No Bookmarks Exist.
Started getting quiet? | 00:00:12 | |
Mayors got the gamble. We better get quiet. | 00:00:15 | |
Just waiting for the word. Are we on? We live yet? | 00:00:18 | |
All right. We're missing one screen, just so you know, if you could pop that down. | 00:00:24 | |
All right. Welcome everybody, to the April 20th Watkinsville City Council meeting. I'm pleased to see that we have a quorum here | 00:00:34 | |
tonight. In fact, we have perfect attendance. And thank you all for being here tonight. Let's please stand for the Pledge of | 00:00:38 | |
Allegiance. | 00:00:43 | |
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. | 00:00:50 | |
And to the Republic for which it. | 00:00:55 | |
One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. | 00:00:58 | |
All right. Once again, thank you all for being here. | 00:01:10 | |
Our meeting is being broadcast simultaneously and is available at the city website for anyone who chooses to walk along. | 00:01:13 | |
We have the meeting details, packet, and minutes are all organized so that you can follow along online if you choose to, and then | 00:01:21 | |
those recordings are made available to the public either the same night or the same day of our meetings so that the public can | 00:01:26 | |
follow along. | 00:01:31 | |
At this point, we do not allow online public input. Our guests will need to be here in person if they want to provide feedback, or | 00:01:36 | |
they'll need to do that in advance of the meeting. | 00:01:40 | |
The meetings agenda is posted one full week before the meeting to allow the public sufficient time to review. That along with the | 00:01:46 | |
meeting packet is posted on the Friday before the meeting and all that is shared online. We do have a less formal public input | 00:01:52 | |
policy here. Generally for the non legally required portions, Council at its discretion will allow the public to make comments | 00:01:58 | |
that is at the sole discretion of the council and is subject to some time limitations that the attorney will provide guidance on | 00:02:04 | |
if we need to do that. | 00:02:10 | |
There are some parts of the meeting typically where we where public input is required. | 00:02:16 | |
Or a public hearing is required and the attorney will advise when that occurs. | 00:02:20 | |
Our first matter that we have tonight is the approval of the March 23rd regular meeting minutes Council, if you've had a chance to | 00:02:24 | |
review those. | 00:02:28 | |
Minutes. I would love a motion. Or if there are any edits that need to be made, please let us know now. | 00:02:32 | |
All right, I'd love a motion if there's no corrections to the minutes. | 00:02:45 | |
I make a motion to approve the minutes. We have a motion. Do we have a second? | 00:02:51 | |
Second, any discussion seeing none all in favor, say aye. | 00:02:56 | |
Motion carries 5. | 00:03:01 | |
On the agenda, we do have one item we need to add to the agenda tonight. Please note that we do have three items under consent as | 00:03:03 | |
well. This is the time. If you want to pull one of those items for discussion, you need to go ahead and say that now. If you | 00:03:09 | |
don't, we will simply approve that. The one thing that we do need to add under new business is Laya Lane will need to approve some | 00:03:15 | |
budget to deal with that emergent situation on Layla Lane. So would ask that we would add an item 12 under new business for Whale | 00:03:21 | |
Lane so. | 00:03:27 | |
Now is the time to speak up if you want to pull anything off consent. Otherwise, I'll entertain a motion to approve the agenda | 00:03:33 | |
with the addition of Leo Lane under new business. | 00:03:38 | |
I make the motion to approve the agenda with the addition of Leo Lane as #12. | 00:03:44 | |
Do I have a second? Second. Any discussion? | 00:03:52 | |
Hearing none all in favor, say ay. | 00:03:57 | |
Any opposed the same motion carries 50. | 00:03:59 | |
All right, Administration, I already mentioned public input that we are can be a little less formal on that. If you do have | 00:04:04 | |
something that you want to speak to, please raise your hand, let us know, and we will indicate whether we are comfortable with | 00:04:11 | |
that. If it is a formal moment for public input, public comment or a legally required public hearing will indicate as such. | 00:04:17 | |
During that part of the meeting, if you do comment the City Council at any point, please address the council, not one another. | 00:04:25 | |
When you do come to the microphone, if you come to speak, please indicate your address. We are missing a microphone share. And do | 00:04:29 | |
you think it's sitting there on the dye somewhere? | 00:04:34 | |
OK. So you certainly don't have to hold it like a preacher. You can just put it out there and speak to it. But do speak into the | 00:04:39 | |
microphone, give us your address and your name before you speak because the public cannot hear you if you just comment from the | 00:04:45 | |
audience. So we would ask that you come forward. So our online. | 00:04:51 | |
Observers can see you. So we're going to start off tonight with a proclamation, one that's near and dear to us, and that is | 00:04:58 | |
recognizing our very own Julie Klein on Municipal Clerks Week. So I'm going to read this. | 00:05:06 | |
And it goes like this. | 00:05:15 | |
Whereas the office of professional municipal clerk, a time honored and vital part of local government, exists throughout the world | 00:05:18 | |
and whereas the office of professional municipal clerk is the oldest among public servants. | 00:05:23 | |
And whereas the office of the professional Municipal clerk provides the professional link between the citizens, local governing | 00:05:28 | |
bodies and agencies. | 00:05:32 | |
Where it is most appropriate that we recognize the accomplishments of the Office of Professional Municipal Court. | 00:06:05 | |
Now, therefore, I, Brian Broderick, Mayor of Watkinsville, do hereby recognize the week of May. | 00:06:11 | |
Through May 7th as Professional Municipal Court Week and further extend on behalf of myself, the City Council and City staff, | 00:06:15 | |
sincere appreciation to our professional Municipal Clerk, Julie Angel Klein, and to all professional municipal clerks for the | 00:06:20 | |
vital services they perform and their exemplary dedication to the communities they represent on this 20th day of April 2022. | 00:06:25 | |
Julie. | 00:06:30 | |
That is all well and good, and that's some big fancy language, but to be a little bit more down to earth about it. | 00:06:36 | |
You have been a rock for this community. | 00:06:42 | |
Gosh, more than two decades at this point? | 00:06:45 | |
You're tireless. You're incredibly professional. You're an asset to this group. | 00:06:48 | |
There's not much that gets done in this town that you don't have a hand in and we are deeply appreciative. | 00:06:55 | |
So on behalf of the City Council, on behalf of the citizens of Watkinsville, thanks so much for all you do. | 00:07:00 | |
I don't have a speech because I'll cry. Thank you. Thank you all. | 00:07:18 | |
Speech. Maybe Julie's worst nightmare in this scenario. He also Yeah, we will not ask that of her. | 00:07:26 | |
Umm. | 00:07:32 | |
But thank you, Julie. We do deeply, deeply appreciate you. | 00:07:33 | |
All right. With that, we will move on to Financial Reports Manager Dickerson. We're going to let you run us through our financial | 00:07:38 | |
position and how we're doing on all the Splice and Arpas and other acronyms, please. | 00:07:43 | |
You should have a copy of the balance sheet as well as the. | 00:07:51 | |
Revenues and expenditures, we are tracking actually less on the expenditures, a little bit more on the revenues than where we | 00:07:56 | |
should be at this point. So that's always good news. | 00:08:01 | |
If there any questions on that specific or not, I can take those now or later. | 00:08:06 | |
Have any questions about the balance sheet? | 00:08:10 | |
OK, SPLOST one report. So this is the 2009 SPLOST right now we have about 252,000 and some change in the in the account that money | 00:08:13 | |
is dedicated and designated and and appropriated for the sewer line, a project that is going through the industrial park. | 00:08:21 | |
Splash Two has ended as well at the 2015 there are funds in there for. | 00:08:31 | |
Hair shows part, Master plan, implement. | 00:08:38 | |
Specifically the 440,000 that is set aside for the playground that's going in as well as some other sort of landscape and whatnot | 00:08:41 | |
that's sort of being done. We also have Splash 3 monies that are being set aside for the Hair Shoals Park project out of SPLOST in | 00:08:47 | |
Spas 3. And then the other portion of this is the 904,000 and some change that will be added to the Splash One money for the sewer | 00:08:53 | |
line a project. | 00:08:58 | |
But both of these are not accepting any. There's no more money except for the interest we may get on those on those funds that are | 00:09:04 | |
in the bank. | 00:09:07 | |
This Bloss 3 project, this is our newest one, started last year in October. One I believe is our first. So I think yeah, it | 00:09:11 | |
started October 1. And so right now you have only spent a little bit more than $3000, but you have encumbered some funds. You've | 00:09:19 | |
encumbered monies for public safety personnel that was in last year's budget or in this current year's budget. | 00:09:27 | |
And you've also set aside some money for. | 00:09:35 | |
The fire truck, which I believe, we just think we just paid that check today. | 00:09:39 | |
For the I'm sorry, not for the fire truck, for the fire department, for Jaws of Life, a battery operated Jaws of Life unit. And | 00:09:44 | |
then it's not on here yet because we haven't spent any of the money yet, but we have encumbered $100,000 and I should have put it | 00:09:49 | |
on here for the recreational park and green space. | 00:09:54 | |
So that is on there as well or that is how these funds will be spent? | 00:09:59 | |
It's important to note that right now we're averaging about 71,000. | 00:10:04 | |
We typically when we budgeted for this project, we budgeted at 61,000 or about 62. So we're tracking about $10,000 more a month on | 00:10:08 | |
this which is obviously. | 00:10:14 | |
Good news. | 00:10:19 | |
Any questions on spots before I jump to American rescue? | 00:10:21 | |
And I know this is extremely small, but so the American rescue plan funds are the funds that were. | 00:10:25 | |
Approved. | 00:10:31 | |
The federal government in. | 00:10:33 | |
March or April of last year and distributed its city and they're going to be distributed in two tranches 1 tranche of. | 00:10:35 | |
$548,204.50 in July of this of this past year and another that same amount this this July. And these are funds that we'll talk. | 00:10:40 | |
Well, we're not going to talk about tonight too much, but I will tell you that on the consent agenda is a request that you | 00:10:46 | |
designate those funds for general government services. The final rule from the US Treasury was that those funds up to $10 million, | 00:10:52 | |
all governments can claim up to $10 million. If they got like I think Oconee County got 9 million, they can actually make a | 00:10:58 | |
designation to use a standard allowance. | 00:11:04 | |
Those funds for general government services, so you're no longer required to use them for sewer, water, broadband, essential pay | 00:11:10 | |
for employees where they want to, They encourage you to do that. But you have other government services that you may want to use | 00:11:16 | |
the funds for. And so although we have, we started out that way because that was the inner rule, the interim rule, the final rule | 00:11:23 | |
did not come into play until January of this year. So we had almost a full year of. | 00:11:29 | |
General government services and then you will have free rent on how you want to use those, so. | 00:12:09 | |
Any. | 00:12:13 | |
All right. Just a little bit of a follow up and I don't know if the mayor will want to try to address this now or not, but we do | 00:12:16 | |
have a schedule for the budget. | 00:12:20 | |
That's rolling out. Tonight will be the first public hearing on the budget. There is no budget to be seen yet, but if you have | 00:12:24 | |
input, the public has input on how they would like to see the government. | 00:12:29 | |
The funds in the upcoming fiscal year, that's the information that will be provided, that can be provided tonight to council. | 00:12:34 | |
The mayor and I will get together 1st of next week and go through his revisions and then we'll provide that to the council on May | 00:12:40 | |
2nd. | 00:12:43 | |
There are public hearings for the mileage rate and budget work sessions coming up in May. We may be moving. I guess I'll leave | 00:12:47 | |
that to the mayors request. The June meeting may move to the 14th, depending on y'all desire. And if so, we'll you know, we'll | 00:12:53 | |
publicize that. We'll have plenty of time to publicize that change, but. | 00:12:58 | |
But that's sort of what you're looking at. It's going to be fast and furious once we hit May 2nd and hopefully. | 00:13:04 | |
Be good opportunity to spend the. | 00:13:09 | |
To make this community even better. | 00:13:13 | |
Any questions? | 00:13:15 | |
Did you want to ask about the budget, about the about the date or anything yet? I think we'll nail that down. We'll nail that down | 00:13:24 | |
offline and see if we can. If we need to make that adjustment, we'll let everybody know in the next few days. | 00:13:29 | |
OK. | 00:13:35 | |
And move on, Yep. So business licenses, so we've had 39 business licenses in the month of March. | 00:13:36 | |
No alcohol licenses. | 00:13:42 | |
You probably see a lot of names, those that can read that small and got them in your packet, but and then we had on on economic | 00:13:46 | |
development building permits, we had 14 building permits for 9 projects. You'll see several that are over there in the in the wire | 00:13:50 | |
park. | 00:13:55 | |
Develop. | 00:13:59 | |
Any questions on any of that? | 00:14:01 | |
All right, seeing none, I will pass it on to that command. All right, Chief, think it's your turn. | 00:14:05 | |
What haven't you been up to is probably the better question, but we will, we'll go on from there, so. | 00:14:12 | |
