are looking at approving? Hers is blanket. 00:56:45
Oh, OK, I'm sorry. It's I'm struggling with my. 00:56:50
Sideways reading. Scrolling. 00:56:54
Yeah, do you want a copy? That would be really great, actually, for my. 00:56:59
The limitations of Dropbox that that something else we have to hope to improve in 21 that it's. 00:57:04
I don't think there's a way you can rotate. 00:57:10
Yeah. 00:57:13
All right, if the committee wants to make a recommendation. 00:57:17
Either as is or to add Mrs. Dickerson, that's the committee's. 00:57:22
I would look for a motion from the committee either way. 00:57:26
Um. 00:57:30
So that we can move this ahead. 00:57:30
Unless there's the need for discussion. 00:57:32
Try to remember it all, yeah, I would like to make a motion. 00:57:39
You know that we Recom. 00:57:44
As we stated, OK. 00:57:46
So we want to approve, we want to approve the resolution that we have. 00:57:49
Do you want to add, Mrs. Dickerson want to add and we'll figure out where to get. 00:57:53
Money. All right, so so to add Mrs. Dickerson with the both of them with the one weekend, the 1000 or just the one week? 00:57:58
I have. 00:58:13
We had no preference. We have no preference, all right, since the 1000, since the 1000 is specific perhaps for you know ARP and 00:58:19
other things, I think maybe let's just do. 00:58:24
Let's do the. Let's do the one week unless anybody else has a. 00:58:29
Issue with that if y'all don't have a preference, that's what I'd not suggest. If everyone's OK with that, that sounds good. 00:58:34
Everyone OK with that? All right? 00:58:37
OK, so that I think the motion as it stated is item 16 as submitted with the addition of one week's pay for manager Dickerson. 00:58:41
That would then come out of fund balance because it can't come out of ARP. OK, so that's the motion. Is that correct, Chuck? 00:58:48
That is correct. OK, That's Councilman Garrett's motion. Do we have a second? 00:58:55
We have a second. 00:59:00
Councilwoman. 00:59:01
Any discuss? 00:59:03
All right, all in favor. 00:59:06
Aye. Any. 00:59:08
All right, Motion carries 5. 00:59:10
All right. 00:59:15
We're going to move along to public comment. 00:59:17
Oh, did we did have the addition, didn't we? Yeah. Yeah, we have size of 17 and 18. Thanks for reminding me. Item 17 is the opioid 00:59:21
lawsuit. I think that's is that yours, Mr. Reitman? 00:59:26
Both myself and Miss Dickerson, she brought it to my attention today. I've already given you a capsule summary, so let me give it 00:59:33
back to Miss Dickerson if that's alright with you to add in your input since you were involved in this as a Commissioner and 00:59:40
Athens Clarke three or four years ago. So if you can speak to it from that perspective too, please. 00:59:46
Right, so. 00:59:52
The opioid settlement was I think the reason it's come forward recently is that they've settled the terms of that settlement. Now 00:59:56
this, this started back in 2018, maybe even late 2017. 01:00:02
And so now they've Janssen, who is handling who is the. 01:00:08
I guess the plaintiff or? 01:00:13
Defendant. Anyway, they have now settled those terms. So those terms have come forward in July, and neighboring Oconee County had 01:00:16
it on their agenda last month, and the mayor had asked me about it. 01:00:20
And I was not. I was under the impression that you had to be asked, but from what I understand from reading the information today, 01:00:25
anybody can jump into it. I did speak with or got some information today from GMA and the attorney may want to have a may have an 01:00:31
opinion about this, but from what I understand. 01:00:37
The state has not joined it yet and according to GMA, or at least my Rep said that they have to in order for the cities and 01:00:44
counties to participate. But I I know that the deadline is January the 2nd and so without having to call a special meeting, if you 01:00:50
guys are wanting to participate, there isn't a downside to it. From what I understand, it's simply you're simply going to and I'm 01:00:55
I'm not sure the the only thing I'm not sure about is how they may dictate in those terms. I need to look at the terms and make 01:01:01
sure how that money is used. 01:01:06
That's the only thing I'm not 100% sure about. And Mr. Mayor and Council Manager, I remember looking at this several years ago for 01:01:13
another client and in fact sent this out kind of as a blast e-mail to all my municipal clients in March of 2018. We had a lot 01:01:20
going on with the city at that time and action was not taken at that time. I don't think it even got on the agenda. 01:01:27
The Long story short is based on my research 3 1/2 years ago. Going from memory, I saw no downside to it all potential upside. 01:01:34
This is Money coming from this manufacturer slash defendant. As Miss Dickerson stated, that is in the form of a class action 01:01:42
settlement of which you can opt in. I do recommend that basically you all approve a motion tonight to opt into the class action 01:01:49
and to approve. 01:01:56
The standard boilerplate resolution. 01:02:04
Essentially the same as the county if somebody wants to say so moved or they can restate it as they wish. 01:02:06
Back. Sure. Absolutely. 01:02:13
This is a lawsuit that has been filed on behalf of a class of plaintiffs due to. 01:02:19
Injury from opioids against an opioid manufacturer, That's the best way I can state it. Going from memory of 3 1/2 years ago, I 01:02:27
think Miss Dickerson dealt with it a little more recently than I did. Did I stated consistently with your understanding and per 01:02:33
your discussions with GMA today? Yes, so. 01:02:39
The the the lawsuit has to do with the fact that that it was marketed and promoted. 01:02:47
This Pres. 01:02:51
Medications that were irresponsible and that's and they've and so that's the gist of it is that they've. 01:02:53
It. 01:02:59
Promoted to do certain things it wasn't maybe. 01:03:00
Prescribed the right way or prescribed too much. And so the company is basically not admitting any wrongdoing, but they are 01:03:04
agreeing to a certain settlement and anybody that joins it will be part of that settlement. 01:03:10
And the county, based on rough numbers that Miss Dickerson received today, is expected to get basically around 100,000 if we do a 01:03:16
kind of interpolation. Rough math based on population. My guesstimate as I stayed at the outset when we were setting the agendas, 01:03:22
probably something the magnitude of 10,000. I'm not aware of any restrictions on that. We can investigate that further, but again, 01:03:28
I did not see any downside when I researched it three years ago, nor have I heard of any downsides in the intervening 3 1/2 years 01:03:35
passage of time. 01:03:41
I think, you know opioids have had a tremendous negative impact on communities all across rural Georgia and that's that was the 01:03:50
impetus for the not just Georgia but across the country. And so that was part of the impetus for. 01:03:56
Class action suit was. You know that when these were advertised and marketed, you went up with a group of people who were 01:04:01
addicted, often took part in criminal activities often. 01:04:05
Municipalities, a lot of money in terms of how do I deal with the crime, how do I deal with treatment, how do I deal with these 01:04:10
impacts, especially larger municipalities. But you know, I don't know if the chief would not have said a little bit, but I mean we 01:04:16
see the impact of opioids in Oconee County and in Watkinsville. 01:04:21
Perhaps not to the degree of some of the larger cities in rural Georgia. So I think that's why it's prorated. 01:04:27
But I felt like if we had a shot to participate in this, we ought to. I don't see a downside to it. 01:04:32
You know it's not the manufacturer's going to settle for an amount. There's going to be a. 01:04:39
And then that pool is then, I think, divided up among people who are parties to the class action suit you've probably read about. 01:04:44
I can't remember the name of the family, but it's been very high profile. 01:04:49
In terms of some of the coverage in the mainstream press? 01:04:53
There's one privately held business and I think there may be one or two other companies that marketed opioids that are involved in 01:04:58
the in the lawsuit. 01:05:01
I did send out an e-mail this afternoon to the Rome, GA attorney who is coordinating this in the state of Georgia. 01:05:09
And because of bit being late in the day, I didn't get a response back. I was able to find that original package from March of 01:05:16
2018, but the links to the Dropbox or the downloads had all expired, so I don't have that documentation in hand. What I do 01:05:22
recommend is. 01:05:27
That any motion be to approve the same standard form opt in form. 01:05:33
And resolution as the county approved recently And to give a comfort level, if you want to say, subject to final approval of 01:05:39
mayor, city attorney and city manager, that would be a nice safeguard, so to speak, to ensure that there's not some hidden issue 01:05:46
or concern. 01:05:52
Salute. 01:06:02
All right, we have a, so move. Do we have a second? 01:06:05
All right now, and I do want to be clear on this, I mean. 01:06:08
There's there's a chance that nothing comes of this, but I think it's worth. I think it's worth exploring and seeing if we can be 01:06:12
a part of it. If we've missed a deadline, if we don't have the opportunity then. 01:06:16
You know, nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? So, so there's there. You know, we may not, but we felt like since there's a 01:06:20
deadline coming up. 01:06:23
We wanted to give the attorney and the manager the opportunity to explore and see if we could benefit and perhaps offset some of 01:06:26
our historic costs because of opioids. So, all right, we have a motion. We have a second. Any further discussion? 01:06:32
All right, All in favor. Say aye. 01:06:40
Any opposed? 01:06:42
All right. That's item 17, opioids. Item 18 is the qualifying document. I know that was in consent, but manager Dickerson, if you 01:06:44
could walk us through that? 01:06:49
So council can get comfortable. 01:06:54
So, Rebecca England. 01:07:01
Board of Elections Superintendent contacted Julie what? Tuesday, Monday or Tuesday this week and said reminded us that the 01:07:04
