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All right, welcome to specially called meeting of the Watkinsville City Council March 1st, 5:30 PM. 00:00:09
Umm, we are all here. We have a quorum here. Councilman Garrett will not be joining us tonight. Councilman Campbell may be here, 00:00:16
and if he is, we will welcome him. At that point, I would like to go ahead and get started. There he is. 00:00:23
We now have four of five and everyone that we expect. 00:00:30
Councilman Campbell Major Tedderton, when you have a moment, if you could step back in and help us with the pledge. 00:00:34
If we don't see him in a minute, I'm going to lead it myself. All right, let's all stand. 00:00:41
Sorry. 00:00:48
Pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:00:51
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:57
Thank you major and thanks for all that. Y'all do we appreciate you. 00:01:04
All right. We have a short agenda tonight, so I would request a motion for approval of the agenda, please. 00:01:08
I make a motion to approve the. 00:01:17
Order of the agenda. 00:01:20
Second. All right. We have a motion. We have a second. All in favor. Say aye. Aye. 00:01:22
All right. I would ask before we get started that we all keep the citizens of Ukraine and Europe in your thoughts and in your 00:01:27
prayers. There's not much we can do here in Little Watkinsville to help beyond keeping them in our prayers, I don't think, and 00:01:31
supporting. 00:01:36
You know, supporting everyone who's doing their best to. 00:01:42
Ensure that the borders of that country are preserved and frankly that the good guys win. So let's all keep them in in our 00:01:46
thoughts and prayers in the days ahead and. 00:01:50
You know that freedom prevails in the end, one way or another there. 00:01:55
Vladimir Putin has made a I hope he's made a horrible, horrible mistake in going down this road. 00:01:59
With that, we will turn it over to manager Dickerson for an update. The reason that we're here tonight is we have an opportunity 00:02:07
to save significant money, which always makes us happy. So when Sharon said we can save. 00:02:12
Rd. 00:02:53
As well as approving the appropriation of the city's required match, and I'll walk through this pretty quickly. So this is Layo 00:02:55
Lane. There are. 00:02:59
13 houses on the road but 12 that face layer lane. It is a 655 linear foot roughly .124 mile Rd. Which of course makes it more 00:03:04
difficult for us to get good pricing because who wants to come in and do this little bit amount of work for us? 00:03:12
So by jumping on to the county's contract, we should be able to benefit from the savings. 00:03:20
A couple of things. As I mentioned earlier, the ELMIG is administered by G. 00:03:27
And it distributes monies to local governments to have them do the paving so that they don't have to do it. They base it on center 00:03:32
line, miles and population. 00:03:35
I already mentioned that we had applied for this road resurfacing and repair. 00:03:39
The pavement management program estimated that the repair needed would be surface removal based rehab and a 2 inch asphalt 00:03:45
overlay. What's being recommended is a little bit different than that. It is not, and I'll ask probably or. 00:03:51
Our city engineer to weigh in on this, but it is not a very, very heavily traveled Rd. so it's not like it needs to be like Hardin 00:03:59
Hill or Main Street paid the same way. In fact this road we cannot find evidence of when it was last. 00:04:05
So that goes back about 2025 years, according to Julian and our city engineer. 00:04:12
They're already on site, so it says it's a mobilization. 00:04:53
And is very common. This is stuff that's done all the time. A lot of small cities do this and we did get approval from the county 00:04:57
to do to do so and from Garrett Paving. 00:05:01
What they are recommending, like I said, is a little bit different. Basically it's going to be 2 1/2 inches of material. There's 00:05:07
going to be what they called open graded inner layer that's going to go down and try to fill in all the cracks in the current 00:05:12
pavement and then they'll be a 1 1/2 inch topping or overlay. 00:05:17
On that, it's the exact same thing Oconee County is doing on. 00:05:22
Simonton Bridge Rd. They did have some deep patching. You may have seen them out there last week with a bigger machine taking up 00:05:25
areas where they really could not do that. The rest of the road is being handled that way. Again, it's the benefit is you're going 00:05:31
to have more material in place. It should avoid, you know, the expense of having to go in there and actually dig, dig it out and 00:05:37
mill it. But they're going to get a good quality product out of it. 00:05:43
The total amount of funding with it, with the grant and with our cities match which is 30% of the grant is 56,000. The cost of 00:05:49
this project is 30, just a little over 37,000. It is unit, it is based on unit price. So I'll remind you all it could be a little 00:05:56
bit more than that if the quantities come a little bit higher, the mobilization cost is flat and it again is a significant savings 00:06:02