Good evening, Mayor and Council. Always a pleasure to be here in front of you to talk about good things Watkinsville. | 00:14:18 | |
Umm. | 00:14:25 | |
I submitted a report last week. I was missing the front page data that I normally have to provide to you because a. | 00:14:26 | |
An update to my record management system caused a crash in the database and didn't get that fixed until today, but I did get a | 00:14:33 | |
copy of it done today. | 00:14:37 | |
And I submitted it to you at the dyess this evening if you have any questions over any of that or any of the traffic statistic | 00:14:41 | |
data that I have provided. | 00:14:46 | |
In the back. | 00:14:51 | |
Councilman Garrett, I appreciate those comments about the sign that's in. | 00:14:53 | |
On South Main, heading South. | 00:14:57 | |
Capturing the drivers, slowing down and your observance of that, that's good. | 00:15:01 | |
What? They're what they're meant. | 00:15:07 | |
Well, if you have no, no other questions and no other commentary. | 00:15:09 | |
Well, we had a little bit of fun over the weekend. | 00:15:15 | |
We had an Easter Bunny come in and hide 10,000 eggs. | 00:15:20 | |
And then that happened. | 00:15:24 | |
It was, it was quite the challenge to be on the receiving end of those kids. | 00:15:30 | |
And holding them back. | 00:15:36 | |
So that was a good time. The rain, you know, the rain rained early that morning and it it stopped exactly like I had predicted it | 00:15:39 | |
to do. | 00:15:43 | |
Meteorologically. | 00:15:48 | |
9:00 and we were able to get the eggs out on the ground and get everybody up there. | 00:15:50 | |
And happy. | 00:15:55 | |
All right, the next event we have coming up is Cops and Bobbers May 7th, 2022. The registration was open for 2 1/2 days. It filled | 00:15:58 | |
up completely. It is closed. | 00:16:03 | |
May have to back up and reevaluate having another one. | 00:16:10 | |
Because it filled up so quickly, but that's the way it was for me in Saint Mary's I I had a bunch of larger pond there and I was | 00:16:14 | |
able to accommodate well over 300 kids. | 00:16:19 | |
Annually and that would fill out in about 2 1/2 days. Three days so. | 00:16:24 | |
We're holding holding true to that, that standard, but. | 00:16:30 | |
Everybody's excited about fishing with cops, so hey, I. | 00:16:33 | |
All right. | 00:16:38 | |
Chief, do you have all the local partners that you need for prizes and such for that, or are you still looking for local | 00:16:39 | |
businesses to support that event? | 00:16:44 | |
Make sure they get recognized and. | 00:16:55 | |
Acknowledgement on social media and I know we don't have room for more kids, but if if you have some, is there an opportunity for | 00:16:58 | |
anybody to volunteer to help or support you guys or do you have all the help that you need? There's always. | 00:17:04 | |
Always plenty to do out there. I have fishing measuring stations and and recording stations that have to be manned. I have some | 00:17:10 | |
cooking that needs to be done, you know, helping here and there. You know she'll have to show kids how to help cook worms stuff. | 00:17:16 | |
There's there's plenty of work to do, so anybody wants to volunteer, just reach out to me. I'd be happy to try to find something | 00:17:24 | |
to do for you. | 00:17:27 | |
Thank you. | 00:17:31 | |
All right. That it for you, chief. OK, all right. Unless we have any discussion that we need to have on the consent agenda, I'll | 00:17:40 | |
entertain a motion to approve. | 00:17:45 | |
I'll make a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. | 00:17:55 | |
2nd. | 00:18:02 | |
All right. We have a motion in a second. Any discussion hearing? None. All in favor? Say aye. | 00:18:03 | |
Any. | 00:18:08 | |
Motion carries 5 O. | 00:18:10 | |
All right. At this point, we have a public hearing. | 00:18:13 | |
And I believe this is on their first public hearing related to the budget, correct Manager Dickerson. | 00:18:18 | |
So the purpose of this hearing and manager Dickerson, feel free to to jump in if you want to add anything. | 00:18:25 | |
This is we don't have. | 00:18:32 | |
We have not finalized the budget draft, so members of the public or members of the council, if you want to share some input on | 00:18:35 | |
what you would want to see in the budget, what's important to you, what your priorities are, we want to hear about it and this is | 00:18:39 | |
the time. | 00:18:43 | |
For you to do that, the speakers, as I said earlier, if you come up, state your name, state your address. | 00:18:47 | |
You know, we don't want to have any attacks. I don't think we will in the budget, I hope. But we would not want to have personal | 00:18:54 | |
debate, argument attacks or irrelevant discussion. We want you to address the merits of the matter that's before us, and in this | 00:18:59 | |
case it is the FY23. | 00:19:04 | |
Budget. You should speak to Council, not to each. | 00:19:09 | |
And obviously we can't speak to litigation or personnel matters, so the podium is open if anyone cares to come forward. And if the | 00:19:12 | |
attorney is satisfied with my description of how to handle public comment, all right. | 00:19:19 | |
Does anyone care to come and offer any any feedback or suggestions? | 00:19:26 | |
For the FY23 city of Watkinsville. | 00:19:31 | |
Now we have some local property owners, business owners. | 00:19:37 | |
Young citizens. | 00:19:40 | |
Our fearless leader of Oconee County, Chairman Daniel, thank you for being. | 00:19:42 | |
What? | 00:19:47 | |
I. | 00:19:50 | |
All right. I'm not seeing any comments there at the podium. So we will consider that matter close. We'll bring it back behind the | 00:19:52 | |
Rail council. I know we've had planning meetings or other things at this point. | 00:19:57 | |
Do you have anything else that you want to share with the manager or maybe related to the budget? | 00:20:02 | |
All right. Well, I know you've all been very active already in that process and thank you for that. And we'll have two more | 00:20:09 | |
opportunities, correct? | 00:20:12 | |
Have those kind of conversations in our next meeting, obviously there'll be something to react to. | 00:20:16 | |
Three more. OK. All right. OK. So that is our budget. Now we'll move on to appearances. We do have a 10 minute time limit for | 00:20:22 | |
appearances per the guidance of the state zoning law. And tonight on the agenda we have Waters Walk, which is an age restricted | 00:20:28 | |
independent living retirement community at Durham and Water streets has been proposed. | 00:20:35 | |
Mr. Campbell, our city engineer, I think we're going to start with a report from you, please. | 00:20:43 | |
Thank you, Mayor. So hopefully you were familiar with this project. You've seen it about a year ago when it went through the | 00:20:48 | |
rezoning process, which is the development agreement that was worked out over a couple months time period if you will recall about | 00:20:55 | |
this time last year. So just to jog everyone's memory, the location of the project known as Waters Walk is on the southern side of | 00:21:02 | |
the intersection there of of Water St. and Durham St. The majority of the development is not. | 00:21:09 | |
On the western side, which kind of goes down to the Creek, but it is up near the the corner of those two Main St. frontages. | 00:21:17 | |
It's a combination of a multiple parcels. | 00:21:24 | |
If you can go to the next slide, so that's that's the view of the corner facing South, so whether you knew the names of the | 00:21:28 | |
streets or not and as you were traveling there in that area somewhat paralleling Main St. | 00:21:35 | |
That is, there's a number of existing structures on that parcel as well, which is part of this application for construction | 00:21:42 | |
documents Site improvement, Next slide. | 00:21:46 | |
Again, so, so there's three primary structures there. That is the structure of the only of the primary structures that has | 00:21:53 | |
frontage on Durham St. so that is 40 Durham St. And then the other two structures are along along Water St. | 00:22:00 | |
You. | 00:22:08 | |
So that's the structure that's on Water St. that's closest. | 00:22:10 | |
To Durham. If you if you think about the the backside, if you will, of Oconee State Bank property, if you're heading towards the | 00:22:15 | |
courthouse, this would be on your right. | 00:22:19 | |
And then that is the, the third structure that is part of this, this area that's being developed for the Waters Walk project. | 00:22:24 | |
Hopefully that provides some clarification on on what is there as you would see it today. So the the next slide shows that from a | 00:22:30 | |
a plan view that it was presented by the design professional. You can kind of see there the orientation on the right hand side of | 00:22:36 | |
the page that's Water St. | 00:22:42 | |
And then? | 00:22:49 | |
You can see those existing structures as it orients back. | 00:22:50 | |
Again on the left hand side of the page would be down gradient or towards this stream? | 00:22:55 | |
And then that is the proposed site plan. So that structure there is a multiple story structure, the footprint as it was | 00:23:03 | |
represented on the plans. | 00:23:06 | |
About 22,000 square feet, so it is not quite half an acre. | 00:23:11 | |
In footprint. So as you can imagine, that's a great deal of surface area. One of the points I want to bring up, if you do not | 00:23:16 | |
remember, is that the portion of the property that is closest to the courthouse is not being developed, so that will remain in its | 00:23:23 | |
current state with the exception of the improvements that are being shown. | 00:23:30 | |
Curb and gutter, sidewalk, those types of things along the the street frontage if you are not familiar or the plan in its original | 00:23:37 | |
state and the plan in its current state, the very thick. | 00:23:43 | |
Serpentine line somewhat front and center on that is would be a retaining wall, so the building will in some ways be. | 00:23:49 | |
The parking area that's behind the building will be at a higher elevation than the existing grade and then there is a retaining | 00:23:58 | |
wall that will transition down. | 00:24:02 | |
To the stormwater management facility that's somewhat on the left hand side of the page as you see it there. | 00:24:06 | |
Hopefully I've done a fair job of describing that. So this is, this is what we're, you know, talking about. Again, the the | 00:24:13 | |
property itself is much larger than the 3.2 acres being disturbed because the disturbance is being concentrated in that corridor, | 00:24:18 | |
if you will, along that main. | 00:24:23 | |
Corner where the street frontage is located and there's a stormwater management facility and retaining walls that are part of the | 00:24:29 | |
site development plans. So the plans were submitted in March, those plans were were reviewed, there were comments associated with | 00:24:35 | |
the site improvement plans. We actually had a meeting here in this room on April 1st and went over those comments. The design | 00:24:41 | |
professional applicant has responded to those. You should have seen that in your package. So the progress of the plans has been | 00:24:47 | |
great and. | 00:24:52 | |
Something that doesn't normally happen prior to this meeting is approval by the Georgia Storm Water, Soil and Water Conservation | 00:24:59 | |
Commission for disturbance over one acre. The city can approve that it has to go through the state and and typically that's a | 00:25:04 | |
pretty long process but that's approvals already occurred. So this this project already has state approval from an erosion control | 00:25:09 | |
standpoint. So that's. | 00:25:14 | |
That's a check mark there, so. | 00:25:20 | |
There is still some things that are outside. The city did approve wastewater allocation as part of the rezoning process a year | 00:25:24 | |
ago, but ultimately the the water and sewer are controlled by Oconee County Water Resources. So that is a separate item that would | 00:25:29 | |
be need to be a condition of approval and then as the process that you're familiar with the urban forest will not be part of the | 00:25:35 | |
reviewer discussion tonight. Should this project move forward that would likely be on the next month's agenda. Be happy to answer | 00:25:40 | |
any questions. | 00:25:45 | |
Council, it probably makes sense to go ahead and hear from the applicant and then we can kind of circle back on our question. So | 00:26:00 | |
gentlemen or gentlemen, if you want to come up and state your name and give us an overview, that would be great. Thank you, Mr. | 00:26:04 | |
Mayor. | 00:26:09 | |
My name is Scott Haynes. I work for Washington Engineering. I reside at 2081 Clock Filter Rd. | 00:26:14 | |
Here tonight with Mr. David Russell. He was the Director of Development for the Beverly J Searles Group. | 00:26:19 | |
Thank you, Mr. Campbell, for a really great presentation. I'm trying not to be too redundant, cover a lot of good stuff. | 00:26:27 | |
We're here tonight for the second part of what we started. | 00:26:35 | |
Last year. | 00:26:38 | |
Tonight here to ask for approval for the site Development Improvement Plans and also the associated demolition. | 00:26:39 | |
Permit that will be needed to develop this. | 00:26:46 | |
As mentioned, this is on the corner of Water and Durham St. on the South. | 00:26:50 | |
Western side. | 00:26:53 | |
It will be an age restricted community and it has taken advantage of the DCA. | 00:26:54 | |
Granting of 9% tax credits to be rewarded back in November. If you'll remember back to the rezone that was the critical piece for | 00:27:00 | |
this and. | 00:27:04 | |
Who were very excited to receive notification of that granting under those. | 00:27:08 | |
With those tax credits comes rules about the affordability and the breakdown of what has to be done with the. | 00:27:14 | |
Rents and things of that nature and. | 00:27:20 | |
Mr. Russell can speak to that a little more clearly if you'll have questions about. | 00:27:23 | |
This is an 8.7 approximately acre parcel right now. | 00:27:28 | |
As we talked about during the rezoning development agreement. | 00:27:32 | |
A large portion of that will be donated back to the city. I believe it's a year after. | 00:27:36 | |
To be used for hopefully the future connection of a trail system down there. It's primarily environmental area, floodplain and | 00:27:42 | |
