No Bookmarks Exist.
When the hospital was crossed. | 00:00:41 | |
All right. Well, ho, ho, ho, and welcome to the December Watkinsville City Council meeting. It is great to have a full chamber | 00:01:22 | |
here tonight and I'm pleased to call this group to order. I think we have one member. | 00:01:27 | |
Running late and then we have Councilman Brett Thomas, who is deployed in Kuwait. | 00:01:33 | |
Who is joining us via phone tonight? So Councilman Thomas, thank you for your service and we'll hear from you when you indicate to | 00:01:38 | |
the clerk and she will take care of getting you. | 00:01:42 | |
On the speaker so that we can do that. So we do have a quorum currently, Councilwoman Tucker will be here shortly. I will say for | 00:01:47 | |
the benefit of those of you who are here for the gingerbread houses in the parade, we're going to do you guys 1st and then you'll | 00:01:54 | |
be able to depart if you so choose. And but we will start as we always do with the Pledge of Allegiance. And I think Isabella | 00:02:00 | |
Curian has agreed to lead us. So Isabella, if you could get us started, please. | 00:02:06 | |
To the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with | 00:02:15 | |
liberty and justice for all. | 00:02:21 | |
Thank you. Isabella, what grade are you in? | 00:02:33 | |
5th Isabella's in fifth grade at Column Ferry Elementary School, and that's our only elementary school or school in the city | 00:02:36 | |
limits of Watkinsville, and we're always proud to have any Column Ferry representation here. | 00:02:42 | |
In Watkinsville with us and are very thankful to have a have a school in the city limits and I'm thankful that Doctor Catherine | 00:02:48 | |
Brown is here, the principal as well tonight from Colin. | 00:02:52 | |
I will say just so everybody knows, the meeting is being broadcast simultaneously online. So we do that across the platform called | 00:02:58 | |
Suite 1. So those who can't come to the meeting can always access that meeting online via the city's website. It also allows | 00:03:04 | |
members of the public to look at the agenda items as we move through it. | 00:03:10 | |
All the agenda is always posted a full. | 00:03:17 | |
And I think it's on. Excellent. Good evening, everyone. My name is Leanne Shore. I have the privilege to be a fourth and 5th grade | 00:03:48 | |
teacher at Collin Ferry Elementary, which I enjoy. I can't say enough good things about my coworkers, my students, the staff, the | 00:03:54 | |
administration. It's a wonderful place to be. | 00:04:01 | |
Mr. Mayor Brian Broderick was kind enough to invite us here tonight. Our students have been working on a project since November. | 00:04:10 | |
As you may know, Colin Ferry is a STEM school which STEM stands for, the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. It's a | 00:04:19 | |
recognition that the state gives to the schools who have earned it. And as part of our STEM certification, of course, we tried to | 00:04:26 | |
include the engineering design process in many of the aspects of our curriculum. So this particular group I have in fifth grade in | 00:04:33 | |
the afternoons for enrichment, I have a lot of flexibility about. | 00:04:40 | |
What I can do with them? Miriam Schick, our former media specialist. Several years ago, Pre COVID launched a gingerbread | 00:04:47 | |
Watkinsville project. | 00:04:53 | |
And Leah Packet, the other teacher that I work with, she and I decided to continue this this year with a STEM project related to | 00:05:01 | |
Watkinsville So. | 00:05:06 | |
The students use the engineering design process throughout this project, so they. | 00:05:13 | |
Saw some gingerbread baking shows to get inspiration, and then they each drew a particular building from Watkinsville to create. | 00:05:19 | |
They designed and planned their creations and then brought in very specific things from home. They got very excited about it. | 00:05:29 | |
And then they spent several weeks building and improving, and I would love to tell you that Gingerbread goes well. | 00:05:39 | |
But if any of you've ever built gingerbread houses at your home, there is some learning curves there. So we definitely got to | 00:05:46 | |
experience the improved portion. | 00:05:52 | |
Of the engineering design process and then they were able to rebuild and. | 00:05:58 | |
And then share their work and they did such a wonderful job. I was so proud of the work they did and I just wanted to show it off | 00:06:04 | |
a little bit. There were two that are. | 00:06:09 | |
Were too large for me to bring, so Blind Pig was. | 00:06:15 | |
This vague and had like a Plaza out front with the picnic tables. But I wanted to include a photograph so it's there. And then | 00:06:19 | |
also we did Butcher and Vine of course. Butcher and Vines gone out of business, but is still the same building. So we hope you | 00:06:27 | |
enjoy these. And they've made my room smell fantastic for weeks on end and I hope you enjoy them. And I want to recognize the | 00:06:35 | |
students who came tonight. So we have Isabella Kirian and Abigail Kirian. They are sisters, you can stand up. Yes, ma'am. | 00:06:43 | |
There you go. Yes, Isabella, which one did you do? | 00:06:52 | |
She did Kiki's bike shop up here in the front and then Abigail. Which one were you doing? | 00:06:57 | |
The Crimson Cafe. Very nice. And then I also have up here Cam Weidman and Vivian Fahmy they worked on. | 00:07:04 | |
Sacred Bridal and These ladies and gentlemen spent a lot of time and effort going through this design process and I appreciate you | 00:07:14 | |
letting them come and share this evening. | 00:07:19 | |
All right. | 00:07:25 | |
Let's have Miss Shore and the students come up front and we're going to get a picture of you guys. | 00:07:31 | |
We may block a few, but let's stand right here so we can get the Watkins Bill low ground logo in the background. Doctor Brown. | 00:07:37 | |
All right. | 00:07:50 | |
Thank. | 00:08:01 | |
All right. Great work, ladies. | 00:08:04 | |
I think Carlton Purvis pulled off our first Christmas Miracle Hope the babies never held before, and she was happy. OK, great. | 00:08:18 | |
All right. | 00:08:28 | |
Our second. | 00:08:32 | |
Second item that we're going to cover off on and then we'll have a little break so folks can leave, we want to is. | 00:08:34 | |
The awards for the Christmas parade and. | 00:08:40 | |
I can't say enough about the team that put this together this year. | 00:08:44 | |
Sharon, that starts with you Chief Brock, Kyle Hibbler, all of your staff that worked so hard on that this has become. | 00:08:48 | |
For years, probably decades now, just a wonderful, wonderful Watkinsville tradition and we're really proud of it. I don't think | 00:08:55 | |
there's a bigger, better Christmas parade anywhere in northeast Georgia. And thank you to you and the the staff and everybody who | 00:09:00 | |
put that together. That was, it's was tremendous. I don't think Melanie Atkins is here tonight, but I know she's your partner in | 00:09:06 | |
crime on this and we're really thankful to you and the staff. So let's give them a hand. | 00:09:11 | |
Our Grand Marshall this year was Mr. Harold Townley. Mr. Townley couldn't join us tonight, but he's been a tremendous contributor | 00:09:21 | |
to our community for years and years in a lot of ways and mentored a lot of folks and we. | 00:09:26 | |
The hot cocoa was great, by the way. A lot of a lot of good reviews for our friends from the bank, so. | 00:10:36 | |
Sharon, is there anybody else that I missed or that we need to call out on that if not? | 00:10:42 | |
Get to the award. I was going to say Glenwood was a last minute volunteer. He's in the audience tonight. He helped bring in three | 00:10:46 | |
or four volunteers in last minute. So. OK, Glenn, thank you. Wave to us. There you are. You moved. All right. Glenn, thank you | 00:10:51 | |
for. Thank you for doing that because this thing does not work without a lot of, a lot of volunteers. | 00:10:57 | |
You can't have a couple thousand people descend on downtown Watkins. | 00:11:02 | |
Close off traffic for six hours and make it all work. And get how many floats lined up. Sharon. | 00:11:06 | |
113 floats lined up without, without a lot of volunteer horsepower. So the committee's there in front of you. And as we said | 00:11:11 | |