to what we would do, what we would have been charged have we had to mobilize them all by ourselves. 00:06:09
But the unit price is based on the contract. So if the if the materials come in higher on hard hill we got lucky that came in 00:06:16
less, we'll stay on top of this one like we did with with the Harden hill, it could come in less but it could be a little bit 00:06:20
more. So it's all based on unit pricing. 00:06:24
But there will be somewhere around 18 or $19,000 left for other Elmig related projects, one of which could be the sidewalk out in 00:06:29
front of City Hall that needs to be done. It could be a gap of a sidewalk, could be some other handicap, rent or whatever, 00:06:35
anything related to roads, paving, even even potentially storm water. But those will come back before council in a separate 00:06:41
request. We're not asking you to, you know, award contracts for that tonight. 00:06:48
Just a reminder, the items that are in blue, the rows that are in blue are the estimated amounts of funding that were approved by 00:06:54
the by the citizens for the referendum for Splice 3. You look on the and I'm sorry it's so small, but you in your packet you 00:07:02
probably would have seen it. Rd. streets and drainage sidewalks, we have probably the 5th or 6th line down, says ELMIG 22. 00:07:09
30% required match, we estimated 20,000. We're not going to need quite 20,000 will when we go in and adjust the budget you know 00:07:18
for that we'll put in the amount that you're matching, but we're asking you appropriate that because that money has not been 00:07:23
appropriated yet. 00:07:27
So again, we're asking you to award the contract to Garrett paving for 37,000 and some change based on the unit pricing proposal, 00:07:33
approve the appropriation or match at 13,010 and 16 cents. 00:07:39
From Spice 3. And again, just a reminder, the remaining money will have to come back before you all for appropriation at future 00:07:46
meetings. 00:07:49
Any. 00:07:54
So moved we have a motion. Do we have a second? 00:07:58
All right. Any discussion on the topic? 00:08:03
Hearing none all in favor say aye aye. Any opposed like sign. 00:08:06
Motion passes 4. 00:08:11
We do not have need for an executive session tonight. 00:08:14
I don't think we have need for public comment. 00:08:17
So with that, I'll accept entertain a motion to adjourn. 00:08:20
I make a motion to adjourn. Second, all in favor, Say aye. 00:08:23
Motion carries. We adjourned. 00:08:29
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All right, welcome to specially called meeting of the Watkinsville City Council March 1st, 5:30 PM. 00:00:09
Umm, we are all here. We have a quorum here. Councilman Garrett will not be joining us tonight. Councilman Campbell may be here, 00:00:16
and if he is, we will welcome him. At that point, I would like to go ahead and get started. There he is. 00:00:23
We now have four of five and everyone that we expect. 00:00:30
Councilman Campbell Major Tedderton, when you have a moment, if you could step back in and help us with the pledge. 00:00:34
If we don't see him in a minute, I'm going to lead it myself. All right, let's all stand. 00:00:41
Sorry. 00:00:48
Pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:00:51
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:57
Thank you major and thanks for all that. Y'all do we appreciate you. 00:01:04
All right. We have a short agenda tonight, so I would request a motion for approval of the agenda, please. 00:01:08
I make a motion to approve the. 00:01:17
Order of the agenda. 00:01:20
Second. All right. We have a motion. We have a second. All in favor. Say aye. Aye. 00:01:22
All right. I would ask before we get started that we all keep the citizens of Ukraine and Europe in your thoughts and in your 00:01:27
prayers. There's not much we can do here in Little Watkinsville to help beyond keeping them in our prayers, I don't think, and 00:01:31
supporting. 00:01:36
You know, supporting everyone who's doing their best to. 00:01:42
Ensure that the borders of that country are preserved and frankly that the good guys win. So let's all keep them in in our 00:01:46
thoughts and prayers in the days ahead and. 00:01:50
You know that freedom prevails in the end, one way or another there. 00:01:55
Vladimir Putin has made a I hope he's made a horrible, horrible mistake in going down this road. 00:01:59
With that, we will turn it over to manager Dickerson for an update. The reason that we're here tonight is we have an opportunity 00:02:07
to save significant money, which always makes us happy. So when Sharon said we can save. 00:02:12
Rd. 00:02:53
As well as approving the appropriation of the city's required match, and I'll walk through this pretty quickly. So this is Layo 00:02:55
Lane. There are. 00:02:59
13 houses on the road but 12 that face layer lane. It is a 655 linear foot roughly .124 mile Rd. Which of course makes it more 00:03:04
difficult for us to get good pricing because who wants to come in and do this little bit amount of work for us? 00:03:12