such. This is just below the site, I think it totals around 6 acres. | 00:27:47 | |
There are currently 3 old houses, as were shown in the staff's presentation. | 00:27:55 | |
These will need to be removed some fashion or for this project to go forward. I know there may be some questions or discussion on | 00:28:00 | |
this topic. We're happy to talk about those. If there are, just know that those are always part of the plan to be somehow. | 00:28:07 | |
Removed from this property even you know as part of the zoning approval. | 00:28:15 | |
As far as the building goes, this really is the plan and the building itself are very close to what we showed you in the rezone | 00:28:19 | |
process. It's still a 3/4 split, three stories on the front of streets and four in the parking lot side. | 00:28:25 | |
Still an L, still showing the connections to the street, although we have eliminated a few because of grades and really large | 00:28:31 | |
massings of stairs, but still keeping a good bit of those direct connections that were part of the conversation during the rezone. | 00:28:37 | |
Sure. | 00:28:47 | |
The building is still a mixture of one and two-bedroom units. Unit count still remain the same and we still are providing the same | 00:28:55 | |
parking count as was provided was proposed during the rezone. It's 48 spaces. You'll remember we asked for reduction in parking | 00:29:00 | |
spaces. This is going to be. | 00:29:05 | |
Very non auto centric type development taking advantage of being downtown Watkinsville and the nature of the. | 00:29:11 | |
Folks that will be living here, So we feel that's that's still very appropriate. | 00:29:17 | |
Umm. | 00:29:22 | |
All in all, I'd really like to say very heartfelt thanks to staff. They've done a wonderful job to help shepherd us through this, | 00:29:24 | |
this project and giving us comments and we've done our best to address those. As Mr. Campbell mentioned, we have received the | 00:29:30 | |
storm water, excuse me, the soil residence sediment control approval from the state already. | 00:29:35 | |
We still have some submission to do to Oconee County for the water and sewer connections that should be forthcoming pretty soon. | 00:29:42 | |
Also, if approved tonight, we'd like to continue to move forward as quickly as possible, so we are prepared to submit our forest | 00:29:50 | |
protection plan just as soon as we were able. | 00:29:54 | |
All in all. | 00:29:59 | |
It'll be a good plan, quite a bit of protection considering the limited amount of disturbance on this parcel overall. | 00:30:00 | |
Just thank you again for all of your work both back last year to help this project and tonight we look forward to your comments if | 00:30:08 | |
you have any questions, we're more than happy to answer those. Thank you. | 00:30:13 | |
All right. Thank you. Mr. Haynes. I think if you and Mr. Russell just want to come on up here, I imagine we'll have some questions | 00:30:20 | |
and that'll save. | 00:30:23 | |
Save you guys some up and down South. I'd suggest y'all come on up, Mr. Russell, Reintroduce yourself to this group and then | 00:30:26 | |
council. I'll let y'all. | 00:30:30 | |
Much. I'll start asking questions. | 00:30:34 | |
Good evening. It's good to see you all again. My name is David Russell. I live at 115 Braxton Way, Roswell, GA. | 00:30:36 | |
Director of Development for the Beverly J Charles. | 00:30:42 | |
All right, we have Mr. Haynes and Mr. Russell. | 00:30:46 | |
Well, thank you all. | 00:30:49 | |
I remember the very lengthy conversations and looking at plans. | 00:30:52 | |
When y'all were here before. | 00:30:58 | |
So you highlighted, Scott, some of the things that are staying the same. | 00:31:01 | |
What is different from what we were presented other than? And by that I mean big picture, not small engineering matters that will | 00:31:05 | |
go right over my head. | 00:31:11 | |
Sure. Well, this is really very, very similar to the zoning plan convention. If what we can start with is the elevation is up, | 00:31:17 | |
like I mentioned, there's a couple of, I think 2 on either side of the building. | 00:31:22 | |
Direct access points that were eliminated. | 00:31:27 | |
Is again primarily for grade. | 00:31:31 | |
Large sets of. | 00:31:33 | |
Umm. | 00:31:35 | |
He thought those were best kept to be internal. | 00:31:36 | |
There is. There was a slight reconfiguration of the parking lot. It's really in. | 00:31:41 | |
Just to work out with the engineering of the wall. | 00:31:46 | |
Relocation or location of a dumpster. | 00:31:52 | |
That'll be up near the building screen from the. | 00:31:55 | |
But All in all, I mean that's. | 00:31:58 | |
It's really very close to what you saw back in the zoning. | 00:31:59 | |
Pretty hard pressed to point out any large differences. | 00:32:03 | |
And Scott at that point, remind me, it looks like you've brought the facade of the building up to grade at the corner of. | 00:32:08 | |
Water in Durham, so there's not kind of you originally had it kind of sunk down, but is that an accurate assessment of the design | 00:32:15 | |
at this point? This section is not showing that in the in the top corner. It's still depressed, I think 3 feet to balance it out. | 00:32:20 | |
It's 3 feet in the ground on that corner side. | 00:32:25 | |
And it's. | 00:32:31 | |
Probably 7 or 8 on the on the. | 00:32:33 | |
That was a balancing act with the. | 00:32:35 | |
Constraints of the site exactly the same as we presented it during the zoning. We have not moved that this. This drawing does | 00:32:39 | |
represent it as being on the corner, but what's not showing is the actual section line up to the corner. | 00:32:44 | |
Which would be probably right through about the first third of those front doors. | 00:32:52 | |
So they'll have to step down, step down into a Plaza, a couple steps, but just three. You said 3 feet. | 00:32:57 | |
That's, that's correct. And where's the 78 feet, is that further down, is that further down Durham and water, is that what you're | 00:33:04 | |
referring to? | 00:33:07 | |
Falls away pretty sharply. The building will be out of the ground there and then, not as much but some on the. | 00:33:13 | |
OK. | 00:33:22 | |
So I don't know if this is the time that we. | 00:33:25 | |
We're talking about what's happening on the inside and the amenities. Are all of those still the same, the library and the, you | 00:33:28 | |
know, the different? | 00:33:32 | |
Facilities for the opposites, yes, everything we committed to in the in the agreements is in the in the plan. So we could have | 00:33:36 | |
actually we're ready to then two weeks off full architectural is ready to submit but reflect all of the all the amenities that we | 00:33:42 | |
promised in our development agreement. | 00:33:48 | |
Pretty much the. | 00:33:57 | |
Council. | 00:34:02 | |
Brett. | 00:34:05 | |
Just curious what's what's all approval is done, what do you think completion timeframe is? So that's really going to depend on | 00:34:09 | |
when we start, we're right now projecting. | 00:34:14 | |
Shovels in the ground and. | 00:34:20 | |
Let's call it July 1st and it's a 15 month construction month construction process approximately depending on. | 00:34:23 | |
Where we are with with. | 00:34:30 | |
Things so long enough you never know if you get a two-month rain delay or you know you're fine. So our goal is to be done in 15 | 00:34:33 | |
months from July. Next question and this is a little selfish how how are y'all going to try to keep it where people from | 00:34:39 | |
Watkinsville and Oconee. So that's that's the same thing that we talked about all throughout the process. We will this this | 00:34:45 | |
building will. | 00:34:50 | |
Knock on wood, I may not be concerned. It'll lease up within a month of us. | 00:34:57 | |
And 90 high, high percentage of people who will find this building or local residents, our marketing is going to be a sign on the | 00:35:02 | |
construction site. It's going to be in these meetings. People have already come up and say how do we on this list And so we | 00:35:07 | |
started to take names. | 00:35:13 | |
And that's that's really what it's going to be, so. | 00:35:18 | |
Know about it. They might read about it in a clipping and be able to contact it might be someone's mom or grandmother that hey, | 00:35:22 | |
mom can come over and check this out. So those people might be out of community, but it'll primarily the the. | 00:35:28 | |
Circular Trust is pretty much here in Watkinsville. People. People here know about the building going. | 00:35:36 | |
So we can't, we can't control who this is, obviously. | 00:35:41 | |
As far as our marketing radius, it's it's walking. | 00:35:46 | |
So if I have heard from several citizens who are interested in getting on a list of waiting list or a list For more information. | 00:35:49 | |
Can they do that now or is there a? Do they need to watch your website? What do I need to share with them? | 00:35:56 | |
We're really going to start that process once construction starts. Once construction starts, we'll have a while we're marketing | 00:36:07 | |
our leasing sign up. | 00:36:11 | |
We'll have leasing staff ready to start taking numbers. So part of it is as Scott mentioned this. | 00:36:16 | |
It's income driven. So you have to qualify to get in and it's it's a, it's a portion of the people who qualify to get it have to | 00:36:23 | |
make a certain amount of money. So there's a way to qualify our residents. So that's. | 00:36:28 | |
Really kind of. We have a very professional leasing and marketing staff that's equipped to. | 00:36:34 | |
To qualify those as residents. | 00:36:40 | |
I what I will do. | 00:36:43 | |
And you can certainly have that. | 00:36:45 | |
My numbers support my cell phone number. | 00:36:48 | |
Be careful. | 00:36:52 | |
I would say that just wait. There's really no there. You're not going to be losing your place in line if you wait till the | 00:36:54 | |
construction starts and then the sign goes up. | 00:36:58 | |
There's a couple people who found a. | 00:37:04 | |
You're not gonna lose your place if you if you get. | 00:37:08 | |
OK. | 00:37:11 | |
Any other questions? | 00:37:14 | |
I do have a few. One of the things that was mentioned to me was that we're making the sidewalks wide enough so that vehicles or | 00:37:16 | |
ambulances could use those that more quickly access the site on the front we're going to do. | 00:37:22 | |
Greater density, type of concrete or do some other things to ensure that should we have vehicles on those sidewalks, it's not, | 00:37:29 | |
they're not going to get broken up or anything. | 00:37:33 | |
I think that that was one of the comments that we received from fire that we were just a little bit curious about. What is the | 00:37:41 | |
sidewalks, they are 6 foot sidewalks I believe on the on the image there. | 00:37:45 | |
You know, I don't see an issue. | 00:37:52 | |
It's probably a little more base is what, right some fiber mesh. So we can certainly look at that in the front. Are you suggesting | 00:37:55 | |
that at some point if golf carts are allowed, people are going to use golf carts? No. Like you know I think what was mentioned and | 00:38:01 | |
it was something about emergency vehicles and access perhaps to the front of the site. We given the size of the parking lot in the | 00:38:07 | |
back that I just want to be sure if you were creating that opportunity that we had. | 00:38:13 | |
You know that we had the right density of concrete or greater base to make. | 00:38:21 | |
Should that happen or should there be a moving truck or something that's accessing from the front that they? | 00:38:25 | |
Crush the sidewalk. | 00:38:29 | |
You know, then the city is, I'm assuming, the sidewalks. | 00:38:31 | |
Will they be deeded to the city or will you guys take care of the right of way and we are dedicating additional right away to? | 00:38:34 | |
Right. As far as emergency vehicles in the front, I mean the projects really set up to access those types? | 00:38:42 | |
Equipment Infrastructure from the RE. | 00:38:50 | |
Where they're successful ways and ramps and things. | 00:38:52 | |
So, I mean, we're happy to. | 00:38:56 | |
Discuss with the. | 00:38:58 | |
Let's put four in the sidewalk spec. I don't think that's if you just talked with the engineer about that. We don't need to solve | 00:39:00 | |
the problem tonight, but I think that would be good. I just want to be sure if we're going to be in charge of maintaining those | 00:39:03 | |
sidewalks. | 00:39:06 | |
You know, we if there's an idea from the emergency services that they may be pulling a wheel up on those that we aren't dealing | 00:39:10 | |
with crack sidewalks later on, sure. | 00:39:14 | |
Can you remind me on the green spaces at approximately 5 acres coming back to the city, is that what your plan is? So then deed | 00:39:22 | |
that back to the city? | 00:39:27 | |
OK. It's between 5:00 and 6:00 acres. | 00:39:32 | |
All right. And then Scott, was the parcel closest to the courthouse part of the rezone or was did that remain detached residential | 00:39:36 | |
or that? | 00:39:39 | |
Umm. | 00:39:44 | |
It was not part of the rezone we excluded. | 00:39:45 | |
For the discussion we had back then desire to leave that to potentially still allow for some commercial on that street or office | 00:39:49 | |
that's right, because it's downtown or mixed-use office there, right. OK. But what we have done is. | 00:39:55 | |
I mean in addition to providing improvements for sidewalks and curves along that stretch to that's how you connect to courthouse | 00:40:01 | |
in downtown corridor. So it's important that we added and provided that you've also stubbed out a connection for storm water and | 00:40:08 | |
looked at sizing the pond for this development for whatever might come for that future. | 00:40:14 | |
Because the parcel is limited. | 00:40:21 | |
More options to develop in the future and. | 00:40:24 | |
Ready. | 00:40:28 | |
Connection. | 00:40:29 | |
OK. | 00:40:32 | |
All right, Council, any other questions? | 00:40:35 | |
All right, well, it looks like we need a motion for. | 00:40:41 | |
To approve the site improvement construction documents and then the associated demolition permits for the older structures, which | 00:40:44 | |
I believe are going to be offered to move before they're demolished, correct? | 00:40:49 | |