earlier, Melanie Melanie's been a tremendous, tremendous resource to us and has done a wonderful job with the parade. So thanks to | 00:11:16 | |
everybody who did that. | 00:11:22 | |
We do have judges and we do have awards though, and some of you are here to receive those, so I want to recognize. | 00:11:27 | |
Our I'm going to start with. | 00:11:37 | |
Kids, and if you're here tonight, just step forward. I'll give you give you a reward. If you're not, we'll give it to you. | 00:11:40 | |
The best use of theme for kids was Cub Scout Pack 149. Has anyone here from Cub Scout? Oh, here we go. | 00:11:48 | |
All right. | 00:12:06 | |
For most artistic for children, we have the Oconee flamingos. | 00:12:11 | |
I don't think the flamingos are here. | 00:12:17 | |
And then, for best flow overall, for Children's Summit Academy home school enrichment. | 00:12:20 | |
Here we go. | 00:12:26 | |
TV in the way of the runs. | 00:12:34 | |
Yeah. | 00:12:40 | |
All right. For adults, best use of theme. In the adult category, we have American pest control. Anyone here from American pest | 00:12:42 | |
control? | 00:12:46 | |
Most artistic, I know We have some people here. | 00:12:52 | |
And that is Coldwell Banker. Charlie Upchurch is here. Carlton Purvis, Gentlemen, congratulations. | 00:12:57 | |
It's. | 00:13:10 | |
Best float Overall for adults or Best float for adult category is a county State Bank and then we have a couple representatives | 00:13:15 | |
here. | 00:13:18 | |
And overall. | 00:13:38 | |
And I hope our gentleman with the best tractors here, Brett Brooks. | 00:13:42 | |
No. | 00:13:47 | |
Antique car. I know these folks are represented. Rick and Angie Garrett. | 00:13:57 | |
Come on up. | 00:14:01 | |
All right. Y'all come back next year. | 00:14:11 | |
I don't think we can have repeat when there's A and. | 00:14:14 | |
Overall, the Mary D Williams Award for the I love this one too. My favorite favorite movie is It's a Wonderful Life Every Time a | 00:14:18 | |
Cowbell. | 00:14:22 | |
Rings Oconee County. FFA member gets their jacket that is so great. | 00:14:27 | |
Line up where we can see everybody here. | 00:14:33 | |
You don't want the T-shirts? Or do you still have the desk? Yes, we got the jacket. | 00:14:43 | |
All right. | 00:14:48 | |
Congratulations. | 00:14:51 | |
I. | 00:14:55 | |
I. | 00:15:00 | |
All right, now know as much as Y'all would love to stay and learn about local government, it is Christmas time. So if folks are | 00:15:05 | |
here for the parade and the gingerbread houses and they don't want to stay, then you are welcome to go. We'll give you a couple | 00:15:08 | |
minutes to exit the room. | 00:15:12 | |
Yeah, I think we probably ought to add agenda approval if you all signed the library closing documents. | 00:15:17 | |
I didn't. | 00:15:40 | |
Like a new picture? Yeah. South Main Brewing apparently had two printed and they had an extra so. | 00:16:17 | |
They gave us that one online or hopefully just gave us that one. So yeah, yeah. So anyway, Yep. | 00:16:24 | |
We will move on ahead November. We have a lot on the agenda tonight. Y'all. So if I push, if you feel like I'm pushing, I'm | 00:16:33 | |
pushing for good reason. So we aren't here super late tonight. So I want to have as much discussion as you all want to have. But | 00:16:38 | |
if it gets repetitive I will kind of shut it down and call a question on anything so we can get out of here to decent hour. We | 00:16:42 | |
have a lot to cover. | 00:16:47 | |
And anticipated executive session as well approval of minutes, November 16th minutes. Do we have any? | 00:16:51 | |
Have any questions? Comments on the minutes? Otherwise, I'll entertain a motion to approve. | 00:16:59 | |
We have a motion. We have a second from Mr. Campbell. Any conversation? | 00:17:05 | |
All in favor, say aye. Any opposed? | 00:17:09 | |
Welcome, Council. | 00:17:13 | |
Thomas, again, good to hear from you. | 00:17:15 | |
All right. Approval of the agenda. | 00:17:18 | |
We do have one item we need to add to that and that is approval of the library lease that will go under old business. It would be | 00:17:20 | |
item 9A. | 00:17:24 | |
Adding that to the agenda, I would appreciate it. | 00:18:04 | |
I make a motion to add that to the agenda. All right, We have a motion from Councilwoman Tucker to add approval. | 00:18:09 | |
Of the library. | 00:18:15 | |
Authorizing the clerk and I to finish off the library closing documents. Do we have a second? | 00:18:17 | |
We have a second from Councilman Campbell. Any conversation hearing? None. All in favor? Say aye. | 00:18:22 | |
Motion carries 5. | 00:18:28 | |
Not to the audience. | 00:19:02 | |
Others who are in attendance address the matter merits of a pending matter. Address those remarks directly to council. | 00:19:04 | |
1st on the agenda under administration is the audit report. | 00:19:11 | |
And then we're going to have some budget amendments handle that. I think we have Mr. Clay Pilgrim here with us tonight from Ruston | 00:19:17 | |
and Company who will present the city. | 00:19:20 | |
Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Financial Report. | 00:19:24 | |
Thank you, Mr. Mayor, and thank you Council for having rushed in back to do your audit for fiscal year 2022. I'm a little offended | 00:19:29 | |
that everybody left and didn't want to hang around for this wonderful audit. I didn't even mention the word audit and they still. | 00:19:37 | |
The remainder is of course the city's financial statements. We just assist in preparing them. But the first of those is the audit | 00:20:52 | |
opinion or the independent auditors report. It's found on pages one through three. That is what houses our independent auditors | 00:20:57 | |
opinion. | 00:21:03 | |
I. | 00:21:09 | |
We do follow government auditing standards, as you're aware as a city, obviously being a government. As I mentioned earlier, these | 00:21:44 | |
financial statements are the responsibility of Watkinsville's management. | 00:21:49 | |
And our responsibility as your independent auditor is to a pine upon give an opinion on those financial statements, they're not | 00:21:55 | |
materially misstated whether due to error or fraud. All right, I have a few statements here, always call your attention too. So | 00:22:01 | |
this big bound report, 7080 pages, probably here 60 pages. | 00:22:07 | |
Has many statements in it, but however, there are only two statements in that entire report that pull all activities of the city | 00:22:13 | |
together in one. So we're talking about your general fund, which you all spent a lot of time on. We'll talk about in a moment. | 00:22:19 | |
You got your spouse. | 00:22:26 | |
Special revenue funds, this statement, these two statements, the only two that bring all those activities, you got a statement in | 00:22:28 | |
that position. | 00:22:31 | |
I don't know Page 13 and a statement of activities found on page 14, those are like a balance sheet and income statement for | 00:22:35 | |
business enterprise. A few numbers from those statements got 3 fiscal years for you here comparative you'll see there for fiscal | 00:22:42 | |
year 2022 net investment capital assets that's going to be your land building equipment less any depreciation that's accumulated | 00:22:50 | |
on those assets less any debt utilize the quorum 5 million 112 zero 25 had restricted net position 1,000,000, seven 69102. | 00:22:57 | |
That's going to be like unspent SPLOST money that you've received but not yet expended at your end, and then unrestricted net | 00:23:05 | |
position 3,000,009 twelve 421 gives your total net position 10 million seven 93548. | 00:23:11 | |
You'll see for the year, the city increased that position by 850-6572. | 00:23:18 | |
Over the last several years, expenditures decreased 146090, about 6 1/2 percent. A few items contributed to that. You'll see | 00:24:32 | |
police was down one 23573. | 00:24:37 | |
Various different causes there. As you can see, highways and streets were down 48 to 15 due to personal services and capital | 00:24:43 | |
outlay. Your parks were up 63148 and the library was down 60,000 due to a prior year payment there. | 00:24:49 | |
Unassigned fund balance for fiscal year 20/22 was 2 million nine 4449. As you can see, they're up a little from fiscal year 2021 | 00:24:57 | |
of two million 860-6827. | 00:25:02 | |