qualifying fees have to be approved by January for them to be able to advertise. So the qualifying fees have been set at 3% since 01:07:11
I've been here, probably before even that, and it's 3% of the salary for the positions. In this case it will be post 3-4 and five 01:07:18
that will be running. Those are council members. 01:07:26
The annual salary or annual compensation is $2400. The qualified fee would be $72. 01:07:34
And they simply have to advertise. We're trying to make sure that they have plenty of time to publish that information before the 01:07:41
deadline of February the 1st. 01:07:44
And we know that a certain newspaper has some deadline changes because of some changes in family status and so we want to make 01:07:47
sure we get that taken care of and in the paper as soon as we can. 01:07:53
All right. That's the summary on qualifying fees. Any questions for Mrs. Dickerson? 01:08:02
No questions. Do we have a motion? 01:08:07
I'll make a motion that we approve the 2022 election qualifying fee. 01:08:12
At 3%. 01:08:18
All right, we have a motion. We have a second. Any discussion. 01:08:21
Hearing none. All in favor? Say aye. Any opposed? All right, that carries 5 O on qualifying. We're now going to move on to public 01:08:24
comments. Again, Scouts, this is your chance if you need to get. 01:08:30
If you need to get your communications badge moving, you know you can stand up here and. 01:08:37
Offer up a STEM Winder. I think you get up to 4 minutes per person. Comments should be related to an agenda item if possible. 01:08:41
We'll give you some leeway. Scouts if you want to get your. 01:08:46
If you want to get that Communications merit badge checked off tonight, or that that requirement on the badge, I can even check it 01:08:52
myself. I'd be glad to. 01:08:55
But so public comments on anything on the agenda or anything on someone's mind come on up if you've got it. 01:08:59
I'm not. 01:09:08
Anybody step up? All right, maybe our next meeting? Anybody online missus Dickerson, who wishes to make a comment? 01:09:10
It looks like we have one more person that has joined, but I do not see any indication from the system that there's anybody that 01:09:17
would like to make a comment. 01:09:21
All right. No public comments. With that, we'll close that portion of the meeting. We'll move on. And team scouts were close to 01:09:28
the finish line here. We've got the mayor's report and council reports, a couple updates from from the mayor. 01:09:33
I mentioned earlier what a success the parade was. I don't think I can restate that that was great. But we also had some sad news 01:09:41
last week and two weeks ago and that we lost. 01:09:46
Jim Carter Jim hadn't lived in Watkinsville very long, but I'll never forget we had a moment at the City Council meeting. I think, 01:09:52
Connie, you probably would have been on council. And Christine, were you with us yet? When? 01:09:57
The the we had a house that was falling apart on 2nd. 01:10:03
And the church that owned the house was going to list the pieces of that home on Craigslist and sell it, demolish it, and sell it. 01:10:06
And some council members got wind of that, decided we'd try to work with the church to preserve it. But, you know, we didn't have 01:10:13
the resources to preserve the home. And Jim Carter, who you see pictured here. 01:10:18
Stepped up and came to Watkinsville and preserved that home. And he did more than preserve it. He transformed it and turned it 01:10:23
into something beautiful. 01:10:27
And. 01:10:31
Jim, in his short time in Watkinsville made an impact that will last a long, long time and you see here the house behind him on 01:10:33
2nd St. Jim also relentlessly picked up litter and so if you lived on the eastern or northern side of Watkinsville, you probably 01:10:39
saw him. 01:10:44
On the sidewalks, on the street, picking up litter almost every day. He was he was famous for that. Some of his neighbors are 01:10:49
thinking about trying to coordinate a, you know, a weekly litter pick up to make sure that those roads stay clean, which is a 01:10:55
great way to honor Mr. Carter. So I'm excited to see that come to fruition. But. 01:11:01
Jim made a great contribution to Watkinsville and while we speak grateful for that, so I want to be sure we recognized him 01:11:07
tonight. 01:11:10
Connie and I both were able to attend a visitation and made it clear to his family how much he he meant to the city. 01:11:15
Harden Hill, Resur. 01:11:23
Well, we'll go to ESP. That's what the picture is. That is not Hardened Hill, thankfully. 01:11:25
Next door right out the window, you can't see it at start now, but all of a sudden the site that that has been being worked on for 01:11:31
months and months kind of came to life over the past two weeks. So if you haven't, if you haven't been by during the daylight 01:11:35
hours or look to the right of City Hall. 01:11:39
ESP the. The fully accessible playground is really coming to life. And what ESP did, which I thought was great, is they had a 01:11:45
professional crew come to build it. But instead of. 01:11:49
Instead of needing paying that crew extra to take longer to do it, they they found hundreds of volunteers in the community to come 01:11:55
in and work with that crew. 01:11:59
And help assemble the, help assemble it. You see there's some muddy some muddy photos. It was. It was. Christine and I were out 01:12:03
there on Friday working and. 01:12:07
This week they're pouring concrete and adding in the ramps and the steps. 01:12:43
Umm. 01:12:47
So that guests in wheelchairs or walkers or senior citizens or people with strollers can get all the way from the park down there, 01:12:47
all the way up to the playground. So it's. 01:12:51
Wonderful investment in Watkinsville. ESP is investing more than two and a half, $1,000,000 in that. Our contribution from 01:12:55
Watkinsville is a little bit over $400,000. 01:12:59
To pay for the playground, but ESP is handling the lion's share of that, and it's going to be tremendous for the city and for the 01:13:03
community. 01:13:06
So I just wanted to recognize. 01:13:09
Any other? Christine, did you have any thoughts after being out there? 01:13:13
Just like everything the ESP does, they're just doing a fantastic job with getting community involvement. And I mean, just seeing 01:13:17
the scope of volunteers was really amazing. So that's, I can't wait to actually kind of test ran the zip line. 01:13:26
And it's going to be really fun. So I don't think it's just going to be little kids playing out there. I I plan to be out there as 01:13:36
well. 01:13:40
All right, so that could be an entertaining City Council meeting in the spring. Maybe. Maybe we'll have to. We'll have to do a 01:13:44
quick adjournment to do the, do the. 01:13:48
Harden Hill Rd. Is underway being resurfaced, that is important not just from a transportation perspective but that's a that's 01:13:54
really helps our storm water the the improvements on Hardin Hill Rd. the sidewalk and the curb. We're done specifically so that we 01:14:00
would capture more water and the quality of that water is improved before it goes into our creeks. And so the paving and the re 01:14:05
crowning of that road is a really important part of that. So that is. 01:14:11
Going on started today and we expect will last through Friday. Thank you, Councilman Garrett. 01:14:16
For lending your expertise to that manager, Dickerson, I'm pleased that's getting done before the end of the year. 01:14:21
Christmas at Wire Park was this weekend. We had four or five. Was it that many people out there? 4 or 5000 people out at Wire Park 01:14:27
apparently for Christmas at Wire Park. Wire Park continues to make progress is going to be a great addition. 01:14:33
For Watkinsville and then I mentioned earlier that we are testing out a new public portal for council meetings called Suite 1. You 01:14:40
see the camera up there, it's a little more advanced than our RingCentral system. So we I don't know if we'll have to do this 01:14:46
hybrid sort of system again, but manager Dickerson's working out the Kingston tonight's the first night that we've tried it. 01:14:53
8 seconds, That's the difference. 01:15:03
I guess I should use this but the the thing that's so the difference between these two that I told the mayor earlier the 01:15:07
difference is is when you're they'll be able to see council and they'll be able to see the documents that you already have in your 01:15:12
packet on one side of the screen. And I encourage you guys to go to the website to. 01:15:17
To the government tab and then City Council meeting information and click that top link and it'll it'll take you to there even 01:15:23
even though you won't see obviously this this. 01:15:27
That isn't on the Internet can still listen to the to the meeting. They might be driving somewhere. I want to listen to the 01:16:04
meeting and if they wanted to make public comment they could they could make public comment. So there is a way to do it with zoom 01:16:10
through the system and that's what I need to still work on. So give me a little time to figure it out. 01:16:15
But overall, kind of a cleaner interface, a more modern system. It won't be us, you know, balancing two or three laptops and that 01:16:22
kind of stuff is Sharon and others on the staff are doing right now. 01:16:26
So that's the update from the mayor. And with that, I'll turn it over to Councilman Garrett to kick us off on our council reports. 01:16:32
Arden Hill had a break in the weather and they were able. 01:16:47
Hopefully get it finished with no problems and then Simonson Bridge Rd. the. 01:16:52
Shoulder widening and starting tomorrow. 01:16:57
Should be finished Friday with nothing, no breakdowns and nothing happens. And then thank you Sharon for working with the county. 01:17:01
Getting several of the bicycle share. The road signs up so warrant shows has a couple on it. That's a good start. So. 01:17:09
Hopefully we can get it on the other main roads coming in and out of town. 01:17:20
For the safety of the bike community and. 01:17:25
For the public safety all together. And that's one thing about Simonton Bridge with the 2 foot. 01:17:29
Shoulder. It'll make it much. 01:17:35