Someone wants to move those structures that's that's correct. So there's there's there's three structures that will be potentially | 00:40:54 | |
moved or demolished. | 00:40:58 | |
And we have the, we have the sellers here and they've grown up on the property, so lots of sentimental value and. | 00:41:03 | |
There there are special places to people in the audience. | 00:41:10 | |
From the The decision to move them will be whether there's a market for someone who wants to come with them. There's asbestos in | 00:41:13 | |
the building. Some of the buildings literally can't like 1 cinder block. | 00:41:18 | |
Can't be moved, so we will. | 00:41:24 | |
We'll take care of it to move them if there's a market, if there's some some value in doing that. | 00:41:27 | |
OK. All right. What's that, Jeff? | 00:41:34 | |
Is there a timeline for how long they'd be available? Do we know that yet? So we would potentially. | 00:41:37 | |
Making that call. | 00:41:46 | |
August 1st. Ish. Midsummer. | 00:41:48 | |
Right. What we will do. So there's there's we've already started reaching out. There's a local. So I've reached out to a person I | 00:41:52 | |
know in Atlanta whether if there's you know, some market to do those, there's a local person that we have reached out to that | 00:41:57 | |
specializes in moving houses. It's not. | 00:42:03 | |
It's not that you can't go Google that person. There's a very small world that is doing that. So we've we've started that process | 00:42:09 | |
and trying to find that guy. The other constraints are where the Billings can be moved. Is the asbestos too much of an issue and | 00:42:13 | |
then is. | 00:42:18 | |
Physically room to move those houses down that little. | 00:42:24 | |
So those are the types of things we need to figure out, OK? | 00:42:28 | |
Just thinking about that, you coming down Water St. that's a pretty big dip into Experiment Station. I hate service. | 00:42:32 | |
Long void truck. | 00:42:40 | |
Yeah, yeah. All right. We'll let y'all work that, work that detail out with staff and. | 00:42:51 | |
The appropriate amount of advertisement for all that. All right, so we've got that's what we're looking for though is a motion to | 00:42:57 | |
approve the site improvement, construction documents and the demolition permit. | 00:43:01 | |
We can just do that together, Joe. Sharon, is that fine? OK. | 00:43:06 | |
So moved. | 00:43:12 | |
Do we have? | 00:43:14 | |
All right. Any further comments? Conversation here? None. All in favor, say aye. | 00:43:17 | |
Any opposed motion carries 5. | 00:43:22 | |
All right. Thank you. | 00:43:26 | |
All right. We have under old business. We had tabled a matter related to 41 Barnet Shoals Rd. a demolition permit. Manager | 00:43:29 | |
Dickerson, if you could provide us with an update on that? | 00:43:34 | |
Sure. | 00:43:39 | |
So the applicant has requested to maybe handle this a little differently. There were some suggestions at the last council meeting | 00:43:41 | |
and they've decided to now pursue an administrative option which is trying to give away the home, have the house moved? | 00:43:48 | |
Obviously they understand that the council would prefer the house be moved and stay within the city limits but there's no way to | 00:43:57 | |
you know, require that and I do believe they have advertised there is a sign up on the property. I don't know if it made if it | 00:44:03 | |
makes paper will be in tomorrow's paper, I would imagine and we gave them, I think. | 00:44:08 | |
Joe, do you remember how many days we owe? 90 days, 90 days? So we'll have an update. | 00:44:15 | |
Somebody may have to. | 00:44:20 | |
Yeah. But we gave them 90 days. So we'll know we'll have a status update in 90 days. We essentially give giving them six months, | 00:44:24 | |
but we'll know I think within 90 days whether or not this. | 00:44:31 | |
Going to happen or not, So we'll provide a status that to y'all. The July meeting is the plan, if not before. | 00:44:37 | |
All right. | 00:44:45 | |
Council, any questions on? | 00:44:48 | |
OK. Then we will move to our new business item which is Lael Lane. | 00:44:50 | |
Even though it says none, we know that we had an emergent issue with the pipe on Oil Lane. | 00:44:55 | |
We are meeting about that tomorrow with the county Chairman Daniel. I want to thank you for your team being willing to. | 00:45:00 | |
Lean in and make your expertise available to us. We're going to talk about materials and some different things tomorrow and see if | 00:45:08 | |
we. | 00:45:12 | |
Make sure that we're aligned. This is somewhat of an emergency situation. So we're very hopeful that you guys will be able to help | 00:45:16 | |
on that pretty quick. John, I know you'll have a full schedule, but we are a little concerned about that road, so, so but. | 00:45:23 | |
Mr. Campbell and Mrs. Dickerson and everything, Councilman Garrett and Councilman Thomas, everybody who helped out in that | 00:45:32 | |
situation, we got. | 00:45:35 | |
A. | 00:45:40 | |
You know, we got some really crazy pricing on that right out of the gate and decided we work hard to drive that pricing down. | 00:45:41 | |
What I'd ask you to do tonight would be to approve up to $50,000 for those improvements. We don't anticipate it being that much, | 00:45:48 | |
but I don't want to have to come back to this group. I'd like to authorize the manager. | 00:45:54 | |
Up to $50,000 to take care of that. I think the county estimate sharing round numbers came in at. | 00:46:01 | |
35. | 00:46:09 | |
That doesn't include asphalt repaving. So we're going to have to do some repaving tomorrow. We'll talk about the, you know whether | 00:46:12 | |
it's possible. We also sourced some other pipes, whether it's potentially possible for you to them to use some of that at a lower. | 00:46:19 | |
Although Mr. Weathers indicated he's kind of got away, he wants to do it and I understand that, so we'll so we'll work through | 00:46:28 | |
that tomorrow. | 00:46:32 | |
But I would ask you all if you would be able to authorize up to 50 it would be a split of probably our remaining L make funds. | 00:46:36 | |
Sadly and are and then some splash three money most likely is how we would find that but I'd request that you guys approve up to | 00:46:42 | |
$50,000 authorized for. | 00:46:48 | |
For the emergency repairs on the way, Elaine, if possible. | 00:46:55 | |
I make a motion that we will prove up to $50,000 for the necessary repairs. | 00:47:00 | |
I'll second. | 00:47:06 | |
Any further discussion all in favor. | 00:47:07 | |
Any. | 00:47:12 | |
Now we have our regular public comment period. We're down to just three. If anyone wants to come forward, the same rules apply. | 00:47:16 | |
Come forward, state your name and make any public comment that you have for the City Council. | 00:47:21 | |
And were any comments received prior to the meeting via e-mail? | 00:47:31 | |
We had none. OK, I'm going to close the public comments. We'll move on to the mayor's report. I'll be short and sweet. Wanted to | 00:47:35 | |
mention that we continue to get some great reviews for what's happening in Watkinsville, Georgia. Trend did a brief write up on | 00:47:41 | |
Wire Park and what's happening at Wire Park. That was nice to see. | 00:47:47 | |
Miracle League Project is in probably, I'd say rounding third base, maybe on its way home. | 00:47:53 | |
They poured concrete last Friday out there. I think there's a 28 day cure period before they can lay down the turf. On top of | 00:48:01 | |
that, they're making great progress on the landscaping. I think that's close to being wrapped up. It looks beautiful out there now | 00:48:07 | |
and then. They were working on the turf on the playground today as well. Manager Dickerson has communicated with ESP to get all | 00:48:12 | |
the warranties and details on the playground equipment so that we can set aside. | 00:48:18 | |
Appropriate funds for maintenance and repair over. | 00:48:24 | |
As well. So I would think you know at some point in May or early June, we'll be having a celebration out there, but I don't think | 00:48:28 | |
ESP has finalized a date for that yet. So stay tuned for more. | 00:48:32 | |
I'm sure we'll be invited to that. And then the last thing I want to call out and Christine may or may not have more to say on | 00:48:37 | |
this, we're seeing, as you would expect, continued pressure on our historic assets in Watkinsville we have. | 00:48:44 | |
You know, homes being advertised to be moved, we're starting to see demolition permits again. | 00:48:51 | |
We're going to need to take a fresh look at historic preservation and historic preservation ordinances. We've done that before. We | 00:48:57 | |
decided at that point they were a little bit wonky and. | 00:49:01 | |
And they are wonky. But the government, the law is very specific in terms of how you can govern historic preservation. But. | 00:49:07 | |
Christine and I are taking a look at that and we'll probably come back to you guys with some thoughts and recommendations in the | 00:49:13 | |
next few months on what we may need to do to ensure that. | 00:49:17 | |
Limited supply of historic buildings and structures are preserved. | 00:49:21 | |
Preserved in Watkinsville are given every opportunity to be preserved as we move forward. | 00:49:26 | |
Down the road. So not a lot of specifics there, but just stay tuned for more and if you have thoughts on that, we're all yours on. | 00:49:31 | |
You know your perspective on that. That's all I have. | 00:49:37 | |
Actually, we have one more thing, chief. | 00:49:42 | |
Y'all gonna have to help me because we had we had an exciting thing. Y'all ready. | 00:49:46 | |
The mayor is a birthday boy. The birthday brother is the birthday boy all day long. | 00:49:52 | |
Everybody gets embarrassed, though. OK, All right. Special Watkinsville birthday song? Feel deeply honored. | 00:50:02 | |
Yeah, yeah. | 00:50:09 | |
OK, All right. Can't do it like everybody else can. | 00:50:12 | |
Thank you all. You know, 47 and feeling fine. All right. Councilmember Garrett will turn it over to you. What you got, Sir? | 00:50:16 | |
All right, Chuck's keeping it brief. Councilwoman Massey. What? | 00:50:25 | |
Keeping it brief as well, Councilman Thomas, I just want to thank. | 00:50:29 | |
Chief and the Police Department you know for that outstanding presentation with the with the. | 00:50:33 | |
Easter I know there was not as many kids this year as last year, but I think they had just as much fun. | 00:50:41 | |
And the weather was perfect. So I thank you for continuing to be a light in the community and and making sure that the kids and | 00:50:49 | |
the citizens realize that the Police Department and the city of Wattsville is a great place to live. | 00:50:56 | |
Councilwoman Tuck. | 00:51:06 | |
So we're continuing to make progress on Harris Hills Park, it's not quite as. | 00:51:07 | |
Quick as probably everyone would like, but continuing to meet, continuing to try to get quotes, which is a little challenging in | 00:51:13 | |
these times. | 00:51:17 | |
We are continuing on and. | 00:51:23 | |
Do you want to talk about Madison? | 00:51:26 | |
And we are continuing. | 00:51:30 | |
To look at other surrounding communities and what they're doing with their downtown development authorities and Main Street | 00:51:34 | |
programs. And Jeff and I went to Madison in the past month and met with them, a wealth of knowledge. And so we are excited to | 00:51:40 | |
continue. | 00:51:45 | |
Gathering information. | 00:51:52 | |
How it can benefit the city of Watkinsville. So more on that soon. | 00:51:54 | |
All right, Councilman Camp. | 00:52:01 | |
Yeah, we had a good meeting with Madison and I think we mentioned. | 00:52:05 | |
Before, but Christine is going to the. | 00:52:09 | |
The meeting end of June in Savannah. For that I will not be able to make it, but I did sign up to take the DDA online. | 00:52:12 | |
Course, so I'll start doing that to learn a little bit more. But yeah, medicine was eye opening. | 00:52:21 | |
And they made it clear that we can lean on them. | 00:52:29 | |
For the questions we have as to what to do, then another bit of. | 00:52:33 | |
Another announcement. I guess we have another state champion. | 00:52:39 | |
In middle school and not only in the 3200 and not only A state champion but also state record holder now and. | 00:52:45 | |
So Aaron Roderick is continues. | 00:52:54 | |
In track and field across country, so congratulations. | 00:52:58 | |
I know the one day early birthday present, but it's a wonderful birthday present. | 00:53:02 | |
Thank you, Jeff. I'm proud of Aaron. He's worked hard. | 00:53:06 | |
Anyway. | 00:53:10 | |
Did the work and he thankfully was rewarded for it. So thank you. | 00:53:11 | |
All right. I think that may be all that we have. I do want to thank, I forgot to mention one thing about the Chief. The new sign I | 00:53:16 | |
think is a great asset. I think it was wonderful in terms of advertising the Easter egg hunt and then to be able to deploy that to | 00:53:22 | |
different locations as you have on Hardin Hill and other spaces to remind people about speeds and to have the flexibility to drop | 00:53:27 | |
that trailer is really nice and to have some. | 00:53:32 | |
Clever messages on it to get people's attention. I think it's also nice. So that's a. | 00:53:38 | |
That's been a nice addition. May want to look at figuring out how we can find a few more of those overtime. So glad to have them. | 00:53:42 | |
Anything else for the good of the order. | 00:53:47 | |
Then we're going to have a brief executive session. I'll we'll do a, let's do a let's, we'll do that motion to go in and then | 00:53:52 | |
we'll do a quick two or three minute recess in case anyone needs to say goodbye to anybody or. | 00:53:58 | |
Hit the restroom real quick and we'll come back, but I will entertain a motion to go into executive. | 00:54:05 | |
For threatened and pending litigation. | 00:54:09 | |
I make a motion to go into executive session. Excuse me, not pending potential, but yeah, threatened and potential. We have a | 00:54:12 | |
motion. Do we have a second? | 00:54:15 | |
All right. We have a motion. We have a second. All in favor, say aye. Aye. All right. We will come back at 7:20. | 00:54:19 | |
We have started reporting this. I make a motion to. | 00:54:27 | |
Do we have a second all in favor? Say aye. | 00:54:33 | |
Meetings. | 00:54:37 |