The next slide just shows you, you all like looking at the charts sometimes better Listen to me talk and I don't blame you there, | 00:25:10 | |
but you'll see their three-year comparison of your revenues and expenditures for the last three fiscal years, the blue line being | 00:25:15 | |
your revenues. | 00:25:19 | |
You'll see for 2022, two million, one 52850. | 00:25:24 | |
And the green line, your expenditures 2,000,000 one 12539. | 00:25:27 | |
Kind of gives you a little trend there as far as the last three fiscal years. | 00:25:32 | |
The next slide, I know you all spend some time talking about your splash or special purpose local option sales tax. So the | 00:25:38 | |
schedule of finance our projects financed with with those loss funds is found in the report on page 48. I've just called your | 00:25:45 | |
attention here to the totals do still have 3 referendums that you're spending out of. You have two O 9/7/58 from the 2009 | 00:25:52 | |
referendum, 490-2411 from the 2015 referendum and 14823 for the from the 2021 referendum for a total of 840-2992. | 00:25:59 | |
The details of those as far as what projects you know, those were approved by the voters on referendum. So what specific details | 00:26:07 | |
of those projects is found on that schedule on page 48? | 00:26:12 | |
All right. I mentioned two items in this entire report that are the product of your auditor of us as Rushton, the first being that | 00:26:20 | |
independent audit report, the second being our report on internal control and other matters found on pages 45 through 47. | 00:26:27 | |
I will mention have the city and that this could be the case in future years as well. But had the city expended more than $750,000 | 00:26:35 | |
in federal funds? | 00:26:39 | |
You all, we would have a third letter in here which would be our report on internal control and compliance in relation to federal | 00:26:45 | |
programs. But then for fiscal year 22 you did not. So this this is our second piece here and that's our report on internal | 00:26:50 | |
control. You'll see please present we had no material weaknesses in the controls of the city. We had no material non compliance. | 00:26:55 | |
We did have three significant deficiencies there as far as some improvement improvements on controls and processes that we | 00:26:59 | |
recommend. | 00:27:04 | |
But this one was a pretty large statement. This one affected a lot of a lot of governments and that's on leases. | 00:27:44 | |
The way we accounted for leases previously was an operating lease or a capital lease with a capital lease being more on the | 00:27:52 | |
balance sheet with an asset and liability. | 00:27:56 | |
This new standard here changed that to just one method of accounting forum which was more like capital on the balance sheet. | 00:28:01 | |
Pleased to present that for 2022 we actually did not have. | 00:28:06 | |
Any leases that were required to be recorded. So we have to evaluate this. One of the things I've always been talking about in | 00:28:12 | |
this and they're real clear on is materiality. So if if recording a lease in accordance with 87 is the, the effect of that would | 00:28:18 | |
be immaterial then of course you don't go through the jump through the hoops in order to do so. So we did evaluate that and it was | 00:28:25 | |
implemented for 2022. | 00:28:31 | |
Now along with that, the next as far as future reporting changes, 87 was on leases, 96 is on what we call Sabitas. | 00:28:39 | |
SBI TAS which is subscription based information technology arrangements. | 00:28:46 | |
As you all know, you know several years ago, not too long ago, when you wanted software or some type of information technology, | 00:28:53 | |
run down to Walmart or Best Buy and grab your disk CD, bring it home, put it in your computer, and there you had your. | 00:28:58 | |
Office or whatever software you wanted. And then you'd put it in another computer and you'd have it on that one. Then you might | 00:29:05 | |
give it to your neighbor and he'd have it on that one. And I know that's been a little while ago since that all took place, but | 00:29:09 | |
they got away from that and then they started restricting. So you couldn't do that. Well then they've now moved. If you all bought | 00:29:13 | |
anything lately, you know it's all bought. | 00:29:17 | |
Through a subscription base. So you're either paying a monthly fee or an annual fee or quarterly fee for those for that software | 00:29:21 | |
or that information technology. | 00:29:25 | |
What this standard says is you've got a liability there. It's kind of how they look at it. You you've, you've entered into a | 00:29:29 | |
subscription that you're going to pay over time. | 00:29:34 | |
So that's just like Internet some type of note that you're paying. So they they're basically saying that these should be recorded | 00:29:39 | |
similar to are almost identical to the way that lease guidance is where you book an Erector right to use an intangible asset, you | 00:29:45 | |
amortize that over the life and then you've got a liability. | 00:29:51 | |
This one will be the same as 87. We'll have to evaluate materiality as to whether or not it gets implemented or not. As far I | 00:29:58 | |
shouldn't say implemented, it'll be implemented regardless. And by the way, that is effective in the fiscal year you're in right | 00:30:04 | |
now. So fiscal year 2023 in that regard. So pretty much identical to 87, except we're talking about information technology instead | 00:30:09 | |
of leased assets in this relation. | 00:30:14 | |
And that concludes my presentation. I do have one other thing. I need to make sure I'm not going to go through it like I normally | 00:30:20 | |
do because I know you have a lot of business, but there is a letter you have there with you. It says there's two letters, but the | 00:30:26 | |
one you have that says it's underlined, it says significant audit matters. | 00:30:31 | |
That used to say significant audit findings. I'm so glad they changed that for us because I would be presenting this and that's a | 00:30:38 | |
significant audit. | 00:30:41 | |
It's a significant audit matters this This letter is a two page letter as you can see there, and it is. | 00:30:45 | |
We're we're required to communicate these items in this letter to you all as the board charged with governance. I will not go | 00:30:53 | |
specifically through this. I usually do my really quick commercial voice and run through them very quickly. But these are all | 00:30:58 | |
required to be communicated to you. I will say to summarize them very quickly. | 00:31:04 | |
These are required. This is all what I call boilerplate information that was every single word in. This is the exact same as it | 00:31:10 | |
was last year, with the exception of a few dates. | 00:31:15 | |
And there is one change in that Gatsby statement 87, which I just made you aware of, was implemented during fiscal year 22 that's | 00:31:20 | |
noted here. It typically says there were no new accounting standards this year it says of course you do have the one new one. | 00:31:27 | |
The other thing that I think is significant on here is we ask a lot of questions. We request a lot of documentation from | 00:31:35 | |
management. | 00:31:38 | |
Mr. Pilgrim, thank you. I didn't notice at the start, but I think it is important or note this at the start, I think is important | 00:32:19 | |
for everybody to know he is. Mr. Pilgrim is a CPA certified fraud examiner certified in financial forensics and you can probably | 00:32:24 | |
tell that by the level of detail he got into. | 00:32:28 | |
With the Report Council, any questions for Mr. Pilgrim? | 00:32:34 | |
Well, thank you, Clay, for all your work. I know it's not easy. We appreciate you. Thank you all. If you all have questions again | 00:32:39 | |
after you after we finish up here, by all means reach out throughout the year. I know I spent a lot of time talking with Miss | 00:32:43 | |
Dickson, Miss Klein and Miss Black, but I'm happy to answer questions from you all as well. So let's know. Thank you all. Thank | 00:32:47 | |
you. | 00:32:51 | |
All right. Sharon, are there some 2022 budget amendments that emerged out of that that we need to take care of or and they should | 00:32:57 | |
be in your packet? | 00:33:01 | |
I hope they're in your packet. You can pull them up. | 00:33:07 | |