For people riding bikes on. 01:17:38
And it's not going to. 01:17:41
Bumpy. 01:17:42
So somebody could actually ride on it without their without their teeth coming out. 01:17:45
All right. Thank you. Councilman Garrett, Councilwoman Massey. 01:17:51
Have nothing to report at this time, but I would like to say it was a wonderful Christmas parade this year and I'm glad every we 01:17:54
had. I'm glad we had good weather and I'm glad everybody made it. 01:17:59
Amen to that. 01:18:04
All right, Councilman Thomas. Yeah, I just wanted to thank everybody that did show up to the. 01:18:06
The parade, that was amazing. I've lived here all my life and it was largest one I've ever seen, so. 01:18:11
That was amazing. And then the Christmas at Wire Park for for y'all that did show up. Also amazing. Second annual Christmas at 01:18:18
Water Park. 01:18:23
There's a lot to be thankful for that we have and I just wish everybody a Merry Christmas. 01:18:27
Thank you, Councilman Thomas. 01:18:32
Councilwoman Tuck. 01:18:34
I don't. I never know if Jeff or Iris was about this, but since our last meeting we went to Greensboro, GA and met with the 01:18:39
development down, the development authority and every city we go to. I feel like we're gleaning more and more and I'm excited to 01:18:45
get that process started here in Watkinsville. 01:18:52
Great. And Councilman Campbell. 01:19:00
Yeah, just echo what Christine said. And then I'd also like to go to Madison to meet with their downtown development coordinator 01:19:03
to kind of learn some things that they've done to compare with, you know, Greensboro and Monroe. But it's been an exciting 01:19:09
learning process for all of us. 01:19:14
Right. So just some context for those of you online and those of you are here, Council Councilman. 01:19:20
Campbell and Councilwoman Tucker on our downtown and Economic Development Committee and they're helping us evaluate whether what 01:19:25
we need to do to keep our downtown healthy. Think about a downtown master plan and potentially a down what's called a downtown 01:19:30
development authority, which gives us the ability to create a person or office specifically focused on a healthy downtown. So 01:19:35
they're evaluating that and we'll come back. 01:19:40
Council with some recommendations next year and then Councilman Thomas makes a great .1 of the things our key priorities in 01:19:46
Watkinsville is creating opportunities for people to gather in person. 01:19:51
You know, and get to know each other as citizens and individuals and create that opportunity for meaningful connections. And we've 01:19:56
had several of those in Watkinsville and that will continue to be a priority for us. 01:20:01
Every single month here in Watkinsville, so. 01:20:07
Thank you for to all of you for your hard work and for a great year. 01:20:10
And with that? 01:20:14
To our guests, we're going to make a motion, I think in a moment to move. 01:20:15
Executive session for the purpose of threatened or pending litigation, which means y'all can exit and and head out. I know it's a 01:20:19
school night so thank you all for coming. 01:20:23
Do we have a motion to go into executive session? Make a motion to go into executive session to discuss potential and current 01:20:28
litigation. 01:20:32
We have a second from Councilman Thomas. All in favor? Say aye. All right, 3 minute break while people get out of here and if 01:20:37
anybody needs to run to the restroom. 01:20:40
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Quite a quite a successful evening and we're thrilled. Our grand marshals were Jerry and Kathy Chappelle. They weren't here. For 00:00:01
those of you who know Jerry and Kathy, they were a longtime artist who lived in Watkinsville. 00:00:06
And then I don't know if Ed Keegan with the Ashton Hope Keegan Foundation is here. Edie, come on up, we have have something for 00:00:13
you. 00:00:16
Edie helped was the artist for our 2001 commemorative ornament. 00:00:21
Are a vital part of making this event work. Mark and Shannon Martin with Classic City Clydesdales provided a ride for the Grand 00:00:57
Marshals. I don't see Mark or Shannon. They aren't here. 00:01:02
They're probably tending cows and horses, if I know them. 00:01:07
Mallory Enterprises and Human Services. Is there anybody here with those organizations? 00:01:10
They provided records for the judges and announcers. Taylor Gable with Watkinsville golf carts provided golf carts for the event 00:01:15
staff. 00:01:19
The school district provided a bucket, truck and staff to help with the Christmas. 00:01:23
Hal Jackson, I know is here with Oconee State Bank in the Oconee County Tourism and Visitors Bureau Commercial grade ornaments for 00:01:28
the trees. How wave at everybody. Again, thank you for doing that. 00:01:32
Um. 00:01:37
What's that? 00:01:38
Hal gets an ornament. All right, good. 00:01:39
OK. 00:01:46
And then the Oconee County Civic Center in Grace, Athens helped us with the audio system and set up. 00:01:47
And then John Ayers, is John here? 00:01:52
John provided Santas ride, which is really important. We couldn't have flying reindeer on Main Street, it's too dangerous. So he 00:01:56
provided a great ride for Santa. So those are our sponsors who helped put together the. 00:02:01
And now want to present the awards. 00:02:07
For in the children's category, the best float was Boy Scout Troop 80. That's flight number 48. Who's here from Troop 80? I see a 00:02:10
lot of Scouts. 00:02:14
All right, you got your guys with you. We have them all come up and they get a picture. 00:02:19
Ornament right here. 00:02:28
Come over a little bit. 00:02:32
All right. Most artistic in the children's category. Boy Scout Troop 96. 00:02:44
Anybody here from Troop 96? 00:02:51
Doesn't look like. 00:02:53
Best use of fame was Cub Scout Pack 149. 00:02:55
Best float for adults was American pest control. Anybody here from American Pest control? 00:03:20
Then they have the one with the cake. It was pretty awesome. Really great quote from them. Long time Oconee County business I 00:03:26
think. 00:03:29
Their 50th anniversary, maybe this year, if I remember right. 00:03:32
Most artistic was the smile. 00:03:35
No one from Smile Doctors. They would had a great picture though, wouldn't they? And best use of theme was first response, 00:03:38
pressure, cleaning anybody here from first response I don't see anyone now. I know we've got our best tractor here. We're 00:03:44
appreciative of the Montgomery family for coming out. Our best tractor was Montgomery Farms. Y'all come on up. 00:03:50
Yes. 00:04:13
How many years y'all become? 00:04:16
All right. Best antique was Little Italy. 00:04:26
I don't see Little Italy or smell the. 00:04:30
And best overall. 00:04:33
Was our Cub Scout Pack 300? 00:04:35
You want to hold this? 00:04:45
All. 00:04:50
All right, so another successful parade. I do want to recognize the announcers that we had. Adam Hammond, Kirk Dunnigan, Kara 00:04:56
Broad. 00:04:59
Michael Gill. Our parade judges were Jessica Gill, Callie Mobley, Alexis Kramer, Valerie Ladue, Callie Pennington and Emily Dobbs. 00:05:03
That was not an easy job I'm thinking through. 00:05:08
All the floats that went through more than 100 floats, that's a really tough. 00:05:14
Our lineup volunteers of County, County, Rotary Club and the Chops and Hop. 00:05:18
And our vocalist for the national anthem was John Haley. Special thanks, Chief, to you and your guys. I know how hard you worked 00:05:22
our public works department. 00:05:26
That was a long afternoon setting up and traffic control, crowd control. Oconee County Sheriff's Office also helped and there are 00:05:31
members of the planning committee, Kathy Anderson from the Oconee Farmers Market, Christy Curtis from the Convention and Visitors 00:05:35
Bureau. 00:05:39
Angela Farr, Shannon Brock, Sharon Dickerson from the. 00:05:44
And. 00:05:48
And she couldn't believe least. And she's not here, right because she's got a restaurant to run, but Melanie Adkins James 00:05:49
volunteers her time. 00:05:53
To run the Christmas parade for us and the tree lighting and does a wonderful job. 00:05:57
For those of you who know Melanie, she does. She's the owner, correct at Chops and Hops and does a wonderful job there too and 00:06:03
volunteers her time to put on the Christmas parade and that's quite a commitment, so. 00:06:07
Anyway, if we could give another round, everybody involved in the parade. 00:06:13
Now to our parade folks, as exciting as these meetings are, don't feel like you have to hang around. We're going to keep on going. 00:06:20
But if y'all want to take a couple minutes, if you want to go, feel free to exit and nobody will think I'll of you at all. 00:06:26
All right, it looks like we've got some scouts. Or are y'all here? Are y'all here to get a requirement done tonight? 00:07:09
Okay. All right. 00:07:16
Well, kill two birds with one stone. Maybe for some of you, but welcome. We're glad to have you. 00:07:18
I'm trying to remember the merit badge. Is it communication or citizenship or which one are you working on? 00:07:23
Citizenship. 00:07:28
I get to sign off on that at Troop Troop 7 from time to time. So excited to have you all here. 00:07:30
If you have any questions, there's a citizen comment point later on and you can work on your public speaking skills there, you 00:07:37
know, So if you're if you want to step forward to the podium, we always love to hear from our youngest citizens so. 00:07:42
Welcome to all of you. We're glad that you're here, Council. We're going to move on through the agenda at this point. We'll start 00:07:48
with the approval of the minutes. Do you have? Everyone should have had those minutes in their packet for several days. Are there? 00:07:54
Discussions, corrections, or comments on the. 00:08:01
Hearing none, is there a motion for approval? I make a motion to approve the minutes. 00:08:05
All right, we have a motion. Do we have a 2nd? I'll second? We have a motion and a second. Any comments? 00:08:10
All in favor say. 00:08:15
Any opposed motion carries 5 O minutes are approved. 00:08:17
Approval of the agenda. 00:08:23
I don't know if any council member has anything they wish to add or remove from the. 00:08:27