So by jumping on to the county's contract, we should be able to benefit from the savings. 00:03:20
A couple of things. As I mentioned earlier, the ELMIG is administered by G. 00:03:27
And it distributes monies to local governments to have them do the paving so that they don't have to do it. They base it on center 00:03:32
line, miles and population. 00:03:35
I already mentioned that we had applied for this road resurfacing and repair. 00:03:39
The pavement management program estimated that the repair needed would be surface removal based rehab and a 2 inch asphalt 00:03:45
overlay. What's being recommended is a little bit different than that. It is not, and I'll ask probably or. 00:03:51
Our city engineer to weigh in on this, but it is not a very, very heavily traveled Rd. so it's not like it needs to be like Hardin 00:03:59
Hill or Main Street paid the same way. In fact this road we cannot find evidence of when it was last. 00:04:05
So that goes back about 2025 years, according to Julian and our city engineer. 00:04:12
They're already on site, so it says it's a mobilization. 00:04:53
And is very common. This is stuff that's done all the time. A lot of small cities do this and we did get approval from the county 00:04:57
to do to do so and from Garrett Paving. 00:05:01
What they are recommending, like I said, is a little bit different. Basically it's going to be 2 1/2 inches of material. There's 00:05:07
going to be what they called open graded inner layer that's going to go down and try to fill in all the cracks in the current 00:05:12
pavement and then they'll be a 1 1/2 inch topping or overlay. 00:05:17
On that, it's the exact same thing Oconee County is doing on. 00:05:22
Simonton Bridge Rd. They did have some deep patching. You may have seen them out there last week with a bigger machine taking up 00:05:25
areas where they really could not do that. The rest of the road is being handled that way. Again, it's the benefit is you're going 00:05:31
to have more material in place. It should avoid, you know, the expense of having to go in there and actually dig, dig it out and 00:05:37
mill it. But they're going to get a good quality product out of it. 00:05:43
The total amount of funding with it, with the grant and with our cities match which is 30% of the grant is 56,000. The cost of 00:05:49
this project is 30, just a little over 37,000. It is unit, it is based on unit price. So I'll remind you all it could be a little 00:05:56
bit more than that if the quantities come a little bit higher, the mobilization cost is flat and it again is a significant savings 00:06:02
to what we would do, what we would have been charged have we had to mobilize them all by ourselves. 00:06:09
But the unit price is based on the contract. So if the if the materials come in higher on hard hill we got lucky that came in 00:06:16
less, we'll stay on top of this one like we did with with the Harden hill, it could come in less but it could be a little bit 00:06:20
more. So it's all based on unit pricing. 00:06:24
But there will be somewhere around 18 or $19,000 left for other Elmig related projects, one of which could be the sidewalk out in 00:06:29
front of City Hall that needs to be done. It could be a gap of a sidewalk, could be some other handicap, rent or whatever, 00:06:35
anything related to roads, paving, even even potentially storm water. But those will come back before council in a separate 00:06:41
request. We're not asking you to, you know, award contracts for that tonight. 00:06:48
Just a reminder, the items that are in blue, the rows that are in blue are the estimated amounts of funding that were approved by 00:06:54
the by the citizens for the referendum for Splice 3. You look on the and I'm sorry it's so small, but you in your packet you 00:07:02
probably would have seen it. Rd. streets and drainage sidewalks, we have probably the 5th or 6th line down, says ELMIG 22. 00:07:09
30% required match, we estimated 20,000. We're not going to need quite 20,000 will when we go in and adjust the budget you know 00:07:18
for that we'll put in the amount that you're matching, but we're asking you appropriate that because that money has not been 00:07:23
appropriated yet. 00:07:27
So again, we're asking you to award the contract to Garrett paving for 37,000 and some change based on the unit pricing proposal, 00:07:33
approve the appropriation or match at 13,010 and 16 cents. 00:07:39
From Spice 3. And again, just a reminder, the remaining money will have to come back before you all for appropriation at future 00:07:46
meetings. 00:07:49
Any. 00:07:54
So moved we have a motion. Do we have a second? 00:07:58
All right. Any discussion on the topic? 00:08:03
Hearing none all in favor say aye aye. Any opposed like sign. 00:08:06
Motion passes 4. 00:08:11
We do not have need for an executive session tonight. 00:08:14
I don't think we have need for public comment. 00:08:17
So with that, I'll accept entertain a motion to adjourn. 00:08:20
I make a motion to adjourn. Second, all in favor, Say aye. 00:08:23
Motion carries. We adjourned. 00:08:29
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