If you guys have those in your packet, if you want to make a motion on those, I don't have it in front of me. Does anybody have | 00:33:13 | |
the budget amendments? | 00:33:17 | |
I make a motion to approve. | 00:33:21 | |
I don't have a copy in front of me. | 00:33:24 | |
We have a second to approve the budget amendments. This is just sort of clean up based on the right box, except to move things | 00:33:28 | |
around. All right, we have a motion. We have a second. | 00:33:33 | |
Any discussion? | 00:33:39 | |
All in favor, Say aye. | 00:33:40 | |
All right, Motion carries 5. | 00:33:43 | |
All right. Manager Dickerson, I will turn it over to you for financial reports, more finance. | 00:33:46 | |
And so these funds will go towards that. | 00:34:30 | |
And then Spice 3. So far we have used money for city signage, which we'll talk about in the mayor S report later Harris Shoals | 00:34:33 | |
Park improvements. | 00:34:37 | |
Some local maintenance improvement grant matching money for streets resurfacing streets. The final payment to the Oconee County | 00:34:43 | |
for the experiment? Station road design installment that was. | 00:34:48 | |
Back in 2010 or 2011, so but we had a agreement for that. So that has that that payment has been made. The thing I'll point out is | 00:34:54 | |
we budget about 83% of what we anticipate would come in on the referendum would be close to 65,000. We've actually been tracking | 00:35:00 | |
close to 78,000 a month. | 00:35:06 | |
And that was pre Costco just for that. This gives you a little bit better idea. So this time last year we were, we were seeing | 00:35:13 | |
about a 20% increase in revenues from October. Our balance is a little bit over $780,000. | 00:35:20 | |
It helps with our accounting. It also helps us keep track of when we have to report back because we have a report every I think | 00:36:04 | |
it's April that's due to the federal government that we have to complete. So it just keeps it, it keeps it separate and clear. It | 00:36:09 | |
also helps you guys remember that you know these monies were given for the purpose of transformation, I mean communities after you | 00:36:15 | |
know post COVID. So it helps you sort of see where maybe you can use those funds to help elevate and and make some | 00:36:20 | |
transformational changes in the city so. | 00:36:26 | |
Any questions? | 00:36:32 | |
OK. I'll move on to the next report. | 00:36:36 | |
Economic development, so we have 17 business renewals that have taken place to alcohol license renewals. | 00:36:39 | |
And then we have our excise tax tax collection reports, our alcohol and then our short term vacation rental. I will point out | 00:36:48 | |
again we are working to track down and we're working with the state and others to track down the taxes that are currently being | 00:36:53 | |
collected by short term vacation rentals because they are not coming to us right now. | 00:36:59 | |
It's not a huge amount of money anyway. What we talked about I think was about 6000 for the year or so, but that money is due to | 00:37:05 | |
us and there's a little bit of bureaucracy and and probably just the change that now we're collecting it versus the county. So we | 00:37:11 | |
are working, Julie and I have been working on trying to address that and may have made some headway today. We'll see. | 00:37:17 | |
And then the last part is the building inspections report, Building permits report. | 00:37:24 | |
We have two. We have 4 permits for four projects, two of which are Wire Park. | 00:37:29 | |
Any questions on those? | 00:37:34 | |
OK. | 00:37:38 | |
All right. Thank you, Sharon, Julie, for all y'all do to keep things running and we'll turn it over. | 00:37:39 | |
To Chief Brock, who hopefully he's keeping the bad guys running. What you got for us, Chief? Got a great crew that does that for | 00:37:45 | |
me. All right. Good evening, Mayor and Council. Always a pleasure to be before you. And Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Shirt on | 00:37:49 | |
tonight. | 00:37:53 | |
I submitted a report last week to council, the monthly report. Any questions over any material operated. | 00:37:59 | |
Hearing, none seeing. | 00:38:07 | |
I like that. That's perfect. I'll get into the exciting part. So back in April, I was contacted by a professor with University of | 00:38:09 | |
Georgia that heads the public relations class for the Capstone Project for the seniors that are graduating class and are achieving | 00:38:15 | |
their public relations degrees. | 00:38:21 | |
He asked me if the Walkinsville Police Department would be the client for them to participate with. | 00:38:27 | |
And. | 00:38:33 | |
Bas. | 00:38:35 | |
Package together for the Police Department for public relation purposes. I'm very pleased to say that that went very well. | 00:38:37 | |
I went and did a presentation with the major at the classroom, in the classroom and talked about everything Walkersville and | 00:38:44 | |
Walkersville Police Department talked about his history and and things that you know we've done and have implemented in the last | 00:38:50 | |
few years and social media aspects among other things. | 00:38:57 | |
And they took that. And they came here and visited here and learned about government, municipal cons of government. | 00:39:04 | |
And what kind of government we operate and who we answer to the chain of command that goes on here and police operations that | 00:39:11 | |
spurred their interest enough to actually have about half that class come and actually do ride along with our officers. | 00:39:18 | |
Of course they went out and did. | 00:39:26 | |
Public interviews with public people with persons in the public at Publix. | 00:39:28 | |
Asking you know, their thoughts and feelings about the Walkinsville Police Department and the interaction that they may, may or | 00:39:37 | |
may not have, I'm very pleased to say that we got a very, very favorable report. | 00:39:42 | |
They presented me a campaign manual that gives me. | 00:39:48 | |
Things to work on, things to implement, and ideas. | 00:39:52 | |
To use in the future and it's very been a very exciting process. They they even put a branding campaign together utilizing some of | 00:39:57 | |
the material that we'd already put in place as well. | 00:40:04 | |
It was a delight to see that class blossom, and I think we actually. | 00:40:11 | |
Garnered some favor and attention to everything public safety. | 00:40:17 | |
From that group, they were genuinely invested in the program and happy to say they all. | 00:40:23 | |
Achieve great grades and went on to graduate. All right, any questions? | 00:40:29 | |
Very good. Thank you. Thanks, Chief. | 00:40:35 | |
All right. We have nothing on the consent agenda. | 00:40:43 | |
And we will do have a public hearing tonight on a couple things. It may feel a little bit like Groundhog Day, but we have. | 00:40:48 | |
Have to make some final, hopefully changes to our zoning, map some amendments to our zoning ordinance. This is going to be a | 00:40:55 | |
public hearing when I open it up. So there are specific comment procedures. I don't, I'm not sure if anybody will have any, but if | 00:41:00 | |
you do, then we'll have you come up to the podium. | 00:41:05 | |
You'll be able to speak just to that agenda item. | 00:41:11 | |
Speak from the podium 4 minutes per person. | 00:41:14 | |
Procedure to let the public know that there would be a hearing on this. So that's the only change. I just put it correct. We had | 00:42:18 | |
inadvertently captured it as the wrong color, the wrong zoning area. So that's all this is, is just clarification of the zoning. | 00:42:25 | |
OK, Joe, unless you have anything to add? | 00:42:32 | |
We will keep moving. That's right. Again, we are in a public hearing. This is essentially A housekeeping update. Is there anyone | 00:42:34 | |
wishes to speak in favor? | 00:42:38 | |
Is there anyone that wishes to speak? Opposed Public hearing is closed. We shall move on. OK Next item is some amendments to the | 00:42:43 | |
zoning ordinance. Manager Dickerson, if you want to report on those, please. We'll follow the same process on that public hearing | 00:42:48 | |
now. We'll actually vote on the matter later. | 00:42:53 | |
Whereas the city used to go through the county Planning Commission for all your planning. That hasn't happened since 2008, but it | 00:43:31 | |