I would ask that we remove item 5 under consent. We have not confirmed our potential member of the Board of Health yet. 00:08:31
So the consent agenda, for those of you who are new, are scouts. That's where the City Council has reviewed that material in 00:08:38
advance. 00:08:42
So we don't have all the. 00:09:18
Customized for Watkins Ville, but we'll probably do is talk about having you. Please add to the agenda that for at least 00:09:21
discussion perhaps consideration of the template standard forms. 00:09:27
The county is going to get we believe approximately $100,000 out of this opioid litigation overtime since the population base you 00:09:33
may get something in the ballpark of 10,000, but there's Dickerson, are you good also with having that added to the agenda for 00:09:38
that purpose? 00:09:43
OK. So we have one item allowed under new business item 17 regarding the opioid lawsuit. Is there any other additions or 00:09:50
considerations for the agenda? 00:09:54
Mayor, there is one under consent that's setting the qualifying fees for the 2022 election if we can get that approved. And I did 00:09:59
hand that out a document out everybody's spot tonight, All right. So new addition under consent agenda is qualifying fees, which 00:10:05
have not changed for elections. So we have one that we're removing item 5, we're adding an additional item. 00:10:11
Under consent. And then we're adding an item regarding the opioid lawsuit. That's the agenda that we have for approval unless 00:10:18
there's anything else. 00:10:22
If it is something brand new that we're just seeing right here, can it go to new business instead of consent if we haven't had a 00:10:26
chance to look at it? If you haven't had a chance look at it, let's move it to new business. That's fine. OK. So we will move. 00:10:31
Which one do you want to move to new business qualify, right. So we're going to move the qualifying fees. If everyone's good with 00:10:35
that, that'll move to item 18, OK, under new business. 00:10:40
Rather than consent, because not everyone's had a chance to. 00:10:45
All right. Any further suggestions on the agenda? 00:10:51
Hearing none, can I have a motion please? 00:10:54
I make a motion to approve the agenda with the modifications just mentioned. All right, we have a motion to approve the agenda as 00:10:58
modified. And do we have a second? 00:11:02
I'll second. We have a second from Councilman Thomas. Any further discussion? 00:11:07
All in favor, Say aye. 00:11:12
Any opposed motion carries 5. 00:11:14
All right, we're going to move on to administration. I will say broadly we like to remind everyone of our public input and public 00:11:18
comment rules. There are certain spots during the meeting where public comment is legally required. There are others where it is 00:11:23
not, but it councils discretion we may choose. 00:11:28
To allow that, obviously we advise everyone to refrain from debate back and forth. Argument personal attacks are irrelevant 00:11:34
discussion when they make comments. But unless it's a specific public hearing or legally required, council will make the decision 00:11:40
as to whether allow public comment on a matter or not. With that, I'll turn it over to Manager Dickerson for our financial 00:11:45
reports. Economic development reports, please. 00:11:51
Thank you. 00:11:58
The first is we have the balance sheet, the revenues and expenses and they're a new packet has been placed in front of you simply 00:11:59
because there was a slight change in that want to make sure you had. 00:12:04
Some of the other reports that we had in your packet include your spouse. One report, So this is from 2009. There's $452,000 in 00:12:41
there. That money will be used for the sewer, or at least right now is is. 00:12:48
Program to be used for Sewer line A. The construction of sewer line A. There's money in this one as well as in SPLOST 2. 00:12:55
Spots to report We are no longer getting money in either spot One or Spice 2. Revenues have ceased on those two. 00:13:03
Projects, there is $41,000 balance funds in spots two right now. We'll talk a little bit tonight. One of the items about using 00:13:10
some of that money, possibly using some of that money in there for one of the projects, but we are at 41,000, nine, 920 over what 00:13:16
we already have programs. So there's a little bit of extra room in there. 00:13:22
Splash 3 reports and I we don't really have. So the items in red and y'all seen these before. The items in red have been 00:13:31
designated. I'll remind you all that the audit, the categories were what the city citizens voted on 4 categories with certain 00:13:38
amounts in those categories. The items underneath that are in black are items that were during the planning phase were discussed 00:13:45
as potential projects. You still have to appropriate or designate those. The items in red are the ones that have been designated. 00:13:52
So sort of keeping track of what you've already allocated money to be used for in Spa 3 right now, the 1st and we'll talk about 00:14:00
that. The first installment we got, we started accepting money in October. We don't see it till the end of November because the 00:14:06
way it's paid out to, to the city. So you got 68,000. We only budgeted I think at 80%, I think we budgeted about 60,000. So we're 00:14:13
above what we budget, what we thought we were going to project to receive. 00:14:20
And I like to do that. That way we have a little money if we need. 00:14:27
The American Rescue Plan reports right now we have a balance of 556,000. 00:14:31
It's a little. 00:14:38
It's not, it's the city was given 548,000. 00:14:40
They didn't clear by the end of November because we just wrote them at the end of November. So next month you'll see that it'll 00:15:23
wash out, but we have to use that account to keep track of it. 00:15:27
A couple things to note on the ARP. 00:15:32
Again you had 500. If you look at the bottom, the expenses, you have 548,204. Fifty is what you were given the amount. Again, 00:15:36
these are appropriated amounts you have already appropriated. 00:15:41
Um. 00:15:47
2/3 of the money you have a project that starting started today on Hardin Hill resurfacing of that road which was one of the 00:15:48
projects. 00:15:52
And then you appropriate money at the last meeting for a pay retention program for the Police Department that again it hasn't been 00:15:58
expended yet, but they're those are expenses we're anticipating. So you have about $160,000 still not appropriated that actually 00:16:03
can be used. There are no real restrictions on that money because that was money that was set aside as revenue loss. It was one of 00:16:09
the categories we calculated had the city been operating normally you would have seen that money in revenues you didn't and so the 00:16:14
state. 00:16:20
Provided a formula for us to use and that's the money that does not have to be used for broadband, for public safety, for anything 00:16:26
dealing with COVID storm water or or sewer. So. So you got a little flexibility with that money. Again at the top you'll notice 00:16:32
where we have the Georgia State Fiscal Recovery fund money for first responders to supplement that money did come in like I said 00:16:38
next month you'll see it in the expense column so. 00:16:44
Lot of information. Any questions? 00:16:52
I'll just say for the benefit of our young attendees, this seems probably complicated and boring. The easy way to think about a 00:16:55
lot of this is the SPLOST money. It's a big acronym, but we get a little every time your parents go shopping in Oconee. 00:17:01
There's a there's a little bit of extra tax that's on there and Watkinsville gets a super small amount of that that comes back to 00:17:08
the city when your parents shop, and so that helps pay. 00:17:12
For roads, for sidewalks, for police officers and things like that. That's what we use that money for, for our scouts who may not 00:17:17
be familiar with some of those terms. 00:17:21
Move to the next. 00:17:32
For business licenses and building permits. 00:17:34
We've received 27 business licenses as of November, the end of November for a total of a little bit more than $4000 and those were 00:17:44
just sent out. They have until March 15th to without penalty to pay their business license. 00:17:51
And then on the building permit side, we're starting to see more projects, more projects over at Water Park come through. There 00:18:00
are actually 10 building permits for 9 projects because some of those are at Wire Park. 00:18:05
And yeah, so we're going to start probably next month, you'll see even more. So any questions on either one of those reports? 00:18:11
All right, police report from Chief Brock. 00:18:30
Tell us what's going on in the world of law enforcement chief. 00:18:34
Everything's. 00:18:37
Thank you for keeping your promise. I know. I'm so disappointed Michael didn't run that as the as the headline chief keeps his 00:18:41
promise. 00:18:44
Makes good. 00:18:48
But thank you Michael for all the recognition and the coverage that you've provided us throughout this last year. It's been 00:18:52
pretty, pretty awesome to. 00:18:55
Be in the paper and for good things. 00:18:59
Yeah. 00:19:01
Good evening, Mayor and Council. It's always an honor to be in front of you again. I provided the report for the Monthly. 00:19:04
Allocation of. 00:19:12
Of. 00:19:15
Speed devices that we have out there in place as well as the activity officers have been up to. Does anybody have any questions 00:19:16
over any of the data or material that I provided? 00:19:20
I see. You know, I see everybody being quiet. Let's just be quiet and go home. Merry Christmas, All right. 00:19:26
Well. 00:19:34
We've made it around the we've made it around the sun one more time, so here we are. 00:19:35
It's. 00:19:41
It's always an honor to be in front of you and. 00:19:42
It's an honor to serve this. 00:19:44
All right, Chief. Thank you for thank you for another great year. Appreciate you and all your officers and what you do and know 00:19:47
this. 00:19:50
Tough time of year. Tough time of year. 00:19:54
Maybe be in law enforcement, be away from your family, but we appreciate y'all serving, so the rest of us. 00:19:56
Rest of us can rest easy. Thank you. Yep. 00:20:01