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Started getting quiet? | 00:00:12 | |
Mayors got the gamble. We better get quiet. | 00:00:15 | |
Just waiting for the word. Are we on? We live yet? | 00:00:18 | |
All right. We're missing one screen, just so you know, if you could pop that down. | 00:00:24 | |
All right. Welcome everybody, to the April 20th Watkinsville City Council meeting. I'm pleased to see that we have a quorum here | 00:00:34 | |
tonight. In fact, we have perfect attendance. And thank you all for being here tonight. Let's please stand for the Pledge of | 00:00:38 | |
Allegiance. | 00:00:43 | |
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. | 00:00:50 | |
And to the Republic for which it. | 00:00:55 | |
One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. | 00:00:58 | |
All right. Once again, thank you all for being here. | 00:01:10 | |
Our meeting is being broadcast simultaneously and is available at the city website for anyone who chooses to walk along. | 00:01:13 | |
We have the meeting details, packet, and minutes are all organized so that you can follow along online if you choose to, and then | 00:01:21 | |
those recordings are made available to the public either the same night or the same day of our meetings so that the public can | 00:01:26 | |
follow along. | 00:01:31 | |
At this point, we do not allow online public input. Our guests will need to be here in person if they want to provide feedback, or | 00:01:36 | |
they'll need to do that in advance of the meeting. | 00:01:40 | |
The meetings agenda is posted one full week before the meeting to allow the public sufficient time to review. That along with the | 00:01:46 | |
meeting packet is posted on the Friday before the meeting and all that is shared online. We do have a less formal public input | 00:01:52 | |
policy here. Generally for the non legally required portions, Council at its discretion will allow the public to make comments | 00:01:58 | |
that is at the sole discretion of the council and is subject to some time limitations that the attorney will provide guidance on | 00:02:04 | |
if we need to do that. | 00:02:10 | |
There are some parts of the meeting typically where we where public input is required. | 00:02:16 | |
Or a public hearing is required and the attorney will advise when that occurs. | 00:02:20 | |
Our first matter that we have tonight is the approval of the March 23rd regular meeting minutes Council, if you've had a chance to | 00:02:24 | |
review those. | 00:02:28 | |
Minutes. I would love a motion. Or if there are any edits that need to be made, please let us know now. | 00:02:32 | |
All right, I'd love a motion if there's no corrections to the minutes. | 00:02:45 | |
I make a motion to approve the minutes. We have a motion. Do we have a second? | 00:02:51 | |
Second, any discussion seeing none all in favor, say aye. | 00:02:56 | |
Motion carries 5. | 00:03:01 | |
On the agenda, we do have one item we need to add to the agenda tonight. Please note that we do have three items under consent as | 00:03:03 | |
well. This is the time. If you want to pull one of those items for discussion, you need to go ahead and say that now. If you | 00:03:09 | |
don't, we will simply approve that. The one thing that we do need to add under new business is Laya Lane will need to approve some | 00:03:15 | |
budget to deal with that emergent situation on Layla Lane. So would ask that we would add an item 12 under new business for Whale | 00:03:21 | |
Lane so. | 00:03:27 | |
Now is the time to speak up if you want to pull anything off consent. Otherwise, I'll entertain a motion to approve the agenda | 00:03:33 | |
with the addition of Leo Lane under new business. | 00:03:38 | |
I make the motion to approve the agenda with the addition of Leo Lane as #12. | 00:03:44 | |
Do I have a second? Second. Any discussion? | 00:03:52 | |
Hearing none all in favor, say ay. | 00:03:57 | |
Any opposed the same motion carries 50. | 00:03:59 | |
All right, Administration, I already mentioned public input that we are can be a little less formal on that. If you do have | 00:04:04 | |
something that you want to speak to, please raise your hand, let us know, and we will indicate whether we are comfortable with | 00:04:11 | |
that. If it is a formal moment for public input, public comment or a legally required public hearing will indicate as such. | 00:04:17 | |
During that part of the meeting, if you do comment the City Council at any point, please address the council, not one another. | 00:04:25 | |
When you do come to the microphone, if you come to speak, please indicate your address. We are missing a microphone share. And do | 00:04:29 | |
you think it's sitting there on the dye somewhere? | 00:04:34 | |
OK. So you certainly don't have to hold it like a preacher. You can just put it out there and speak to it. But do speak into the | 00:04:39 | |
microphone, give us your address and your name before you speak because the public cannot hear you if you just comment from the | 00:04:45 | |
audience. So we would ask that you come forward. So our online. | 00:04:51 | |
Observers can see you. So we're going to start off tonight with a proclamation, one that's near and dear to us, and that is | 00:04:58 | |
recognizing our very own Julie Klein on Municipal Clerks Week. So I'm going to read this. | 00:05:06 | |
And it goes like this. | 00:05:15 | |
Whereas the office of professional municipal clerk, a time honored and vital part of local government, exists throughout the world | 00:05:18 | |
and whereas the office of professional municipal clerk is the oldest among public servants. | 00:05:23 | |
And whereas the office of the professional Municipal clerk provides the professional link between the citizens, local governing | 00:05:28 | |
bodies and agencies. | 00:05:32 | |
Where it is most appropriate that we recognize the accomplishments of the Office of Professional Municipal Court. | 00:06:05 | |
Now, therefore, I, Brian Broderick, Mayor of Watkinsville, do hereby recognize the week of May. | 00:06:11 | |
Through May 7th as Professional Municipal Court Week and further extend on behalf of myself, the City Council and City staff, | 00:06:15 | |
sincere appreciation to our professional Municipal Clerk, Julie Angel Klein, and to all professional municipal clerks for the | 00:06:20 | |
vital services they perform and their exemplary dedication to the communities they represent on this 20th day of April 2022. | 00:06:25 | |
Julie. | 00:06:30 | |
That is all well and good, and that's some big fancy language, but to be a little bit more down to earth about it. | 00:06:36 | |
You have been a rock for this community. | 00:06:42 | |
Gosh, more than two decades at this point? | 00:06:45 | |
You're tireless. You're incredibly professional. You're an asset to this group. | 00:06:48 | |
There's not much that gets done in this town that you don't have a hand in and we are deeply appreciative. | 00:06:55 | |
So on behalf of the City Council, on behalf of the citizens of Watkinsville, thanks so much for all you do. | 00:07:00 | |
I don't have a speech because I'll cry. Thank you. Thank you all. | 00:07:18 | |
Speech. Maybe Julie's worst nightmare in this scenario. He also Yeah, we will not ask that of her. | 00:07:26 | |
Umm. | 00:07:32 | |
But thank you, Julie. We do deeply, deeply appreciate you. | 00:07:33 | |
All right. With that, we will move on to Financial Reports Manager Dickerson. We're going to let you run us through our financial | 00:07:38 | |
position and how we're doing on all the Splice and Arpas and other acronyms, please. | 00:07:43 | |
You should have a copy of the balance sheet as well as the. | 00:07:51 | |
Revenues and expenditures, we are tracking actually less on the expenditures, a little bit more on the revenues than where we | 00:07:56 | |
should be at this point. So that's always good news. | 00:08:01 | |
If there any questions on that specific or not, I can take those now or later. | 00:08:06 | |
Have any questions about the balance sheet? | 00:08:10 | |
OK, SPLOST one report. So this is the 2009 SPLOST right now we have about 252,000 and some change in the in the account that money | 00:08:13 | |
is dedicated and designated and and appropriated for the sewer line, a project that is going through the industrial park. | 00:08:21 | |
Splash Two has ended as well at the 2015 there are funds in there for. | 00:08:31 | |
Hair shows part, Master plan, implement. | 00:08:38 | |
Specifically the 440,000 that is set aside for the playground that's going in as well as some other sort of landscape and whatnot | 00:08:41 | |
that's sort of being done. We also have Splash 3 monies that are being set aside for the Hair Shoals Park project out of SPLOST in | 00:08:47 | |
Spas 3. And then the other portion of this is the 904,000 and some change that will be added to the Splash One money for the sewer | 00:08:53 | |
line a project. | 00:08:58 | |
But both of these are not accepting any. There's no more money except for the interest we may get on those on those funds that are | 00:09:04 | |
in the bank. | 00:09:07 | |
This Bloss 3 project, this is our newest one, started last year in October. One I believe is our first. So I think yeah, it | 00:09:11 | |
started October 1. And so right now you have only spent a little bit more than $3000, but you have encumbered some funds. You've | 00:09:19 | |
encumbered monies for public safety personnel that was in last year's budget or in this current year's budget. | 00:09:27 | |
And you've also set aside some money for. | 00:09:35 | |
The fire truck, which I believe, we just think we just paid that check today. | 00:09:39 | |
For the I'm sorry, not for the fire truck, for the fire department, for Jaws of Life, a battery operated Jaws of Life unit. And | 00:09:44 | |
then it's not on here yet because we haven't spent any of the money yet, but we have encumbered $100,000 and I should have put it | 00:09:49 | |
on here for the recreational park and green space. | 00:09:54 | |
So that is on there as well or that is how these funds will be spent? | 00:09:59 | |
It's important to note that right now we're averaging about 71,000. | 00:10:04 | |
We typically when we budgeted for this project, we budgeted at 61,000 or about 62. So we're tracking about $10,000 more a month on | 00:10:08 | |
this which is obviously. | 00:10:14 | |
Good news. | 00:10:19 | |
Any questions on spots before I jump to American rescue? | 00:10:21 | |
And I know this is extremely small, but so the American rescue plan funds are the funds that were. | 00:10:25 | |
Approved. | 00:10:31 | |
The federal government in. | 00:10:33 | |
March or April of last year and distributed its city and they're going to be distributed in two tranches 1 tranche of. | 00:10:35 | |
$548,204.50 in July of this of this past year and another that same amount this this July. And these are funds that we'll talk. | 00:10:40 | |
Well, we're not going to talk about tonight too much, but I will tell you that on the consent agenda is a request that you | 00:10:46 | |
designate those funds for general government services. The final rule from the US Treasury was that those funds up to $10 million, | 00:10:52 | |
all governments can claim up to $10 million. If they got like I think Oconee County got 9 million, they can actually make a | 00:10:58 | |
designation to use a standard allowance. | 00:11:04 | |
Those funds for general government services, so you're no longer required to use them for sewer, water, broadband, essential pay | 00:11:10 | |
for employees where they want to, They encourage you to do that. But you have other government services that you may want to use | 00:11:16 | |
the funds for. And so although we have, we started out that way because that was the inner rule, the interim rule, the final rule | 00:11:23 | |
did not come into play until January of this year. So we had almost a full year of. | 00:11:29 | |
General government services and then you will have free rent on how you want to use those, so. | 00:12:09 | |
Any. | 00:12:13 | |
All right. Just a little bit of a follow up and I don't know if the mayor will want to try to address this now or not, but we do | 00:12:16 | |
have a schedule for the budget. | 00:12:20 | |
That's rolling out. Tonight will be the first public hearing on the budget. There is no budget to be seen yet, but if you have | 00:12:24 | |
input, the public has input on how they would like to see the government. | 00:12:29 | |
The funds in the upcoming fiscal year, that's the information that will be provided, that can be provided tonight to council. | 00:12:34 | |
The mayor and I will get together 1st of next week and go through his revisions and then we'll provide that to the council on May | 00:12:40 | |
2nd. | 00:12:43 | |
There are public hearings for the mileage rate and budget work sessions coming up in May. We may be moving. I guess I'll leave | 00:12:47 | |
that to the mayors request. The June meeting may move to the 14th, depending on y'all desire. And if so, we'll you know, we'll | 00:12:53 | |
publicize that. We'll have plenty of time to publicize that change, but. | 00:12:58 | |
But that's sort of what you're looking at. It's going to be fast and furious once we hit May 2nd and hopefully. | 00:13:04 | |
Be good opportunity to spend the. | 00:13:09 | |
To make this community even better. | 00:13:13 | |
Any questions? | 00:13:15 | |
Did you want to ask about the budget, about the about the date or anything yet? I think we'll nail that down. We'll nail that down | 00:13:24 | |
offline and see if we can. If we need to make that adjustment, we'll let everybody know in the next few days. | 00:13:29 | |
OK. | 00:13:35 | |
And move on, Yep. So business licenses, so we've had 39 business licenses in the month of March. | 00:13:36 | |
No alcohol licenses. | 00:13:42 | |
You probably see a lot of names, those that can read that small and got them in your packet, but and then we had on on economic | 00:13:46 | |
development building permits, we had 14 building permits for 9 projects. You'll see several that are over there in the in the wire | 00:13:50 | |
park. | 00:13:55 | |
Develop. | 00:13:59 | |
Any questions on any of that? | 00:14:01 | |
All right, seeing none, I will pass it on to that command. All right, Chief, think it's your turn. | 00:14:05 | |
What haven't you been up to is probably the better question, but we will, we'll go on from there, so. | 00:14:12 | |