was still in the books as that's how you were doing things. So we clear it. We clarified a lot of that. We also, there were also | 00:43:38 | |
places in there about mayor and council setting fees. We've made a decision year or two ago to take all the fees out because | 00:43:44 | |
anytime the fee changes you have to go in and amend your ordinance, which is very laborious and. | 00:43:51 | |
Just a lot of work to do in the 1st place. So now you have a fee schedule that you do every year. If you have to change fees, we | 00:43:59 | |
just update the fee resolution. It's a pretty easy thing. You don't have to go through all the codification of of the code. | 00:44:04 | |
There are some, a couple of items that did that we did address and that were publicized. We had a notebook that's sitting here. It | 00:44:11 | |
was out there for ever since you know we put this out that we are going to bring this before the council. | 00:44:17 | |
The biggest issues are there are changes to foundations. So detached single family detached homes should be constructed with | 00:44:25 | |
either crawl space or basement foundations and we're raised. Flat slab foundations are allowed. They have to be at least two feet | 00:44:30 | |
above finished grade. This is mirrors what the county allows. | 00:44:36 | |
So we're simply trying to be similar to what they're doing. | 00:44:42 | |
There are also there were also changes with the trying to make sure my page looks different than y'all the we noticed when we went | 00:44:46 | |
through the codification process, we realized that there was no height restriction or specification for downtown. I think it's | 00:44:53 | |
yeah there is a top and so we went in and we added 36 feet, which is similar to some of the other historic main, South Main. Those | 00:45:00 | |
areas that are in the same area, we made downtown the same. | 00:45:07 | |
We also added under storm drain, sorry storm drainage facilities we added and maintained after Shelby landscaped because it's not | 00:45:15 | |
just a matter of landscaping these beautiful storm water structures, but to actually maintain them. | 00:45:21 | |
On parking this, this was a little bit more involved. We prohibit, we've now added language to prohibit storage of vehicles on | 00:45:30 | |
certain facilities. We also added that a parking lot without an associated use on the same parcel would be commercial parking. | 00:45:37 | |
Would have to follow the use the regulated use in the table and we have table 13.01 which in the zoning ordinance provides the use | 00:45:44 | |
by zone. What's allowed within those? | 00:45:49 | |
The final piece of this is that we had location of parking. We had two, we had. | 00:45:56 | |
Allowed off street parking if you were 400 feet from a location or 1000 feet from a location and from the principal use and we | 00:46:03 | |
tried to reduce it so it's the same. So we've reduced it down to 400. So it's the same and you don't have two requirements that | 00:46:07 | |
can be. | 00:46:12 | |
Again, the rest of the items for the most part, I think the rest of these. | 00:46:19 | |
Like I said, there are changes where we say we don't have a development review committee. That was something that was done through | 00:46:24 | |
the county. Any fees are now done through a resolution. | 00:46:28 | |
And so a lot of these little things are and we also one of the other things I think I'm really proud of, we're trying to get away | 00:46:34 | |
from all the paper. We do have to keep, you know, hard copy. We have to have at least one copy of plans that come into the public | 00:46:39 | |
wants to come in and look out and they can physically see them. But we tried to reduce it down to just having one hard copy and | 00:46:44 | |
one digital copy and we're trying to transition to just digital. | 00:46:49 | |
And then? | 00:46:55 | |
And that saves. That saves on cost. I'm sure our city engineer can tell you how much it costs when you have to do multiple copies | 00:46:58 | |
of these large plans and reports. | 00:47:02 | |
So those are the main changes just to make it out there. We will be asking you to approve these later in the meeting. Any | 00:47:06 | |
questions? | 00:47:09 | |
Any questions? | 00:47:16 | |
All right. Well, I think at this point we're back into a public hearing, which is now open. Is there anyone who wants to step | 00:47:18 | |
forward and speak? | 00:47:21 | |
The. | 00:47:27 | |
Anyone who wishes to speak against the amendments. | 00:47:30 | |
Hearing. None. I'll close the hearing again, Council, any. | 00:47:33 | |
Comments. | 00:47:38 | |
If there's not, we will take that up later in the meeting and actually work. | 00:47:39 | |
Approving those All right, we'll move on to appearances. And under appearances, we have back with us our friends from the Oconee | 00:47:44 | |
County School District and Breedlove Land Planning. | 00:47:48 | |
Mr. Campbell, I believe we'll start with you and then we'll go to Mr. Laduff, who offer comments on behalf of the Oconee County | 00:47:54 | |
Schools. Thank you, Mayor. So this is a parcel number W. | 00:47:59 | |
36, it has a N Main Street address, but as I have a specific number because there's not a structure at that N Main Street address. | 00:48:05 | |
So the property is a little over 6 1/2 acres in size and importantly it is zoned downtown. So this is a variance application. You | 00:48:13 | |
did see a concept plan for this property at the October City Council meeting. So you should be familiar with this property where | 00:48:22 | |
it is located, some of the aspects of what the applicant is asking for as part of this request, but to briefly refresh you. | 00:48:30 | |
As a mapping. | 00:48:39 | |
Aerial image you see outlined there where the the property is located along N Main St. along the western side of North Main Street | 00:48:41 | |
if we can get to the next slide. And so there's that's just an idea of a Street View, right? So it's a it's a vacant property. At | 00:48:46 | |
one point in time I seem to recall there was a stand there but there may not have been a bales of pine straw sold out of that | 00:48:51 | |
location. | 00:48:56 | |
And this is the plan for the Oconee County Schools Instructional Support Center that has been submitted as part of this variance | 00:49:03 | |
application request, specifically what is being requested. If we go to the next slide, it is a variance for a specific portion | 00:49:10 | |
within the Watkinsville zoning ordinance and that is listed in the article there. I will for clarification, where it starts, where | 00:49:18 | |
it says parking and all other districts, the immediate preceding code section. | 00:49:25 | |
Specifically relates to EC and CC which are employment center and corridor commercial. If you if you look at your colors on the | 00:49:33 | |
zoning map that was just shown, so that has a parking regulation requirement, but then this section. | 00:49:40 | |
Which would cover all other districts that are not EC and CC, including this property which is on downtown parking shall be to the | 00:49:48 | |
rear of the building. And so that's the variance in the portion of the code to which the applicant is asking for a variance. If | 00:49:53 | |
you look at the next slide, this is a reminder. | 00:49:59 | |
Of the chapter within the zoning Ordinance, Chapter 14 of the criteria, Mayor and Council may grant variances upon finding that | 00:50:05 | |
all the following conditions exist so. | 00:50:10 | |
I think you've all been on council long enough where you said have seen variances before. Each case of a variance is different. | 00:50:16 | |
That is the reason for variances, to code where that provision is there. And of course the applicant will make the presentation | 00:50:22 | |
for why they feel a variance is necessary for their project. I'll be happy to answer any other questions you might have. | 00:50:29 | |
Thank you, Mr. Campbell. At this point, we'll turn it over to Mr. Laduff. Mr. Ladduff, if you could just give us your name and | 00:50:37 | |
address and then offer your remarks on the variance request, please. | 00:50:41 | |
Yes Sir, Dallas La Duff here representing Oconee County Schools, located at 34 School St. | 00:50:46 | |
And good evening to all of you and Merry Christmas. I want to start by saying thank you for the consideration that you've given to | 00:50:53 | |