All right. Moving on, we have the consent agenda. I would ask for approval on the consent agenda as modified earlier. So we're 00:20:06
removing item 5. 00:20:11
And item 9A is also coming off, so we would be appro. 00:20:16
Item. 00:20:20
Through nine on the consent agenda. 00:20:21
Correct, Sharon. 00:20:24
I'll entertain a motion unless anybody this is your last chance to pull something off. 00:20:26
All right, motion, please. 00:20:33
I'll make a motion that we approve the consented consent agenda. 00:20:38
Uh. 00:20:42
For six through 9. 00:20:44
All right, we have a motion. Do we have a second? 00:20:47
I second. All right, We have a motion in a second. Any further discussion on the consent agenda? 00:20:51
Hearing none all in favor say. 00:20:56
Any opposed motion carries 5. 00:20:58
We'll move on to our public hearings we have. 00:21:01
One public hearing tonight that is a We're considering a new city charter again for our scouts who are here and folks who aren't 00:21:04
normally here, our charter. 00:21:08
I guess you'd say our highest level governing document for the city. It's kind of our foundational document that describes the 00:21:14
role of the city, the city's responsibilities and how we operate. And it's combined with our city codes and other documents. But 00:21:19
it has to be approved. 00:21:24
By the state legislature for it to be changed, so we. 00:21:29
Approve any changes that we want to Our charter has not been updated since 1983. 00:21:32
So there are some parts of it that are out of date. State law has. 00:21:38
And so this group had a public meeting last week to discuss at a workshop. We also had a public hearing at last month's council 00:21:41
meeting. 00:21:45
We've advertised. 00:21:49
And this is once again a public hearing for that. 00:21:51
Attorney Reitman, if you'll formally walk through the comment procedures for the public on the charter, and then we will have a 00:21:56
public hearing on our new charter. Glad to do so, Mr. Mayor. Section 2-26 of the City Code looks like this, and it's a list of 00:22:02
public hearing procedures and we try to keep copies up at the podium. 00:22:08
And as stated by the mayor earlier, obviously we do not have debate, argument, personal attacks or irrelevant discussion. A few 00:22:15
other rules of the road, so to speak, includes comments shall only be directly relating to agenda items and that this is for 00:22:21
comment as opposed to question, answer and it's a 4 minutes per individual rule. So again, this is up at the podium. If anybody 00:22:28
wants to grab one now or when they leave, they're welcome to do so. And I guess we're now ready to transition into our public 00:22:34
hearing, Mr. Mayor. 00:22:41
All right. Thank you. Attorney. Reitman. Mrs. Dickerson, do we have anyone on RingCentral tonight? 00:22:49
Just want to be sure if we do that, we're able to accommodate them for public comment. We do not have anyone other than staff, OK? 00:22:57
No one other than staff, All right. At this point, is there anyone who wants to come forward and make a comment on the new city 00:23:01
charter? 00:23:05
May I point out, Mr. Mayor, that online for about the last week or so we've had the existing 1983 charter and the proposed new 00:23:10
charter as well and a document that looks like this that maybe you can put up on the screen, Sharon, if you have it. 00:23:18
It's all it's on the drop box comparison of some key elements of the current quote old charter with the GMA. 00:23:27
New Charter and that has been available online for some time. There it is and if anybody wants to make reference to that if they 00:23:36
come up to the podium and wish to speak and ask any questions in regards to those charter changes. 00:23:43
All right, I'm not seeing anyone come forward. So at this point, unless there's anyone online, I'm going to close the public 00:23:52
hearing. 00:23:55
All right, we will move on to appearances. We have a 10 minute time limit for appearances per the guideline of state zoning 00:24:02
procedures laws. 00:24:06
If we have anyone who comes forward, Joe, then we can get more specifics on time limits for applicant presentation. I think 00:24:12
tonight, Sir, may be pretty straightforward. 00:24:16
The one item that we have is the 13 School St. partial demolition permit. 00:24:20
Mayor, Mayor Mark, if you could give us a quick update on. 00:24:27
What the situation is on School St. 00:24:31
Thank you Mayor. So the the address there, 13 school St. the application was presented by the owner, Tom McConnell. The the size 00:24:35
of the property it's it's just under an A/C. 00:24:40
And it's got frontage on more than one street, but the Main Street it has frontage on is School St. It's zoned downtown. It's 00:24:46
currently a detached residential. The request is not for demolition of the entire structure, it's just for a portion of the 00:24:52
structure. So if you can go to the next slide, for those of you who are not familiar with where 13 School St. is located, I would 00:24:58
consider that to be centrally. 00:25:03
Located, so hopefully that gives you an idea within the city where that that is located. 00:25:10
The next line, there you go. So there's a picture from School St. Again, the request is specifically related to a porch area and 00:25:15
then an added room as they have phrased it that can probably be seen better there on the next slide, yeah, the room that would be 00:25:21
on that southern facing side, you can see the the need. 00:25:28
For. 00:25:35
In that area. I know that the city staff has been working with the property owner to discuss that in some greater detail, but that 00:25:37
is what the application. 00:25:41
Would. 00:25:46
So the existing structure is approximately 2000 square feet. The application specifically is for that front porch and side room 00:25:47
that you saw in the picture previously. 00:25:52
The indication is those structures or those portions of the structures are not providing adequate drainage from the roof, which is 00:25:57
allowed water infiltration and that results in the deterioration of the structure that you've seen. 00:26:04
So they have said that, or the applicant, I should say, has indicated they will reconstruct. 00:26:10
Those portions of the home. 00:26:16
And they indicated that they would mitigate the asbestos. 00:26:19
Removal prior to the completion of the demolition, but they did not provide a specific asbest. 00:26:26
Containing materials report. 00:26:32
There's a number of companies they can engage with to do that. They only indicated that that asbestos medication would be done 00:26:34
prior to the demolition, which is again part of the state requirement on that. So that would need to be a condition and another 00:26:41
condition would be, again, this is not, it's not going to stir more than an acre because the property itself is less than an acre. 00:26:47
It's not within 200 feet of a stream. So it's not required to go to the state from an erosion control standpoint, but. 00:26:53
As always on any project, they shall install the appropriate best management practices to to ensure that there's no sedimentation 00:27:00
or erosion control that adversely impacts either the the public right of way or any adjacent properties. 00:27:07
Be happy to answer any questions that you might. 00:27:13
Before we get into our questions. But I mean, I don't think Mr. McConnell is here tonight. He's not here. OK, great. Christine, go 00:27:18
ahead with your questions. Yes. 00:27:22
This is the first demo. 00:27:28
Request for a partial. 00:27:30
It is on, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything at all in any way. 00:27:34
They are OK. 00:27:40
Sit. 00:27:44
So. 00:27:45
Why is this a demo and not? 00:27:47
Like a building permit. 00:27:51
Because. 00:27:55
I guess I'm just wondering the the order of things like what is the guarantee that indeed the porch and this room will be rebuilt? 00:27:57
OK. 00:28:41
OK. So I do think it is, that is a fair question as in this situation if someone typically is renovating a home. 00:28:43
This. 00:28:49
Why we're calling it demolition versus building, but since we're working on a table tonight, maybe Y'all can tackle that and come 00:28:50
back. If you aren't prepared to answer that tonight, come back to us on that. 00:28:55
Well, I mean my understanding I'd have to pull the code, but my understanding of a demolition, A partial demolition even is that 00:29:00
you're structurally, you're moving something that's structural. It's not like you're going in and you're just replacing a roof or 00:29:05
your and you're physically removing a section of the house. I mean just like we had an incident on column fair at one point. 00:29:11
And it was a it wasn't intended to be a demolition, but it became a demolition. I think there were some other instances, you know, 00:29:17
where. 00:29:20
Some people made, some, you know. 00:29:23
Happened and that was considered a demolition. It wasn't considered a renovate because you're taking a section of the house off. 00:29:26
So that's that's why, but we'll get more information and be prepared at the next meeting to give you that. 00:29:30
It may just be semantic, but I think it is a fairpoint because when people see demolition that implies it may not ever come back 00:29:35
if it's not coupled with the building permit. But all that being said, it sounds like the applicant wants to. 00:29:40
My sense is we're probably comfortable tabling that until we have more information. 00:29:46
So with that, I'll entertain a motion. 00:29:49
I make a motion to table this to the next meeting to the January meeting. 00:29:54
All right. We have a motion to table to January. Do we have a second? 00:29:59
I'll second we have a second. Any further discussion? 00:30:02
All right. All in favor of tabling until January? Say aye. Any opposed? 00:30:07
Motion carries 5 O. 00:30:12
All right. We will move on to old business. 00:30:15
The We have an amendment to the Alcoholic beverages Ordinance. This is. 00:30:19
To enable Watkinsville to have a brew, have breweries and. 00:30:24
The Brewery Committee that's been working on this is council members Campbell and Tucker. 00:30:29
Councilman Campbell, if you can give us an update on the ordinance, what might have changed since the first reading? 00:30:35