Good evening, Mayor and Council. Always a pleasure to be here in front of you to talk about good things Watkinsville. | 00:14:18 | |
Umm. | 00:14:25 | |
I submitted a report last week. I was missing the front page data that I normally have to provide to you because a. | 00:14:26 | |
An update to my record management system caused a crash in the database and didn't get that fixed until today, but I did get a | 00:14:33 | |
copy of it done today. | 00:14:37 | |
And I submitted it to you at the dyess this evening if you have any questions over any of that or any of the traffic statistic | 00:14:41 | |
data that I have provided. | 00:14:46 | |
In the back. | 00:14:51 | |
Councilman Garrett, I appreciate those comments about the sign that's in. | 00:14:53 | |
On South Main, heading South. | 00:14:57 | |
Capturing the drivers, slowing down and your observance of that, that's good. | 00:15:01 | |
What? They're what they're meant. | 00:15:07 | |
Well, if you have no, no other questions and no other commentary. | 00:15:09 | |
Well, we had a little bit of fun over the weekend. | 00:15:15 | |
We had an Easter Bunny come in and hide 10,000 eggs. | 00:15:20 | |
And then that happened. | 00:15:24 | |
It was, it was quite the challenge to be on the receiving end of those kids. | 00:15:30 | |
And holding them back. | 00:15:36 | |
So that was a good time. The rain, you know, the rain rained early that morning and it it stopped exactly like I had predicted it | 00:15:39 | |
to do. | 00:15:43 | |
Meteorologically. | 00:15:48 | |
9:00 and we were able to get the eggs out on the ground and get everybody up there. | 00:15:50 | |
And happy. | 00:15:55 | |
All right, the next event we have coming up is Cops and Bobbers May 7th, 2022. The registration was open for 2 1/2 days. It filled | 00:15:58 | |
up completely. It is closed. | 00:16:03 | |
May have to back up and reevaluate having another one. | 00:16:10 | |
Because it filled up so quickly, but that's the way it was for me in Saint Mary's I I had a bunch of larger pond there and I was | 00:16:14 | |
able to accommodate well over 300 kids. | 00:16:19 | |
Annually and that would fill out in about 2 1/2 days. Three days so. | 00:16:24 | |
We're holding holding true to that, that standard, but. | 00:16:30 | |
Everybody's excited about fishing with cops, so hey, I. | 00:16:33 | |
All right. | 00:16:38 | |
Chief, do you have all the local partners that you need for prizes and such for that, or are you still looking for local | 00:16:39 | |
businesses to support that event? | 00:16:44 | |
Make sure they get recognized and. | 00:16:55 | |
Acknowledgement on social media and I know we don't have room for more kids, but if if you have some, is there an opportunity for | 00:16:58 | |
anybody to volunteer to help or support you guys or do you have all the help that you need? There's always. | 00:17:04 | |
Always plenty to do out there. I have fishing measuring stations and and recording stations that have to be manned. I have some | 00:17:10 | |
cooking that needs to be done, you know, helping here and there. You know she'll have to show kids how to help cook worms stuff. | 00:17:16 | |
There's there's plenty of work to do, so anybody wants to volunteer, just reach out to me. I'd be happy to try to find something | 00:17:24 | |
to do for you. | 00:17:27 | |
Thank you. | 00:17:31 | |
All right. That it for you, chief. OK, all right. Unless we have any discussion that we need to have on the consent agenda, I'll | 00:17:40 | |
entertain a motion to approve. | 00:17:45 | |
I'll make a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. | 00:17:55 | |
2nd. | 00:18:02 | |
All right. We have a motion in a second. Any discussion hearing? None. All in favor? Say aye. | 00:18:03 | |
Any. | 00:18:08 | |
Motion carries 5 O. | 00:18:10 | |
All right. At this point, we have a public hearing. | 00:18:13 | |
And I believe this is on their first public hearing related to the budget, correct Manager Dickerson. | 00:18:18 | |
So the purpose of this hearing and manager Dickerson, feel free to to jump in if you want to add anything. | 00:18:25 | |
This is we don't have. | 00:18:32 | |
We have not finalized the budget draft, so members of the public or members of the council, if you want to share some input on | 00:18:35 | |
what you would want to see in the budget, what's important to you, what your priorities are, we want to hear about it and this is | 00:18:39 | |
the time. | 00:18:43 | |
For you to do that, the speakers, as I said earlier, if you come up, state your name, state your address. | 00:18:47 | |
You know, we don't want to have any attacks. I don't think we will in the budget, I hope. But we would not want to have personal | 00:18:54 | |
debate, argument attacks or irrelevant discussion. We want you to address the merits of the matter that's before us, and in this | 00:18:59 | |
case it is the FY23. | 00:19:04 | |
Budget. You should speak to Council, not to each. | 00:19:09 | |
And obviously we can't speak to litigation or personnel matters, so the podium is open if anyone cares to come forward. And if the | 00:19:12 | |
attorney is satisfied with my description of how to handle public comment, all right. | 00:19:19 | |
Does anyone care to come and offer any any feedback or suggestions? | 00:19:26 | |
For the FY23 city of Watkinsville. | 00:19:31 | |
Now we have some local property owners, business owners. | 00:19:37 | |
Young citizens. | 00:19:40 | |
Our fearless leader of Oconee County, Chairman Daniel, thank you for being. | 00:19:42 | |
What? | 00:19:47 | |
I. | 00:19:50 | |
All right. I'm not seeing any comments there at the podium. So we will consider that matter close. We'll bring it back behind the | 00:19:52 | |
Rail council. I know we've had planning meetings or other things at this point. | 00:19:57 | |
Do you have anything else that you want to share with the manager or maybe related to the budget? | 00:20:02 | |
All right. Well, I know you've all been very active already in that process and thank you for that. And we'll have two more | 00:20:09 | |
opportunities, correct? | 00:20:12 | |
Have those kind of conversations in our next meeting, obviously there'll be something to react to. | 00:20:16 | |
Three more. OK. All right. OK. So that is our budget. Now we'll move on to appearances. We do have a 10 minute time limit for | 00:20:22 | |
appearances per the guidance of the state zoning law. And tonight on the agenda we have Waters Walk, which is an age restricted | 00:20:28 | |
independent living retirement community at Durham and Water streets has been proposed. | 00:20:35 | |
Mr. Campbell, our city engineer, I think we're going to start with a report from you, please. | 00:20:43 | |
Thank you, Mayor. So hopefully you were familiar with this project. You've seen it about a year ago when it went through the | 00:20:48 | |
rezoning process, which is the development agreement that was worked out over a couple months time period if you will recall about | 00:20:55 | |
this time last year. So just to jog everyone's memory, the location of the project known as Waters Walk is on the southern side of | 00:21:02 | |
the intersection there of of Water St. and Durham St. The majority of the development is not. | 00:21:09 | |
On the western side, which kind of goes down to the Creek, but it is up near the the corner of those two Main St. frontages. | 00:21:17 | |
It's a combination of a multiple parcels. | 00:21:24 | |
If you can go to the next slide, so that's that's the view of the corner facing South, so whether you knew the names of the | 00:21:28 | |
streets or not and as you were traveling there in that area somewhat paralleling Main St. | 00:21:35 | |
That is, there's a number of existing structures on that parcel as well, which is part of this application for construction | 00:21:42 | |
documents Site improvement, Next slide. | 00:21:46 | |
Again, so, so there's three primary structures there. That is the structure of the only of the primary structures that has | 00:21:53 | |
frontage on Durham St. so that is 40 Durham St. And then the other two structures are along along Water St. | 00:22:00 | |
You. | 00:22:08 | |
So that's the structure that's on Water St. that's closest. | 00:22:10 | |
To Durham. If you if you think about the the backside, if you will, of Oconee State Bank property, if you're heading towards the | 00:22:15 | |
courthouse, this would be on your right. | 00:22:19 | |
And then that is the, the third structure that is part of this, this area that's being developed for the Waters Walk project. | 00:22:24 | |
Hopefully that provides some clarification on on what is there as you would see it today. So the the next slide shows that from a | 00:22:30 | |
a plan view that it was presented by the design professional. You can kind of see there the orientation on the right hand side of | 00:22:36 | |
the page that's Water St. | 00:22:42 | |
And then? | 00:22:49 | |
You can see those existing structures as it orients back. | 00:22:50 | |
Again on the left hand side of the page would be down gradient or towards this stream? | 00:22:55 | |
And then that is the proposed site plan. So that structure there is a multiple story structure, the footprint as it was | 00:23:03 | |
represented on the plans. | 00:23:06 | |
About 22,000 square feet, so it is not quite half an acre. | 00:23:11 | |
In footprint. So as you can imagine, that's a great deal of surface area. One of the points I want to bring up, if you do not | 00:23:16 | |
remember, is that the portion of the property that is closest to the courthouse is not being developed, so that will remain in its | 00:23:23 | |
current state with the exception of the improvements that are being shown. | 00:23:30 | |
Curb and gutter, sidewalk, those types of things along the the street frontage if you are not familiar or the plan in its original | 00:23:37 | |
state and the plan in its current state, the very thick. | 00:23:43 | |
Serpentine line somewhat front and center on that is would be a retaining wall, so the building will in some ways be. | 00:23:49 | |
The parking area that's behind the building will be at a higher elevation than the existing grade and then there is a retaining | 00:23:58 | |
wall that will transition down. | 00:24:02 | |
To the stormwater management facility that's somewhat on the left hand side of the page as you see it there. | 00:24:06 | |
Hopefully I've done a fair job of describing that. So this is, this is what we're, you know, talking about. Again, the the | 00:24:13 | |
property itself is much larger than the 3.2 acres being disturbed because the disturbance is being concentrated in that corridor, | 00:24:18 | |
if you will, along that main. | 00:24:23 | |
Corner where the street frontage is located and there's a stormwater management facility and retaining walls that are part of the | 00:24:29 | |
site development plans. So the plans were submitted in March, those plans were were reviewed, there were comments associated with | 00:24:35 | |
the site improvement plans. We actually had a meeting here in this room on April 1st and went over those comments. The design | 00:24:41 | |
professional applicant has responded to those. You should have seen that in your package. So the progress of the plans has been | 00:24:47 | |
great and. | 00:24:52 | |
Something that doesn't normally happen prior to this meeting is approval by the Georgia Storm Water, Soil and Water Conservation | 00:24:59 | |
Commission for disturbance over one acre. The city can approve that it has to go through the state and and typically that's a | 00:25:04 | |
pretty long process but that's approvals already occurred. So this this project already has state approval from an erosion control | 00:25:09 | |
standpoint. So that's. | 00:25:14 | |
That's a check mark there, so. | 00:25:20 | |
There is still some things that are outside. The city did approve wastewater allocation as part of the rezoning process a year | 00:25:24 | |
ago, but ultimately the the water and sewer are controlled by Oconee County Water Resources. So that is a separate item that would | 00:25:29 | |
be need to be a condition of approval and then as the process that you're familiar with the urban forest will not be part of the | 00:25:35 | |
reviewer discussion tonight. Should this project move forward that would likely be on the next month's agenda. Be happy to answer | 00:25:40 | |
any questions. | 00:25:45 | |
Council, it probably makes sense to go ahead and hear from the applicant and then we can kind of circle back on our question. So | 00:26:00 | |
gentlemen or gentlemen, if you want to come up and state your name and give us an overview, that would be great. Thank you, Mr. | 00:26:04 | |
Mayor. | 00:26:09 | |
My name is Scott Haynes. I work for Washington Engineering. I reside at 2081 Clock Filter Rd. | 00:26:14 | |
Here tonight with Mr. David Russell. He was the Director of Development for the Beverly J Searles Group. | 00:26:19 | |
Thank you, Mr. Campbell, for a really great presentation. I'm trying not to be too redundant, cover a lot of good stuff. | 00:26:27 | |
We're here tonight for the second part of what we started. | 00:26:35 | |
Last year. | 00:26:38 | |
Tonight here to ask for approval for the site Development Improvement Plans and also the associated demolition. | 00:26:39 | |
Permit that will be needed to develop this. | 00:26:46 | |
As mentioned, this is on the corner of Water and Durham St. on the South. | 00:26:50 | |
Western side. | 00:26:53 | |
It will be an age restricted community and it has taken advantage of the DCA. | 00:26:54 | |
Granting of 9% tax credits to be rewarded back in November. If you'll remember back to the rezone that was the critical piece for | 00:27:00 | |
this and. | 00:27:04 | |
Who were very excited to receive notification of that granting under those. | 00:27:08 | |
With those tax credits comes rules about the affordability and the breakdown of what has to be done with the. | 00:27:14 | |
Rents and things of that nature and. | 00:27:20 | |
Mr. Russell can speak to that a little more clearly if you'll have questions about. | 00:27:23 | |
This is an 8.7 approximately acre parcel right now. | 00:27:28 | |
As we talked about during the rezoning development agreement. | 00:27:32 | |
A large portion of that will be donated back to the city. I believe it's a year after. | 00:27:36 | |
To be used for hopefully the future connection of a trail system down there. It's primarily environmental area, floodplain and | 00:27:42 | |