the proposed instructional support center over the last several months. | 00:50:59 | |
I have with me this evening Fred Richardson, the Director of Facilities for Oconee County Schools. | 00:51:05 | |
Joe Moon who's our site designer from Breedlove Land Painting and Jeff Robinson who's our architect from Cunningham for him, | 00:51:11 | |
Matthews and more architects and we are here tonight with the full support of the Board of Education to present to you. | 00:51:18 | |
A. | 00:51:27 | |
From the Watkinsville zoning ordinance with regard to the parking in front of the proposed instructional support center. | 00:51:28 | |
As you all know, the Oconee County Schools Board offices have been operating at the school St. campuses since 1980. | 00:51:36 | |
When the population of Oconee County was 12,000 or 12,500 residents and the total student enrollment in Oconee County schools was | 00:51:44 | |
2000. | 00:51:48 | |
According to the census. | 00:51:54 | |
The population in Oconee County was 41,000 in 2020, representing a 69 1/2% growth in that 40 year period. | 00:51:57 | |
During that same 4 decades, the student enrollment at Oconee County schools increased by over 70%. | 00:52:06 | |
To reflect a student population of over 8500 today. | 00:52:12 | |
Population predictions for a county county predict the total population will exceed 62,000 by 2050. | 00:52:18 | |
And OCS enrollment will exceed 15,000 by the same time. | 00:52:24 | |
This means that one out of every five citizens in Oconee County is a student. | 00:52:29 | |
In Oak County County schools. | 00:52:34 | |
And according to these predictions, that will remain a fact for years to come. | 00:52:36 | |
The Instructional Support Center is designed to. | 00:52:41 | |
The needs of our incredibly supportive. | 00:52:45 | |
While also preparing us for the reality. | 00:52:48 | |
Of future growth and expansion, the ISC will will house approximately 70 staff members. | 00:52:51 | |
Compared with the 35 that are housed across three buildings at the School Street campus currently. | 00:52:57 | |
We we would also like to thank the Mayor and the Council for the feedback that we've received leading up to the October. | 00:53:03 | |
19th City Council meeting in thereafter since sharing our original site design. | 00:53:10 | |
Oconee County Schools has added green space to the area in between the parking lot. | 00:53:18 | |
And North Main. | 00:53:23 | |
Also added professionally landscaped hedges. | 00:53:25 | |
Trees and other plantings to that same area to screen the front parking lot from North Main St. | 00:53:28 | |
Relocated some of the parking spaces from the front of the building. | 00:53:34 | |
To the rear of the building. | 00:53:38 | |
And also replaced those relocated parking spaces with additional green space. | 00:53:41 | |
The instructional Support center will be the only building of ITS. | 00:53:47 | |
In the city limits. | 00:53:51 | |
It will be built to support the students and families and be a wonderful representation of the value that our community places on | 00:53:53 | |
education. | 00:53:57 | |
The design was intentionally developed to promote ease of access and safety to our visitors. | 00:54:03 | |
By allowing adequate space for parking in front of the building. | 00:54:08 | |
As well as entry and exit availability on either side of the property via drives. | 00:54:12 | |
This will also allow stakeholders and other guests to safely enter the. | 00:54:19 | |
Park near the entrance and immediately be checked in to conduct their business. | 00:54:24 | |
This will be consistent with Single Point of Access entries that Oconee County Schools employs at all of our school campuses. | 00:54:28 | |
In order to better serve our community, it is essential that visitors to the instructional support center can easily navigate the | 00:54:37 | |
property, be greeted at the front door. | 00:54:41 | |
And be checked in immediately and safely upon. | 00:54:45 | |
For all of these reasons, and with the full support of the Oconee County Schools Board of Education, we respectfully request | 00:54:49 | |
variance from Watkinsville Zoning Ordinance Article 806A32. | 00:54:55 | |
Regarding parking in front of the proposed instructional support center. | 00:55:02 | |
Oconee County Schools would like to issue a request for. | 00:55:07 | |
In January of 2023, with plans to open the facility in the summer of 2024. | 00:55:11 | |
Again, we are deeply appreciative of the time and consideration that the Mayor and the Council have given to this request and and | 00:55:17 | |
continue to give. | 00:55:21 | |
And with that, we're happy to answer any questions that you all may have. | 00:55:26 | |
Thank you, Mr. Laduff. | 00:55:31 | |
Joe, is there anything you want to share before we let council ask any questions? I don't think so. I'll just state that they've | 00:55:35 | |
used eight of their 10 minutes so. | 00:55:39 | |
A little short on time. Well, we, I think we're, I don't know, there's too many other people lined up on the agenda tonight. This | 00:55:44 | |
is an important project for Watkinsville, so. | 00:55:48 | |
Hopefully, Mr. Use too much more time, but Council, what questions do we have for? | 00:55:54 | |
For Mr. Ladd? For his his associates. | 00:56:00 | |
So in looking at this plan and trying to remember back to October. | 00:56:06 | |
How many spaces from the front? | 00:56:12 | |
Removed. Did you say before? I believe it was 4. Is that correct For yes, ma'am. | 00:56:15 | |
And that's where you see the little jot out by the little sidewalk to the front door. I believe that's where the green spaces near | 00:56:21 | |
the front door were got larger since since that meeting. | 00:56:26 | |
Any other questions, Council? | 00:56:45 | |
Is there? | 00:56:47 | |
But the courthouse has single. | 00:56:49 | |
Of parking. | 00:56:52 | |
I think I. | 00:56:55 | |
Would like to kind of stick more to that so it resembles the courthouse. | 00:56:57 | |
Umm. | 00:57:01 | |
Let's just say could you do a single row parking in the front? | 00:57:02 | |
And move some additional parking to the back, you know, possibly going off to the left if I can look at the screen back left. | 00:57:06 | |
Is that doable on the site? I don't know. | 00:57:15 | |
I make a quick point, Mr. Mayor, about public health, safety, welfare right now looks like with two rows. | 00:57:19 | |
Two vehicles would be backing up. You have the Classic. | 00:57:24 | |
Basically shopping center problem of Fender benders for people backing up so it would advance the public health, safety, welfare | 00:57:29 | |
to have one road to avoid that problem. | 00:57:34 | |
If you can come in and out of both entrances. | 00:57:42 | |
Yes, Sir. That's how it's currently designed. So is that a change? Because I feel like before you guys had a one way scenario | 00:57:46 | |
going on on several of these entry quarters and then through the middle was it am I misremembering? I don't believe, I believe | 00:57:51 | |
it's been two way. Has it been two ways the whole time? OK. All right. Maybe we were thinking about one way then with angle | 00:57:56 | |
parking. OK. Yeah. So it's been two way the whole time. OK. | 00:58:01 | |
And. | 00:58:08 | |
I feel like I'm just repeating myself from October, but. | 00:58:10 | |
Our ordinances that there would be no parking up front And then October we suggested a compromise that it would be similar to the | 00:58:15 | |
courthouse. | 00:58:19 | |
Perhaps just? | 00:58:24 | |
One row. | 00:58:26 | |
And while I appreciate that, there's a little added green space. | 00:58:28 | |
It is. It's almost the same as what we saw in October and. | 00:58:33 | |
I personally feel like we were being generous to to to compromise it, to to acknowledge that this is a different kind of structure | 00:58:38 | |
and what this is, and just out of mutual respect and appreciation. | 00:58:44 | |
So this is Question Time though, so that is not really a question in that. | 00:58:53 | |
Hey, this is. | 00:59:02 | |
OK. Brett, you're on. | 00:59:05 | |
Hey, I just want to keep my comments short. Sam Afar and the service is spotty, but I just want to concur with Christine. I | 00:59:07 | |
believe this is. | 00:59:13 | |
Very similar to what we saw in the previous time, and I would still request that we get down to a singular lane. | 00:59:20 | |
As the courthouse. | 00:59:32 | |
All right. Thank you, Brett. | 00:59:38 | |