And any other information council needs to know. 00:30:43
Sorry. 00:30:57
Let's see number. 00:31:01
#7, #2 Also we do allow special rates for fundraisers. For that we added. 00:31:03
Yes. 00:31:10
In Section 2, we changed the no happy hour discounts, no Buy one. Get one for your other specials, except special rates for 00:31:16
fundraisers for 55O1C3 nonprofits in compliance with state law. 00:31:24
We clarified a company. Yeah, that was the main one I saw. And then the next one was in #7. We added that no one under 21 be 00:31:40
allowed inside without an adult. 00:31:46
I think importantly, not just an adult, but a parent or guardian. So you say, you know, that's an important difference there. 00:31:55
And then on the back, the crow. 00:32:05
Then we added in the section about growlers. You poor growlers seems to be more common. 00:32:08
In breweries to fill cans instead of glass, it seems to be a better option. Easier to do for breweries, so we added the crowlers 00:32:14
with the sea instead of AG that you could fill the can or a glass bottle. 00:32:21
Those are the primary changes, I think. I think the final change that we added was we made it explicit that you can bring in food 00:32:29
from a neighboring. 00:32:33
Neighboring establishment, you know, again with the idea being you know that that outside food is is welcome inside the brewery, 00:32:38
so. 00:32:42
Anything else? 00:32:47
As long as it complies with all health department requirements for food consumption on premises, which typically as a brewery 00:32:49
manufacturing facility probably would. But in an abundance of caution, we put that guardrail, so to speak, in there. 00:32:55
All right. So we have been discussing this for several months. 00:33:05
I'm going to look out at the audience. This is, this is something different than big for Watkinsville. If and if you going to 00:33:10
comment on this, then this might be a place where council would welcome a comment. I don't see anybody anxiously nodding at me so. 00:33:17
I'll bring it back behind the rail council. 00:33:25
Any discussion on the second reading of the? 00:33:28
Proposed brewery alcoholic beverage ordinance for breweries. 00:33:34
All right. I'm not hearing any. I think we all kind of have staked out our positions previously on this ordinance, so. 00:33:45
Hearing that, I'll call for a motion on the. 00:33:51
On the brewery. 00:33:55
I make a motion to pass the amendment to the. 00:34:00
Brewery. 00:34:04
All right, we have a motion from Councilman Campbell. Do we have a second? I second. 00:34:07
All right, once again, Council, this is your chance for discussion. 00:34:10
Any discussion? 00:34:14
Everybody's just looking this. 00:34:16
Connie again. 00:34:19
Enough restaurants in town now serving alcohol. We don't need to brew it. We're trying to turn it into Athens. 00:34:22
All right, Connie has made her opinion known. Anyone else want to discuss this? 00:34:30
All right. Hearing none. All in favor of the ordinance, Say aye. 00:34:37
Aye. 00:34:42
Any opposed? 00:34:43
All right, the motion carries. 00:34:45
With Councilwoman Massey opposing. 00:34:49
All right, we are returning now to the new city charter again for our civic minded young guests. The reason we have to do this 00:34:53
twice is we're legally required to have a formal public hearing, but the council does not take action after a hearing. We have to 00:34:59
bring it back onto the agenda and actually vote, vote for it as an old business item. So we're going to. 00:35:05
We're going to bring the new charter back is our old business item. Attorney Reitman if you want to give us whatever we need to 00:35:12
know before we vote on that. Yes Sir, a few things. Number one, this is a documents been online, it looks like this. It says a 00:35:18
bill to be entitled and act and we have 6 copies up at the podium with a few little corrections hand marked on that. Number one, 00:35:24
Miss Christine Tucker point out that our lettering was CDEF instead of BCD etcetera. So that is fixed in the final version that is 00:35:31
online. 00:35:37
And on the screen if that's available. 00:35:44
If you have that, but it might be too small from the screen, don't worry, that's OK not a problem. 00:35:45
So that is the Christine Tucker correction there. Thank you for catching that sharper eyes than mine. The next correction, and 00:35:51
this is more of a change, is at page 11. 00:35:56
To clarify the general powers of a Municipal Court judge to not only punish for contempt, which means wrong behavior, but to use 00:36:01
what we call civil contempt or remedial contempt to encourage somebody to comply with orders of the court. So instead of it saying 00:36:09
punish those in its presence of contempt at page 11. And this has been marked on those copies at least with the notation to 00:36:17
utilize the powers of contempt. 00:36:24
And take out the word punishment and also instead of saying $200 it now says. 00:36:32
$200 per day or 10 days in jail. That is important because to get the attention of a large corporation or industry who might be a 00:36:38
violator, there needs to be a per diem contempt to encourage them to do the right thing $200. 00:36:46
Total is ineffective for our large companies. That's the purpose behind that. 00:36:55
And those are the two late breaking changes from today. The rest of the changes are fully covered in the document that the city 00:37:00
manager has on the screen that we talked about a little bit earlier and that documents been up since probably at least last 00:37:06
Friday, maybe earlier probably. 00:37:12
As we go back to last. 00:37:18
Excellent. Well and this is this is the updated version you might recall is a little unclear as to whether talking about the old 00:37:20
number example 6.28 or the new section 6.32, all that has been updated and this has been online for at least since last Friday I 00:37:26
believe with more detail, more particulars to address issues and Mr. Mayor, I think that's it other than to mention that the 00:37:33
legislature will take this up in January and or February when it comes into session. This basically goes forward as a vote of 00:37:39
approval from the council. 00:37:46
Does not become effective until the state legislature would approve that probably in February and then it'll be enacted into law 00:37:53
formally on July 1 of 2022 and you will have a 39 years more modern charter at that time. 00:38:01
All right. Thank you, Joe. Yes, Sir, Council any? 00:38:12
Any comments regarding the? 00:38:16
Long compound flights. 00:38:20
Hearing none, I'll entertain a motion, please. 00:38:23
I'll make a motion to approve the updated charter as as written. 00:38:30
Let's just make that clear with the changes that the attorneys outlined, correct? With the new changes, All right, perfect. 00:38:39
And those changes, clean copy, I think there's a little bit of underlining have been up since mid afternoon on the website as 00:38:45
well. So the public had access to that prior to this meeting. 00:38:49
All right, so we have a motion. 00:38:55
For the charter, with the adjustments, slight adjustments made by the attorney, do we have a second? We have a second from 00:38:57
Councilman Garrett. Any further discussion? 00:39:02
All right. All in favor, please say aye. 00:39:08
Any opposed? 00:39:12
Motion carries. 00:39:13
Thank. 00:39:15
All right, we will move on to item 14. This is the Pavement Management Program Report manager Dickerson. We're going to let you 00:39:16
tell us all about the city's roads. 00:39:20
Just a little history. 00:39:27
Sorry, I'm determined. My mic on. So I was being told I wasn't being heard. We engaged a company that the county was working with 00:40:10
and they came in and they used a specialized truck and they wrote, drove all of our all of our 2223 miles of roads and I used a 00:40:18
laser and captured a lot of data. That data then was put into you know a system that they've created that helps determine. 00:40:27
The strength of the road what type of pavement treatment might be be used for that road because you may not always have to 00:40:36
resurface it. You could use crack seal or. 00:40:40
Councilman Garrett. What's the other one? The Crush. 00:40:47
Chip seals our chip seal. So so because that helps your Rd. 00:40:50
Last longer and you don't have to do an expensive resurfacing. 00:40:55
So that has all occurred since August of this year. We spent a little bit more than $5000 to have that done. I think that money is 00:40:59
going to, you know, come back and and really help us and help you all make decisions to really good use of the money. 00:41:05
There are 18 streets, about 162 segments, about 22 linear miles of Rd. 00:41:13
It is somewhat subjective, but there is a pavement condition index that they've been using. A rating scale where zero is worse 00:41:19
than 100 is best where it's just been resurfaced. 00:41:23
I mentioned about the fact that they did, they did collect the data, recorded 100 foot intervals, so a lot of deep, very detailed 00:41:28
data and then they do a quality, they go back. 00:41:32
They're one of their engineers goes back and actually pulls actually goes along those roads and gets a visual as well. So sort of 00:41:38
to confirm the the rating of those roads. 00:41:42
I did provide an Excel spreadsheet. Will I I don't. I think I do do have a screenshot of that that I'll put up here in a minute. 00:41:47
What's interesting though is so and Councilman Garrett May, since he's in this industry, may know a little bit about this. So the 00:41:55
G dot says that the condition of Rd. should be 70, should at least be 70. Our average condition is 65. Now don't freak out too 00:42:03
much because basically we we do have, as you see in item, 662% of our roads are in good to excellent condition. 00:42:11
But it also is a wake up call that we need to start paying attention to some of the roads, and I know there are roads in the city 00:42:20
that probably haven't been paved since people moved in 30-40 years ago, so this will be a great opportunity to start. 00:42:26
You know, putting the money back into those roads and providing improvements to those Rd. 00:42:32