such. This is just below the site, I think it totals around 6 acres. | 00:27:47 | |
There are currently 3 old houses, as were shown in the staff's presentation. | 00:27:55 | |
These will need to be removed some fashion or for this project to go forward. I know there may be some questions or discussion on | 00:28:00 | |
this topic. We're happy to talk about those. If there are, just know that those are always part of the plan to be somehow. | 00:28:07 | |
Removed from this property even you know as part of the zoning approval. | 00:28:15 | |
As far as the building goes, this really is the plan and the building itself are very close to what we showed you in the rezone | 00:28:19 | |
process. It's still a 3/4 split, three stories on the front of streets and four in the parking lot side. | 00:28:25 | |
Still an L, still showing the connections to the street, although we have eliminated a few because of grades and really large | 00:28:31 | |
massings of stairs, but still keeping a good bit of those direct connections that were part of the conversation during the rezone. | 00:28:37 | |
Sure. | 00:28:47 | |
The building is still a mixture of one and two-bedroom units. Unit count still remain the same and we still are providing the same | 00:28:55 | |
parking count as was provided was proposed during the rezone. It's 48 spaces. You'll remember we asked for reduction in parking | 00:29:00 | |
spaces. This is going to be. | 00:29:05 | |
Very non auto centric type development taking advantage of being downtown Watkinsville and the nature of the. | 00:29:11 | |
Folks that will be living here, So we feel that's that's still very appropriate. | 00:29:17 | |
Umm. | 00:29:22 | |
All in all, I'd really like to say very heartfelt thanks to staff. They've done a wonderful job to help shepherd us through this, | 00:29:24 | |
this project and giving us comments and we've done our best to address those. As Mr. Campbell mentioned, we have received the | 00:29:30 | |
storm water, excuse me, the soil residence sediment control approval from the state already. | 00:29:35 | |
We still have some submission to do to Oconee County for the water and sewer connections that should be forthcoming pretty soon. | 00:29:42 | |
Also, if approved tonight, we'd like to continue to move forward as quickly as possible, so we are prepared to submit our forest | 00:29:50 | |
protection plan just as soon as we were able. | 00:29:54 | |
All in all. | 00:29:59 | |
It'll be a good plan, quite a bit of protection considering the limited amount of disturbance on this parcel overall. | 00:30:00 | |
Just thank you again for all of your work both back last year to help this project and tonight we look forward to your comments if | 00:30:08 | |
you have any questions, we're more than happy to answer those. Thank you. | 00:30:13 | |
All right. Thank you. Mr. Haynes. I think if you and Mr. Russell just want to come on up here, I imagine we'll have some questions | 00:30:20 | |
and that'll save. | 00:30:23 | |
Save you guys some up and down South. I'd suggest y'all come on up, Mr. Russell, Reintroduce yourself to this group and then | 00:30:26 | |
council. I'll let y'all. | 00:30:30 | |
Much. I'll start asking questions. | 00:30:34 | |
Good evening. It's good to see you all again. My name is David Russell. I live at 115 Braxton Way, Roswell, GA. | 00:30:36 | |
Director of Development for the Beverly J Charles. | 00:30:42 | |
All right, we have Mr. Haynes and Mr. Russell. | 00:30:46 | |
Well, thank you all. | 00:30:49 | |
I remember the very lengthy conversations and looking at plans. | 00:30:52 | |
When y'all were here before. | 00:30:58 | |
So you highlighted, Scott, some of the things that are staying the same. | 00:31:01 | |
What is different from what we were presented other than? And by that I mean big picture, not small engineering matters that will | 00:31:05 | |
go right over my head. | 00:31:11 | |
Sure. Well, this is really very, very similar to the zoning plan convention. If what we can start with is the elevation is up, | 00:31:17 | |
like I mentioned, there's a couple of, I think 2 on either side of the building. | 00:31:22 | |
Direct access points that were eliminated. | 00:31:27 | |
Is again primarily for grade. | 00:31:31 | |
Large sets of. | 00:31:33 | |
Umm. | 00:31:35 | |
He thought those were best kept to be internal. | 00:31:36 | |
There is. There was a slight reconfiguration of the parking lot. It's really in. | 00:31:41 | |
Just to work out with the engineering of the wall. | 00:31:46 | |
Relocation or location of a dumpster. | 00:31:52 | |
That'll be up near the building screen from the. | 00:31:55 | |
But All in all, I mean that's. | 00:31:58 | |
It's really very close to what you saw back in the zoning. | 00:31:59 | |
Pretty hard pressed to point out any large differences. | 00:32:03 | |
And Scott at that point, remind me, it looks like you've brought the facade of the building up to grade at the corner of. | 00:32:08 | |
Water in Durham, so there's not kind of you originally had it kind of sunk down, but is that an accurate assessment of the design | 00:32:15 | |
at this point? This section is not showing that in the in the top corner. It's still depressed, I think 3 feet to balance it out. | 00:32:20 | |
It's 3 feet in the ground on that corner side. | 00:32:25 | |
And it's. | 00:32:31 | |
Probably 7 or 8 on the on the. | 00:32:33 | |
That was a balancing act with the. | 00:32:35 | |
Constraints of the site exactly the same as we presented it during the zoning. We have not moved that this. This drawing does | 00:32:39 | |
represent it as being on the corner, but what's not showing is the actual section line up to the corner. | 00:32:44 | |
Which would be probably right through about the first third of those front doors. | 00:32:52 | |
So they'll have to step down, step down into a Plaza, a couple steps, but just three. You said 3 feet. | 00:32:57 | |
That's, that's correct. And where's the 78 feet, is that further down, is that further down Durham and water, is that what you're | 00:33:04 | |
referring to? | 00:33:07 | |
Falls away pretty sharply. The building will be out of the ground there and then, not as much but some on the. | 00:33:13 | |
OK. | 00:33:22 | |
So I don't know if this is the time that we. | 00:33:25 | |
We're talking about what's happening on the inside and the amenities. Are all of those still the same, the library and the, you | 00:33:28 | |
know, the different? | 00:33:32 | |
Facilities for the opposites, yes, everything we committed to in the in the agreements is in the in the plan. So we could have | 00:33:36 | |
actually we're ready to then two weeks off full architectural is ready to submit but reflect all of the all the amenities that we | 00:33:42 | |
promised in our development agreement. | 00:33:48 | |
Pretty much the. | 00:33:57 | |
Council. | 00:34:02 | |
Brett. | 00:34:05 | |
Just curious what's what's all approval is done, what do you think completion timeframe is? So that's really going to depend on | 00:34:09 | |
when we start, we're right now projecting. | 00:34:14 | |
Shovels in the ground and. | 00:34:20 | |
Let's call it July 1st and it's a 15 month construction month construction process approximately depending on. | 00:34:23 | |
Where we are with with. | 00:34:30 | |
Things so long enough you never know if you get a two-month rain delay or you know you're fine. So our goal is to be done in 15 | 00:34:33 | |
months from July. Next question and this is a little selfish how how are y'all going to try to keep it where people from | 00:34:39 | |
Watkinsville and Oconee. So that's that's the same thing that we talked about all throughout the process. We will this this | 00:34:45 | |
building will. | 00:34:50 | |
Knock on wood, I may not be concerned. It'll lease up within a month of us. | 00:34:57 | |
And 90 high, high percentage of people who will find this building or local residents, our marketing is going to be a sign on the | 00:35:02 | |
construction site. It's going to be in these meetings. People have already come up and say how do we on this list And so we | 00:35:07 | |
started to take names. | 00:35:13 | |
And that's that's really what it's going to be, so. | 00:35:18 | |
Know about it. They might read about it in a clipping and be able to contact it might be someone's mom or grandmother that hey, | 00:35:22 | |
mom can come over and check this out. So those people might be out of community, but it'll primarily the the. | 00:35:28 | |
Circular Trust is pretty much here in Watkinsville. People. People here know about the building going. | 00:35:36 | |
So we can't, we can't control who this is, obviously. | 00:35:41 | |
As far as our marketing radius, it's it's walking. | 00:35:46 | |
So if I have heard from several citizens who are interested in getting on a list of waiting list or a list For more information. | 00:35:49 | |
Can they do that now or is there a? Do they need to watch your website? What do I need to share with them? | 00:35:56 | |
We're really going to start that process once construction starts. Once construction starts, we'll have a while we're marketing | 00:36:07 | |
our leasing sign up. | 00:36:11 | |
We'll have leasing staff ready to start taking numbers. So part of it is as Scott mentioned this. | 00:36:16 | |
It's income driven. So you have to qualify to get in and it's it's a, it's a portion of the people who qualify to get it have to | 00:36:23 | |
make a certain amount of money. So there's a way to qualify our residents. So that's. | 00:36:28 | |
Really kind of. We have a very professional leasing and marketing staff that's equipped to. | 00:36:34 | |
To qualify those as residents. | 00:36:40 | |
I what I will do. | 00:36:43 | |
And you can certainly have that. | 00:36:45 | |
My numbers support my cell phone number. | 00:36:48 | |
Be careful. | 00:36:52 | |
I would say that just wait. There's really no there. You're not going to be losing your place in line if you wait till the | 00:36:54 | |
construction starts and then the sign goes up. | 00:36:58 | |
There's a couple people who found a. | 00:37:04 | |
You're not gonna lose your place if you if you get. | 00:37:08 | |
OK. | 00:37:11 | |
Any other questions? | 00:37:14 | |
I do have a few. One of the things that was mentioned to me was that we're making the sidewalks wide enough so that vehicles or | 00:37:16 | |
ambulances could use those that more quickly access the site on the front we're going to do. | 00:37:22 | |
Greater density, type of concrete or do some other things to ensure that should we have vehicles on those sidewalks, it's not, | 00:37:29 | |
they're not going to get broken up or anything. | 00:37:33 | |
I think that that was one of the comments that we received from fire that we were just a little bit curious about. What is the | 00:37:41 | |
sidewalks, they are 6 foot sidewalks I believe on the on the image there. | 00:37:45 | |
You know, I don't see an issue. | 00:37:52 | |
It's probably a little more base is what, right some fiber mesh. So we can certainly look at that in the front. Are you suggesting | 00:37:55 | |
that at some point if golf carts are allowed, people are going to use golf carts? No. Like you know I think what was mentioned and | 00:38:01 | |
it was something about emergency vehicles and access perhaps to the front of the site. We given the size of the parking lot in the | 00:38:07 | |
back that I just want to be sure if you were creating that opportunity that we had. | 00:38:13 | |
You know that we had the right density of concrete or greater base to make. | 00:38:21 | |
Should that happen or should there be a moving truck or something that's accessing from the front that they? | 00:38:25 | |
Crush the sidewalk. | 00:38:29 | |
You know, then the city is, I'm assuming, the sidewalks. | 00:38:31 | |
Will they be deeded to the city or will you guys take care of the right of way and we are dedicating additional right away to? | 00:38:34 | |
Right. As far as emergency vehicles in the front, I mean the projects really set up to access those types? | 00:38:42 | |
Equipment Infrastructure from the RE. | 00:38:50 | |
Where they're successful ways and ramps and things. | 00:38:52 | |
So, I mean, we're happy to. | 00:38:56 | |
Discuss with the. | 00:38:58 | |
Let's put four in the sidewalk spec. I don't think that's if you just talked with the engineer about that. We don't need to solve | 00:39:00 | |
the problem tonight, but I think that would be good. I just want to be sure if we're going to be in charge of maintaining those | 00:39:03 | |
sidewalks. | 00:39:06 | |
You know, we if there's an idea from the emergency services that they may be pulling a wheel up on those that we aren't dealing | 00:39:10 | |
with crack sidewalks later on, sure. | 00:39:14 | |
Can you remind me on the green spaces at approximately 5 acres coming back to the city, is that what your plan is? So then deed | 00:39:22 | |
that back to the city? | 00:39:27 | |
OK. It's between 5:00 and 6:00 acres. | 00:39:32 | |
All right. And then Scott, was the parcel closest to the courthouse part of the rezone or was did that remain detached residential | 00:39:36 | |
or that? | 00:39:39 | |
Umm. | 00:39:44 | |
It was not part of the rezone we excluded. | 00:39:45 | |
For the discussion we had back then desire to leave that to potentially still allow for some commercial on that street or office | 00:39:49 | |
that's right, because it's downtown or mixed-use office there, right. OK. But what we have done is. | 00:39:55 | |
I mean in addition to providing improvements for sidewalks and curves along that stretch to that's how you connect to courthouse | 00:40:01 | |
in downtown corridor. So it's important that we added and provided that you've also stubbed out a connection for storm water and | 00:40:08 | |
looked at sizing the pond for this development for whatever might come for that future. | 00:40:14 | |
Because the parcel is limited. | 00:40:21 | |
More options to develop in the future and. | 00:40:24 | |
Ready. | 00:40:28 | |
Connection. | 00:40:29 | |
OK. | 00:40:32 | |
All right, Council, any other questions? | 00:40:35 | |
All right, well, it looks like we need a motion for. | 00:40:41 | |
To approve the site improvement construction documents and then the associated demolition permits for the older structures, which | 00:40:44 | |
I believe are going to be offered to move before they're demolished, correct? | 00:40:49 | |