Jeff, Jeff, you've already commented, Connie, Chuck, you all have any other any further comments, questions? | 00:59:42 | |
So also. | 00:59:50 | |
Comments are welcome. So also I have gotten feedback from citizens. | 00:59:52 | |
That. | 00:59:57 | |
Aren't even necessarily excited about allowing any kind of compromise. I mean, so we're. | 00:59:59 | |
You know where we want to. | 01:00:06 | |
Very respectful. | 01:00:10 | |
Affect what y'all do we? | 01:00:13 | |
Thrilled with the schools in Oconee County. That's why many of us are sitting up here. You guys do an incredible job. | 01:00:16 | |
And again, that's why I'm willing to do a little bit of a compromise, but. | 01:00:25 | |
To this. | 01:00:32 | |
Mayor, for clarification, I asked the attorney a question. Sure. So my understanding is, is that for any proposal, including a | 01:00:45 | |
variance proposal, there's really three options for for council and and that would be approval. | 01:00:52 | |
Denial or approved with conditions. | 01:01:01 | |
And in the case of a variance and where Councilwoman Tucker has talked about a compromise, is approval with conditions an option | 01:01:04 | |
on this specific variance request? Yes, I believe it is. And part of any motion will be a reference to in the interest of | 01:01:13 | |
preserving the integrity of the zoning ordinance and the health, safety and welfare of the citizens and the safety aspects. | 01:01:21 | |
Of one row versus 2 rows. If you have two rows and it looks like 2 way traffic between those two rows. So you have likelihood of. | 01:01:30 | |
Conflict between people backing out towards each other, traffic coming one way and traffic come the other way. Much of that is | 01:01:40 | |
alleviated if you have one continuous row instead of two rows as is currently proposed. | 01:01:47 | |
I had a question. Yes, Sir. So what's the amount of parking spaces you got right here? So is the amount that you have to have. | 01:01:58 | |
I believe there's 116 parking spaces on the properties. | 01:02:08 | |
I mean, on a normal day, how many people? | 01:02:14 | |
How many cars would be there? | 01:02:18 | |
Coming and going it, it just varies depending on what we have going on right now with 35 staff members and visitors coming to see | 01:02:21 | |
those, I mean sometimes. | 01:02:25 | |
These guys will be in a room with 20 or 30 people coming to have one meeting and it just depends on, but it's not like you got a | 01:02:30 | |
lot of traffic steadily moving. I mean people come in to work and park and. | 01:02:36 | |
Yeah. And then people are coming in to do business. And then we have board meetings twice a month typically where we'll depend on | 01:02:43 | |
what's happening at the board meeting. There'll be some traffic there, I mean. | 01:02:48 | |
I can't speak to. | 01:02:52 | |
A hard number on, well, all the times I've traveled on school St. and all around there, I've never met somebody coming and going | 01:02:56 | |
out of there. So it seems to me like the traffic, traffic flow is very low. It's it's pretty steady. Yes, Sir. | 01:03:04 | |
All right, Council, Mr. Mr. Reitman and Mr. Campbell have outlined your options you've got. | 01:03:17 | |
I'll entertain a motion to approve a motion to deny our public comment before we close out the public hearing. Please. OK, all | 01:03:23 | |
right. Any opposed? | 01:03:27 | |
Wasn't aware that it was a public hearing, but is there any member of the public who wants to make a comment on the project? | 01:03:33 | |
Yeah. Did we have the public hearing last month? I knew we had discussion last month. Yep. OK, then we're fine. OK. All right. | 01:03:42 | |
All right. We don't have. | 01:03:52 | |
So I'm going to keep it over here. Any further comments? If not, somebody is going to need to make a motion here. | 01:03:54 | |
And as I said, three options, approved, and. | 01:04:01 | |
Or approve with conditions. | 01:04:04 | |
I make a motion that we approve with cond. | 01:04:07 | |
That there is only. | 01:04:10 | |
The front row that touches building similar to what we. | 01:04:14 | |
And that the other parking is Remo. | 01:04:19 | |
Is that if you could make a statement that that is based on upholding the integrity of the zoning ordinance and to advance the | 01:04:23 | |
public health, safety and welfare. So moved. Can I Well, let's see if we get a second then I have a thought on that there. | 01:04:31 | |
OK, we have a motion. We have a second. Would you be willing to grant the applicant some? | 01:04:40 | |
Flexibility if we just stated one row with a maximum amount of parking in that row. | 01:04:46 | |
In other words, if you were willing to say or if you're willing to stay to Max a maximum amount of parking in that room. | 01:04:52 | |
Having trouble seeing how many spaces are. | 01:04:58 | |
In each. | 01:05:03 | |
I think you have 6. | 01:05:05 | |
Or maybe someone from the architecture firm or land planner could enlighten us as to how many are in each Bay there. It looks like | 01:05:07 | |
it's a little bit off. | 01:05:10 | |
Looks like there may be 12 in one side. | 01:05:13 | |
I believe it's 23 total in that front. | 01:05:16 | |
Yep. | 01:05:21 | |
For the. | 01:05:25 | |
I think the handicap may create. | 01:05:27 | |
6. | 01:05:37 | |
Yes, and you look up your average of about 6 per Rd. | 01:05:39 | |
But I would think if the green space through design. | 01:05:44 | |
But my main thing is I want. | 01:05:49 | |
The road closest to the road. | 01:05:53 | |
All right. That's they expand out again the ones closer to the building, that would be OK with me. | 01:05:56 | |
OK, so one row of par. | 01:06:02 | |
Close to the building is your motion. | 01:06:04 | |
With a maximum. | 01:06:11 | |
15 spaces, 14 spaces. I mean, it's just, yeah, I mean. | 01:06:14 | |
Obviously there's. | 01:06:20 | |
Engineering constraints. | 01:06:23 | |
All right, so we have a. | 01:06:27 | |
And a second. And Councilman Tucker, you're willing to amend to include in that a maximum of? | 01:06:29 | |
14 spaces in one row. | 01:06:34 | |
Adjacent to the. | 01:06:36 | |
Approve the variance with that condition. We have a second. You're fine with that, Councilman Campbell. | 01:06:39 | |
Or was it? Was it Councilman Garrett, excuse me, You guys are usually a 12 combo over there. So sorry. All right, So that's what | 01:06:45 | |
that's the that's the motion as it stands. Any further comment from the council? | 01:06:51 | |
All right. All in favor, say. | 01:06:59 | |
Any opposed? | 01:07:03 | |
Motion carries 50. Thank you. | 01:07:05 | |
Thank you. Just if I can ask a question, what further documentation would you need from the school system with regard? | 01:07:09 | |
We would just need an updated site. | 01:07:17 | |
Well, Mark, why don't you speak to that? Yeah, thank you. So I know I've been in touch with Breedlove Land Planning as well as it | 01:07:20 | |
relates to the details of the site development plans, stormwater erosion control, some of those types of things as well. So I | 01:07:27 | |
think if you submit a site development plan, if that doesn't meet the ordinance of the City of Watkinsville, but it does meet the | 01:07:33 | |
variance that's been requested with conditions, then that would be the next step in the process. | 01:07:40 | |
OK. And then when would we, just so council is clear, are there any other steps for the school system that bring them back before | 01:07:47 | |
us or? | 01:07:51 | |
If with this approval, are they going to be able to move forward on? | 01:07:55 | |
Bid process Yeah, so the and I've advised, I've advised their planner that we need to have those plans submitted by the first | 01:07:59 | |
Wednesday in January to be able to be on the January 18th. Council the site development plans by for the for the January 18th | 01:08:05 | |
meeting. | 01:08:10 | |
The only thing that follows typically after that is we do urban forest and wastewater at the next meeting. | 01:08:17 | |
And if there's AI know they're trying to get going ahead, if y'all would consider, we could potentially consider those at the same | 01:08:24 | |
meeting. We just have to fast track the urban forest, you know, board to meet. | 01:08:29 | |
We've done that before and I know that you know we've done it before, so we could do it, OK. And the site, the site development | 01:08:34 | |