This is a map with the red lines are the city streets, and you probably can't make out the other colors because they're kind of 00:42:39
close, but there are some county roads in there as well. 00:42:43
Simonton Bridge probably is the one you can probably make out the best and then barn. 00:42:48
On. 00:42:52
Those are the roads the city is is responsible for. 00:42:53
The pavement condition summary These are the top 12. I believe they're twelve. I think there's 122468 or 10 roads and you'll see 00:42:58
the PCI is there in yellow. It's been highlighted the lowest, which is not a surprise. The lowest rated street is Durham St. which 00:43:04
is. 00:43:11
Hardly a street, right, but and that's something that we'll talk a little bit about as well. The next Rd. up is Layla Lane and if 00:43:17
you've been out there you can see that it is in poor condition. There are estimates and I'm still going to, I'm still working on 00:43:23
that sound and of course you know this is still an estimate. We won't know really the cost until we go out and and get a price, 00:43:29
but the estimate for the for rehab in that road. 00:43:36
Layer lane which is like. 00:43:43
.124 miles or 657 linear feet is around $77,000. 00:43:45
We'll talk about that in a minute. Here's the network overview. So again, our overall network PCI is 65. 00:43:52
2/3 of a range roughly are in good shape. The other third need some help. 00:44:01
In in the report I didn't screenshot this. 00:44:08
Make sure I've got. 00:44:11
You gotta put it on here. 00:44:13
Well, on the, on the next item, I'll talk about what we're going to do. I'm sorry, I'm getting confused because we've got another 00:44:17
report on this. So L Meg is coming up next. In the next report, I'll talk a little bit about how about for y'all to use that money 00:44:22
or ask that we use that money. So for right now, this is the report about the pavement condition index again. 00:44:28
My hope is is that this will be. 00:44:35
This will serve as the tool for you all as you make decisions about how to use spouse money, because we have money in spouse 3, 00:44:38
have a little bit of money in Spas 2, and we can talk about that on the next item that can be spent to you know to track to pull 00:44:43
these. 00:44:48
Poor roads off of this list and get them improved. 00:44:55
Are there any quest? 00:44:59
All right. Thank you. Manager Dickerson. Really great system. 00:45:04
So they recommend. 00:45:12
Refreshing it every, you know, four to five years depending and you know if we have a, if there's a, if there's some significant, 00:45:14
you know, weather event or something like that, maybe earlier, but typically four to five years, I think. I don't. Sorry. 00:45:20
Councilman Garrett might be able to speak to that as well. 00:45:25
Let's think that's a valuable, great investment. Help us use our dollars wisely, Manager Dickerson. If you could just roll on and 00:45:39
then to your recommendations on the L Meg. For those of you who are new here, that's some funds that are provided to us by the 00:45:44
state to help us pave some of these roads. 00:45:49
So. 00:45:55
So the Local maintenance improvement grant is provided through G dot. That's in the past. I guess the state gives money to local 00:45:57
governments to resurface their own roads, so they're not responsible for doing that. 00:46:02
They give you a certain amount for every lane mile that you have. Certainly mile you have. The city has benefited fairly fairly 00:46:08
well with that money over the last few years. We've most recently resurfaced portions of 1st St. Bond Drive, Bond Court, Bonway, 00:46:14
Meadowview Court, Tanyard Trail, 1st St. 3rd St. 00:46:20
As I mentioned, I am going to request that you go to the street that's listed as item 2, the second worst St. in the city layout 00:46:58
lane according to. 00:47:03
Survey that was just done and because Durham St. is obviously the worst, but Durham St. there's a lot of activity that's going to 00:47:09
be happening along that street. We anticipate with Waters Walk and there will be some opportunity to coordinate with that 00:47:15
developer and and that street would be estimated at about 1/4 of $1,000,000 to do if we had to do it by ourselves. So we'll we'll 00:47:21
move into that as this other development comes forward. 00:47:27
So our recommendation is to pave lay a lane using the L make money. This year we're only expected to get about $43,000. We are 00:47:33
required to match that with 30% local funds. We do have that money in our SPLOST and I don't know if I have that in my slide. Let 00:47:40
me see if I've got that spreadsheet or not. Nope. 00:47:46
So we are required to. 00:47:54
To match that, I did budget again, y'all have not appropriated that, but we did talk about it and I did appropriate about $20,000 00:47:56
or sorry designate that we would need $20,000 for that. So we're still shy. 00:48:03
Let me get to the next slide. 00:48:12
So we're still shy about $21,000 on this report. I said you could appropriate the funds from SPLOS 3 or the city's fund balance, 00:48:14
but you do have about $20,000 in splash Two. Sorry, 40 thousand, $40,000 in Splash Two. That is more than what we project we're 00:48:21
going to need. So you could also take it out of that. It's 6 1/2 a dozen the other I guess. 00:48:28
We do have to have the application in by I think February 1 and they should let us know March, April time frame whether or not 00:48:36
they approve that road and then we'll have to and then that's when we'll go out forbid you know get pricing and stuff. 00:48:42
All right. Thank you. Manager Dickerson, do you need a? 00:48:52
Do you want to make a recommendation to us as you get a little further along where you want to pull the funds from or do you want 00:48:55
us to discuss that? 00:48:57
I mean, I honestly, I think it's 661 half a dozen. The other, I mean we're based on our projections of what has been committed out 00:49:00
of Splice 2 for the playground. 00:49:05
And trying to think what else is left in. 00:49:10
Based on the on the projects we response to, is the the funds for. 00:49:15
Sewer line. 00:49:21
Yeah, so, so I, you know take it out of two, take it out of three, I don't think it matters you've got both those categories are 00:49:22
are eligible categories you can pull it from so. 00:49:27
Why don't we, why don't you come back to us in a month? We also have the state grant that could come out that could impact the 00:49:33
pool where we pull our funds from on. 00:49:37
So I'd recommend that we wait a month, you know, and I don't even know that you really need to come back to us to determine that, 00:49:41
but. 00:49:44
You know, because we have, we have a request in for a state grant that could affect the SPLOST allocations. Why don't we sit tight 00:49:47
on that unless you, well, I do need to get the application in because the state would like our application. They've already sent 00:49:53
several emails. I'm just saying in terms of you picking and choosing the funding source, I think we ought. 00:49:58
Go ahead and approve the request tonight and then. 00:50:04
You know, you can just let us know what your recommendation is on funding that, but I think we need to go ahead and approve it if 00:50:07
that's OK. 00:50:09
Right. 00:50:12
All right, Council, can we have a motion? 00:50:14
On the element. 00:50:18
I make a motion to approve the L. 00:50:22
Project. 00:50:25
All right, we have a motion to approve that Whale Lane project. We have a second. 00:50:28
All right. We have a second from Chuck. We have a motion. We have a second. Any discussion. 00:50:34
All in favor, say aye, any OPP. 00:50:39
Motion carries 5 O. 00:50:42
All right. 00:50:45
Next up is we have. 00:50:47
Recommendation from our Finance and Personnel committ. 00:50:50
And manager Dickerson regarding utilizing American Rescue Plan funds for a premium pay for essential workers. 00:50:53
And a budget amendment. So manager Dickerson if. 00:51:02
Lead us in that conversation. That'd be great. 00:51:07
Would you like to start, Connie? 00:51:10
Now we are just going to say that Mister Garrett and I met with you and you went over all this with us and. 00:51:12
And I'm hopeful at least everybody's had a chance to read this and but I would like to make a recommendation that we add Miss 00:51:19
Dickerson to the list. 00:51:23
All right. So we won't, we won't give, we'll come back to that. I think we'll let Sharon walk us through. 00:51:29
Walk us through the memo and then Connie and Chuck, I'll come back to you all at the end if you want to make a specific 00:51:35
recommendation on that, OK, OK, so the ARP money, the American Rescue Plan money, that was. 00:51:41
Issued to cities and counties and states throughout the United States was for the purpose of. 00:51:48
Addressing COVID impacts, which included the impact on essential workers in this government, we have 17 when we're fully staffed, 00:51:55
17 employees who are essential, everyone of them, what they do, if we're just like Athens, Clark County, City of Atlanta, Augusta, 00:52:04
Richmond County, we're required to do the exact same things they're required to do, but you know, require a little bit more. 00:52:14
For each of our staff members to take on in order to perform those duties. So the ARP money, the American rescue plan money can be 00:52:25
used for essential workers to help boost essential workers pay. I'll remind council that in fiscal year 21 there was no cost of 00:52:32
living increase because of what was going on with COVID. Council did not approve that there was a there was a bonus that was 00:52:39
provided to staff. I think it was one week's pay for staff that were on board. 00:52:47
And that's been somewhat of a tradition since I've been here, something that the Council has gifted to to our staff. 00:52:55
But we're talking about a very small amount of money, about 20,000, well $17,000 out of 1.1 million that the city is going to be 00:53:00
getting, which is about 1.8%. 00:53:05
I only had three employees over at home and that was because they had someone who was. 00:53:41
In a critical critical category. 00:53:45
What I'm recommending is that the monies be used to. 00:53:50
To basically boost up the city staff the essential workers. It will not include the officers who received the first responder 00:53:54