Someone wants to move those structures that's that's correct. So there's there's there's three structures that will be potentially | 00:40:54 | |
moved or demolished. | 00:40:58 | |
And we have the, we have the sellers here and they've grown up on the property, so lots of sentimental value and. | 00:41:03 | |
There there are special places to people in the audience. | 00:41:10 | |
From the The decision to move them will be whether there's a market for someone who wants to come with them. There's asbestos in | 00:41:13 | |
the building. Some of the buildings literally can't like 1 cinder block. | 00:41:18 | |
Can't be moved, so we will. | 00:41:24 | |
We'll take care of it to move them if there's a market, if there's some some value in doing that. | 00:41:27 | |
OK. All right. What's that, Jeff? | 00:41:34 | |
Is there a timeline for how long they'd be available? Do we know that yet? So we would potentially. | 00:41:37 | |
Making that call. | 00:41:46 | |
August 1st. Ish. Midsummer. | 00:41:48 | |
Right. What we will do. So there's there's we've already started reaching out. There's a local. So I've reached out to a person I | 00:41:52 | |
know in Atlanta whether if there's you know, some market to do those, there's a local person that we have reached out to that | 00:41:57 | |
specializes in moving houses. It's not. | 00:42:03 | |
It's not that you can't go Google that person. There's a very small world that is doing that. So we've we've started that process | 00:42:09 | |
and trying to find that guy. The other constraints are where the Billings can be moved. Is the asbestos too much of an issue and | 00:42:13 | |
then is. | 00:42:18 | |
Physically room to move those houses down that little. | 00:42:24 | |
So those are the types of things we need to figure out, OK? | 00:42:28 | |
Just thinking about that, you coming down Water St. that's a pretty big dip into Experiment Station. I hate service. | 00:42:32 | |
Long void truck. | 00:42:40 | |
Yeah, yeah. All right. We'll let y'all work that, work that detail out with staff and. | 00:42:51 | |
The appropriate amount of advertisement for all that. All right, so we've got that's what we're looking for though is a motion to | 00:42:57 | |
approve the site improvement, construction documents and the demolition permit. | 00:43:01 | |
We can just do that together, Joe. Sharon, is that fine? OK. | 00:43:06 | |
So moved. | 00:43:12 | |
Do we have? | 00:43:14 | |
All right. Any further comments? Conversation here? None. All in favor, say aye. | 00:43:17 | |
Any opposed motion carries 5. | 00:43:22 | |
All right. Thank you. | 00:43:26 | |
All right. We have under old business. We had tabled a matter related to 41 Barnet Shoals Rd. a demolition permit. Manager | 00:43:29 | |
Dickerson, if you could provide us with an update on that? | 00:43:34 | |
Sure. | 00:43:39 | |
So the applicant has requested to maybe handle this a little differently. There were some suggestions at the last council meeting | 00:43:41 | |
and they've decided to now pursue an administrative option which is trying to give away the home, have the house moved? | 00:43:48 | |
Obviously they understand that the council would prefer the house be moved and stay within the city limits but there's no way to | 00:43:57 | |
you know, require that and I do believe they have advertised there is a sign up on the property. I don't know if it made if it | 00:44:03 | |
makes paper will be in tomorrow's paper, I would imagine and we gave them, I think. | 00:44:08 | |
Joe, do you remember how many days we owe? 90 days, 90 days? So we'll have an update. | 00:44:15 | |
Somebody may have to. | 00:44:20 | |
Yeah. But we gave them 90 days. So we'll know we'll have a status update in 90 days. We essentially give giving them six months, | 00:44:24 | |
but we'll know I think within 90 days whether or not this. | 00:44:31 | |
Going to happen or not, So we'll provide a status that to y'all. The July meeting is the plan, if not before. | 00:44:37 | |
All right. | 00:44:45 | |
Council, any questions on? | 00:44:48 | |
OK. Then we will move to our new business item which is Lael Lane. | 00:44:50 | |
Even though it says none, we know that we had an emergent issue with the pipe on Oil Lane. | 00:44:55 | |
We are meeting about that tomorrow with the county Chairman Daniel. I want to thank you for your team being willing to. | 00:45:00 | |
Lean in and make your expertise available to us. We're going to talk about materials and some different things tomorrow and see if | 00:45:08 | |
we. | 00:45:12 | |
Make sure that we're aligned. This is somewhat of an emergency situation. So we're very hopeful that you guys will be able to help | 00:45:16 | |
on that pretty quick. John, I know you'll have a full schedule, but we are a little concerned about that road, so, so but. | 00:45:23 | |
Mr. Campbell and Mrs. Dickerson and everything, Councilman Garrett and Councilman Thomas, everybody who helped out in that | 00:45:32 | |
situation, we got. | 00:45:35 | |
A. | 00:45:40 | |
You know, we got some really crazy pricing on that right out of the gate and decided we work hard to drive that pricing down. | 00:45:41 | |
What I'd ask you to do tonight would be to approve up to $50,000 for those improvements. We don't anticipate it being that much, | 00:45:48 | |
but I don't want to have to come back to this group. I'd like to authorize the manager. | 00:45:54 | |
Up to $50,000 to take care of that. I think the county estimate sharing round numbers came in at. | 00:46:01 | |
35. | 00:46:09 | |
That doesn't include asphalt repaving. So we're going to have to do some repaving tomorrow. We'll talk about the, you know whether | 00:46:12 | |
it's possible. We also sourced some other pipes, whether it's potentially possible for you to them to use some of that at a lower. | 00:46:19 | |
Although Mr. Weathers indicated he's kind of got away, he wants to do it and I understand that, so we'll so we'll work through | 00:46:28 | |
that tomorrow. | 00:46:32 | |
But I would ask you all if you would be able to authorize up to 50 it would be a split of probably our remaining L make funds. | 00:46:36 | |
Sadly and are and then some splash three money most likely is how we would find that but I'd request that you guys approve up to | 00:46:42 | |
$50,000 authorized for. | 00:46:48 | |
For the emergency repairs on the way, Elaine, if possible. | 00:46:55 | |
I make a motion that we will prove up to $50,000 for the necessary repairs. | 00:47:00 | |
I'll second. | 00:47:06 | |
Any further discussion all in favor. | 00:47:07 | |
Any. | 00:47:12 | |
Now we have our regular public comment period. We're down to just three. If anyone wants to come forward, the same rules apply. | 00:47:16 | |
Come forward, state your name and make any public comment that you have for the City Council. | 00:47:21 | |
And were any comments received prior to the meeting via e-mail? | 00:47:31 | |
We had none. OK, I'm going to close the public comments. We'll move on to the mayor's report. I'll be short and sweet. Wanted to | 00:47:35 | |
mention that we continue to get some great reviews for what's happening in Watkinsville, Georgia. Trend did a brief write up on | 00:47:41 | |
Wire Park and what's happening at Wire Park. That was nice to see. | 00:47:47 | |
Miracle League Project is in probably, I'd say rounding third base, maybe on its way home. | 00:47:53 | |
They poured concrete last Friday out there. I think there's a 28 day cure period before they can lay down the turf. On top of | 00:48:01 | |
that, they're making great progress on the landscaping. I think that's close to being wrapped up. It looks beautiful out there now | 00:48:07 | |
and then. They were working on the turf on the playground today as well. Manager Dickerson has communicated with ESP to get all | 00:48:12 | |
the warranties and details on the playground equipment so that we can set aside. | 00:48:18 | |
Appropriate funds for maintenance and repair over. | 00:48:24 | |
As well. So I would think you know at some point in May or early June, we'll be having a celebration out there, but I don't think | 00:48:28 | |
ESP has finalized a date for that yet. So stay tuned for more. | 00:48:32 | |
I'm sure we'll be invited to that. And then the last thing I want to call out and Christine may or may not have more to say on | 00:48:37 | |
this, we're seeing, as you would expect, continued pressure on our historic assets in Watkinsville we have. | 00:48:44 | |
You know, homes being advertised to be moved, we're starting to see demolition permits again. | 00:48:51 | |
We're going to need to take a fresh look at historic preservation and historic preservation ordinances. We've done that before. We | 00:48:57 | |
decided at that point they were a little bit wonky and. | 00:49:01 | |
And they are wonky. But the government, the law is very specific in terms of how you can govern historic preservation. But. | 00:49:07 | |
Christine and I are taking a look at that and we'll probably come back to you guys with some thoughts and recommendations in the | 00:49:13 | |
next few months on what we may need to do to ensure that. | 00:49:17 | |
Limited supply of historic buildings and structures are preserved. | 00:49:21 | |
Preserved in Watkinsville are given every opportunity to be preserved as we move forward. | 00:49:26 | |
Down the road. So not a lot of specifics there, but just stay tuned for more and if you have thoughts on that, we're all yours on. | 00:49:31 | |
You know your perspective on that. That's all I have. | 00:49:37 | |
Actually, we have one more thing, chief. | 00:49:42 | |
Y'all gonna have to help me because we had we had an exciting thing. Y'all ready. | 00:49:46 | |
The mayor is a birthday boy. The birthday brother is the birthday boy all day long. | 00:49:52 | |
Everybody gets embarrassed, though. OK, All right. Special Watkinsville birthday song? Feel deeply honored. | 00:50:02 | |
Yeah, yeah. | 00:50:09 | |
OK, All right. Can't do it like everybody else can. | 00:50:12 | |
Thank you all. You know, 47 and feeling fine. All right. Councilmember Garrett will turn it over to you. What you got, Sir? | 00:50:16 | |
All right, Chuck's keeping it brief. Councilwoman Massey. What? | 00:50:25 | |
Keeping it brief as well, Councilman Thomas, I just want to thank. | 00:50:29 | |
Chief and the Police Department you know for that outstanding presentation with the with the. | 00:50:33 | |
Easter I know there was not as many kids this year as last year, but I think they had just as much fun. | 00:50:41 | |
And the weather was perfect. So I thank you for continuing to be a light in the community and and making sure that the kids and | 00:50:49 | |
the citizens realize that the Police Department and the city of Wattsville is a great place to live. | 00:50:56 | |
Councilwoman Tuck. | 00:51:06 | |
So we're continuing to make progress on Harris Hills Park, it's not quite as. | 00:51:07 | |
Quick as probably everyone would like, but continuing to meet, continuing to try to get quotes, which is a little challenging in | 00:51:13 | |
these times. | 00:51:17 | |
We are continuing on and. | 00:51:23 | |
Do you want to talk about Madison? | 00:51:26 | |
And we are continuing. | 00:51:30 | |
To look at other surrounding communities and what they're doing with their downtown development authorities and Main Street | 00:51:34 | |
programs. And Jeff and I went to Madison in the past month and met with them, a wealth of knowledge. And so we are excited to | 00:51:40 | |
continue. | 00:51:45 | |
Gathering information. | 00:51:52 | |
How it can benefit the city of Watkinsville. So more on that soon. | 00:51:54 | |
All right, Councilman Camp. | 00:52:01 | |
Yeah, we had a good meeting with Madison and I think we mentioned. | 00:52:05 | |
Before, but Christine is going to the. | 00:52:09 | |
The meeting end of June in Savannah. For that I will not be able to make it, but I did sign up to take the DDA online. | 00:52:12 | |
Course, so I'll start doing that to learn a little bit more. But yeah, medicine was eye opening. | 00:52:21 | |
And they made it clear that we can lean on them. | 00:52:29 | |
For the questions we have as to what to do, then another bit of. | 00:52:33 | |
Another announcement. I guess we have another state champion. | 00:52:39 | |
In middle school and not only in the 3200 and not only A state champion but also state record holder now and. | 00:52:45 | |
So Aaron Roderick is continues. | 00:52:54 | |
In track and field across country, so congratulations. | 00:52:58 | |
I know the one day early birthday present, but it's a wonderful birthday present. | 00:53:02 | |
Thank you, Jeff. I'm proud of Aaron. He's worked hard. | 00:53:06 | |
Anyway. | 00:53:10 | |
Did the work and he thankfully was rewarded for it. So thank you. | 00:53:11 | |
All right. I think that may be all that we have. I do want to thank, I forgot to mention one thing about the Chief. The new sign I | 00:53:16 | |
think is a great asset. I think it was wonderful in terms of advertising the Easter egg hunt and then to be able to deploy that to | 00:53:22 | |
different locations as you have on Hardin Hill and other spaces to remind people about speeds and to have the flexibility to drop | 00:53:27 | |
that trailer is really nice and to have some. | 00:53:32 | |
Clever messages on it to get people's attention. I think it's also nice. So that's a. | 00:53:38 | |
That's been a nice addition. May want to look at figuring out how we can find a few more of those overtime. So glad to have them. | 00:53:42 | |
Anything else for the good of the order. | 00:53:47 | |
Then we're going to have a brief executive session. I'll we'll do a, let's do a let's, we'll do that motion to go in and then | 00:53:52 | |
we'll do a quick two or three minute recess in case anyone needs to say goodbye to anybody or. | 00:53:58 | |
Hit the restroom real quick and we'll come back, but I will entertain a motion to go into executive. | 00:54:05 | |
For threatened and pending litigation. | 00:54:09 | |
I make a motion to go into executive session. Excuse me, not pending potential, but yeah, threatened and potential. We have a | 00:54:12 | |
motion. Do we have a second? | 00:54:15 | |
All right. We have a motion. We have a second. All in favor, say aye. Aye. All right. We will come back at 7:20. | 00:54:19 | |
We have started reporting this. I make a motion to. | 00:54:27 | |
Do we have a second all in favor? Say aye. | 00:54:33 | |
Meetings. | 00:54:37 |