supplement that thousand it would they will not receive and you'll if you look at the and I don't I didn't put it up I thought I 00:53:59
did but the in the. 00:54:04
In your packet, I gave you a chart and I gave that to the committee that day. There's a chart and it's a two-part. We're asking 00:54:10
for essential pay, which will be one week pay for that worker and then an additional retention bonus. There were and there still 00:54:16
are lots of opportunities for our employees to go elsewhere and for a lot more money. 00:54:23
I've been really fortunate to have a great staff who, you know, become a family and we support each other and there's some value 00:54:31
in that as well. But there have been opportunities for other staff members to leave and they've they've stuck it out and I 00:54:35
certainly appreciate them doing that. 00:54:39
We're asking that there be a retention, that additional $1000 retention bonus. Again, the officers who got the state supplement 00:54:45
will not be able to get that. We're only asking that they would get that one week pay and this is also only for those employers 00:54:50
who've been here for at least 12 months. So they've been working through these these. 00:54:56
Toms. 00:55:04
Are there? 00:55:05
I can. 00:55:07
All right, we have the recommendation from the manager. 00:55:12
On. 00:55:15
On the essential worker pay, as you said, it is has been tradition for us historically in the city that we do. 00:55:17
End of year, end of year amount to our employees. This year is a little bit different because we have a. 00:55:27
Funding source potentially to use for that. 00:55:32
Chuck or The other thing that I want to say about this is we need to avoid this isn't a conversation about performance of 00:55:37
employees. This is you either need to vote this up or vote this maker, vote this up, vote for a different amount collectively. 00:55:44
Or vote it down. We don't need to discuss. 00:55:51
Employees or individual employee performance that would go into executive session if we needed to do that. 00:55:54
So Connie or Chuck, you all have any anything that you want? 00:56:01
You want to add, I know you mentioned potentially. 00:56:04
Mrs. ****. 00:56:06
Mayor, if you if the if the decision is made to include me, you cannot use ARP money for me. You'll have to use fund balance money 00:56:13
but the. 00:56:16
U.S. Treasury guidelines do not allow for employees earning more than 150% of the OR 3746 per hour, and I'm just over that amount, 00:56:22
so I will not be able to be used ARP money. You'll have to use fund balance money for me if you decide to do that. 00:56:29
Doesn't it have on the have Sharon on this? 00:56:39
This one that we have to hold like. 00:56:42
To look at is this what we are looking at approving? Hers is blanket. 00:56:45
Oh, OK, I'm sorry. It's I'm struggling with my. 00:56:50
Sideways reading. Scrolling. 00:56:54
Yeah, do you want a copy? That would be really great, actually, for my. 00:56:59
The limitations of Dropbox that that something else we have to hope to improve in 21 that it's. 00:57:04
I don't think there's a way you can rotate. 00:57:10
Yeah. 00:57:13
All right, if the committee wants to make a recommendation. 00:57:17
Either as is or to add Mrs. Dickerson, that's the committee's. 00:57:22
I would look for a motion from the committee either way. 00:57:26
Um. 00:57:30
So that we can move this ahead. 00:57:30
Unless there's the need for discussion. 00:57:32
Try to remember it all, yeah, I would like to make a motion. 00:57:39
You know that we Recom. 00:57:44
As we stated, OK. 00:57:46
So we want to approve, we want to approve the resolution that we have. 00:57:49
Do you want to add, Mrs. Dickerson want to add and we'll figure out where to get. 00:57:53
Money. All right, so so to add Mrs. Dickerson with the both of them with the one weekend, the 1000 or just the one week? 00:57:58
I have. 00:58:13
We had no preference. We have no preference, all right, since the 1000, since the 1000 is specific perhaps for you know ARP and 00:58:19
other things, I think maybe let's just do. 00:58:24
Let's do the. Let's do the one week unless anybody else has a. 00:58:29
Issue with that if y'all don't have a preference, that's what I'd not suggest. If everyone's OK with that, that sounds good. 00:58:34
Everyone OK with that? All right? 00:58:37
OK, so that I think the motion as it stated is item 16 as submitted with the addition of one week's pay for manager Dickerson. 00:58:41
That would then come out of fund balance because it can't come out of ARP. OK, so that's the motion. Is that correct, Chuck? 00:58:48
That is correct. OK, That's Councilman Garrett's motion. Do we have a second? 00:58:55
We have a second. 00:59:00
Councilwoman. 00:59:01
Any discuss? 00:59:03
All right, all in favor. 00:59:06
Aye. Any. 00:59:08
All right, Motion carries 5. 00:59:10
All right. 00:59:15
We're going to move along to public comment. 00:59:17
Oh, did we did have the addition, didn't we? Yeah. Yeah, we have size of 17 and 18. Thanks for reminding me. Item 17 is the opioid 00:59:21
lawsuit. I think that's is that yours, Mr. Reitman? 00:59:26
Both myself and Miss Dickerson, she brought it to my attention today. I've already given you a capsule summary, so let me give it 00:59:33
back to Miss Dickerson if that's alright with you to add in your input since you were involved in this as a Commissioner and 00:59:40
Athens Clarke three or four years ago. So if you can speak to it from that perspective too, please. 00:59:46
Right, so. 00:59:52
The opioid settlement was I think the reason it's come forward recently is that they've settled the terms of that settlement. Now 00:59:56
this, this started back in 2018, maybe even late 2017. 01:00:02
And so now they've Janssen, who is handling who is the. 01:00:08
I guess the plaintiff or? 01:00:13
Defendant. Anyway, they have now settled those terms. So those terms have come forward in July, and neighboring Oconee County had 01:00:16
it on their agenda last month, and the mayor had asked me about it. 01:00:20
And I was not. I was under the impression that you had to be asked, but from what I understand from reading the information today, 01:00:25
anybody can jump into it. I did speak with or got some information today from GMA and the attorney may want to have a may have an 01:00:31
opinion about this, but from what I understand. 01:00:37
The state has not joined it yet and according to GMA, or at least my Rep said that they have to in order for the cities and 01:00:44
counties to participate. But I I know that the deadline is January the 2nd and so without having to call a special meeting, if you 01:00:50
guys are wanting to participate, there isn't a downside to it. From what I understand, it's simply you're simply going to and I'm 01:00:55
I'm not sure the the only thing I'm not sure about is how they may dictate in those terms. I need to look at the terms and make 01:01:01
sure how that money is used. 01:01:06
That's the only thing I'm not 100% sure about. And Mr. Mayor and Council Manager, I remember looking at this several years ago for 01:01:13
another client and in fact sent this out kind of as a blast e-mail to all my municipal clients in March of 2018. We had a lot 01:01:20
going on with the city at that time and action was not taken at that time. I don't think it even got on the agenda. 01:01:27
The Long story short is based on my research 3 1/2 years ago. Going from memory, I saw no downside to it all potential upside. 01:01:34
This is Money coming from this manufacturer slash defendant. As Miss Dickerson stated, that is in the form of a class action 01:01:42
settlement of which you can opt in. I do recommend that basically you all approve a motion tonight to opt into the class action 01:01:49
and to approve. 01:01:56
The standard boilerplate resolution. 01:02:04
Essentially the same as the county if somebody wants to say so moved or they can restate it as they wish. 01:02:06
Back. Sure. Absolutely. 01:02:13
This is a lawsuit that has been filed on behalf of a class of plaintiffs due to. 01:02:19
Injury from opioids against an opioid manufacturer, That's the best way I can state it. Going from memory of 3 1/2 years ago, I 01:02:27
think Miss Dickerson dealt with it a little more recently than I did. Did I stated consistently with your understanding and per 01:02:33
your discussions with GMA today? Yes, so. 01:02:39
The the the lawsuit has to do with the fact that that it was marketed and promoted. 01:02:47
This Pres. 01:02:51
Medications that were irresponsible and that's and they've and so that's the gist of it is that they've. 01:02:53
It. 01:02:59
Promoted to do certain things it wasn't maybe. 01:03:00
Prescribed the right way or prescribed too much. And so the company is basically not admitting any wrongdoing, but they are 01:03:04
agreeing to a certain settlement and anybody that joins it will be part of that settlement. 01:03:10
And the county, based on rough numbers that Miss Dickerson received today, is expected to get basically around 100,000 if we do a 01:03:16
kind of interpolation. Rough math based on population. My guesstimate as I stayed at the outset when we were setting the agendas, 01:03:22
probably something the magnitude of 10,000. I'm not aware of any restrictions on that. We can investigate that further, but again, 01:03:28
I did not see any downside when I researched it three years ago, nor have I heard of any downsides in the intervening 3 1/2 years 01:03:35
passage of time. 01:03:41
I think, you know opioids have had a tremendous negative impact on communities all across rural Georgia and that's that was the 01:03:50
impetus for the not just Georgia but across the country. And so that was part of the impetus for. 01:03:56
Class action suit was. You know that when these were advertised and marketed, you went up with a group of people who were 01:04:01
addicted, often took part in criminal activities often. 01:04:05
Municipalities, a lot of money in terms of how do I deal with the crime, how do I deal with treatment, how do I deal with these 01:04:10
impacts, especially larger municipalities. But you know, I don't know if the chief would not have said a little bit, but I mean we 01:04:16
see the impact of opioids in Oconee County and in Watkinsville. 01:04:21