plan is different from this and that. It's the detailed, the detailed plans behind the concept plan, correct. OK. I just want to | 01:08:38 | |
be sure you all have clarity. | 01:08:42 | |
In terms of how to how to move forward? | 01:08:47 | |
OK. All right. I'm just looking at your, I know you looking at the consultants who get to do the, who get the computers out so. | 01:08:53 | |
You know. | 01:09:03 | |
Yeah. So I do want to say and I said it at the other meeting and it doesn't escape our notice that you guys are planning a | 01:09:04 | |
significant investment in Watkinsville. And and we appreciate, appreciate the quality of the building that you're that you're | 01:09:11 | |
planning, the nods to history that you're planning and as Christine said, we certainly appreciate. | 01:09:17 | |
Schools and what they mean to Watkinsville and Oconee County and a couple of us are, a couple of us are graduates and and as | 01:09:25 | |
people say it about college, but I'll say it about Oconee County schools to the value of that deployment goes up every year and | 01:09:30 | |
it's not. It's because of the great work that Y'all are doing taking care of our schools. And we appreciate that. Yes, Sir. Thank | 01:09:34 | |
you all. And we will bring that decision back to the Superintendent if it pleases. The board will get you that information as soon | 01:09:39 | |
as possible. Understood. Thank you. | 01:09:44 | |
Now I think we get. | 01:09:55 | |
Present a present something to ourselves. So Manager Dickerson, I'll let you or mark Mr. Campbell or Manager Dickerson, I'll let | 01:09:57 | |
you walk through the site improvement plan for Harris Hills Park. So I'll just give a little perspective survey remember so. | 01:10:04 | |
There was a Harris Hills Park master plan that was created that you guys worked through and that's the basis for this first phase | 01:10:12 | |
of the of the improvement that Hair Shoals Park. Basically we're trying to establish the footprint for the future improvements | 01:10:19 | |
that are outlined in the in the master plan and this is essentially just the the, the need, the necessary first step to do so. So | 01:10:26 | |
I'll let Mark give more specifics on it. | 01:10:32 | |
Thank you so again. | 01:10:41 | |
This is a phase a part of a larger phase, but it does require site development plan review and approval before this body. | 01:10:43 | |
In case you were wondering, the acreage is approximately 34 acres total, including both sides of the Creek with several the other | 01:10:54 | |
amenities here that the the city owns. It is zoned parks, recreation and conservation. There's no variances needed for this | 01:11:00 | |
proposal tonight. | 01:11:06 | |
But this would be site improvement plans. | 01:11:13 | |
Of both vehicular and pedestrian pathways and landscaping in accordance to the overall master plan that manager Dickerson | 01:11:47 | |
indicated. So in the parking space net if you will, some parking spaces are going to be removed, some are going to be | 01:11:55 | |
reconfigured, some are going away or replaced. This does include a net of seven additional parking spaces as part of this plan. It | 01:12:03 | |
also is part of this that was surveys done on existing tree location and. | 01:12:10 | |
The the planners have made every effort to show this design to maintain the mature trees to the maximum extent possible. | 01:12:18 | |
The ideal of the design would not involve any encroachment onto the state waters buffer, which would require a variance. There are | 01:12:31 | |
some things as part of the maintenance of the roadway which may be exempt, but it should be outside. | 01:12:39 | |
The state water buffer. So we're we're talking through with the designer because that is not something the city can do. The city | 01:12:47 | |
can't approve encroachment onto the buffer. | 01:12:52 | |
Because it's a state buffer, that's something that has to go through the state, So none of the improvements at this point in time | 01:12:57 | |
should require a encroachment buffer variance. | 01:13:02 | |
And then? | 01:13:08 | |
Improve. | 01:13:10 | |
The net total is approximately 250 square feet of additional impervious areas. So at this time in this stage, there is not a code | 01:13:12 | |
requirement for additional storm water management facilities That may take place at a later stage, but it doesn't yet meet the | 01:13:18 | |
criteria for for storm water management in this space. | 01:13:24 | |
Hopefully that is provided a good baseline. I'll be happy to answer any other questions that you might. | 01:13:31 | |
OK. | 01:13:38 | |
Attorney Reitman any? | 01:13:40 | |
I think it's been well covered. | 01:13:42 | |
Yes. | 01:13:45 | |
Pleasure to be here tonight on West Rile. So I'm representing a Smith Planning group and having been part of the initial design | 01:13:52 | |
team for the Master plan, this is especially exciting for us to kind of see. | 01:13:58 | |
Come fruition, it's been a few years, but we're we're here. | 01:14:04 | |
Wes, I think one thing that and there may be a few watching if there's not it, I'll get questions and council will get questions. | 01:14:08 | |
So I think it's important for us to have a great answer on that and that's we want to we're going to redo this park, but the first | 01:14:13 | |
thing we're having to do is do a lot of paving. | 01:14:18 | |
And concrete infrastructure. | 01:14:23 | |
And and engineer Campbell has explained that to us. But I'd love to hear from Y'all's perspective as the people who created the | 01:14:26 | |
master plan. | 01:14:30 | |
The first thing we need to do instead of making the green spaces more beautiful is actually to go and do a bunch of new pavement | 01:14:35 | |
and curb and gutter and that kind of stuff as a first step, correct. So you know, the the first thing is to really make the space | 01:14:41 | |
more inviting, to improve circulation and accessibility being key tenants of that so. | 01:14:48 | |
What you see before you is really doing just that, so the as. | 01:14:55 | |
Mark has alluded to. We are really just resurfacing the existing drive. The parking stalls are really. | 01:15:01 | |
Redone. Reconfigured to bring those up. | 01:15:09 | |
That includes, as he's alluded, seven additional spaces, two of which. | 01:15:13 | |
Would be accessible parking, one of which is actually van accessible now. So we have to take that existing parking, tear it out | 01:15:18 | |
and bring that up to code. I kind of reconfiguring and recreating that. | 01:15:24 | |
And what about the drainage and how storm water will work and and all this new environment. I know Mark touched on that lightly | 01:15:32 | |
but what's the it's all surface flow. I mean there is some vegetated components but most of it would function as it does now. | 01:15:38 | |
Council any other more intelligent questions? | 01:15:48 | |
All right, Wes. Thank you. | 01:15:56 | |
Great. All right, well, we can entertain a motion. | 01:16:00 | |
Approve the Site Improvement Plan for phase one of the hair Shoals. | 01:16:03 | |
Park Master plan. | 01:16:08 | |
Motion. | 01:16:10 | |
Do we have a second? We have a motion. We have a second? Any further discussion? | 01:16:13 | |
All in favor, Say aye. | 01:16:18 | |
From Kuwait we have a 5. | 01:16:22 | |
And none are opposed. All right, All right. Moving on to old business, We do have one that's item 9A. I'm going to have to jog my | 01:16:24 | |
memory here I think that would be. | 01:16:30 | |
Authorize the clerk and the mayor to sign. | 01:16:35 | |
The closing documents show, Is that correct related to the related to the Oconee County Library Watkinsville branch facility at | 01:16:41 | |
Wire Park. | 01:16:46 | |
Is there anything that council needs to review or are we just looking for a motion to authorize that same things that use a | 01:16:50 | |
realtor see probably several times a week and you'll have all seen before when you purchased a home. So be deeded over to you and | 01:16:57 | |
you have to sign certain documentation associated there with all standard form. And I will say for council's benefit there's been | 01:17:03 | |
considerable back and forth between the attorneys and the manager on on that So we're we've done our. | 01:17:10 | |
Homework. Joe's asked the questions he needs to ask. I think we're in good shape on that. | 01:17:17 | |
It is. It's not your average closing dock. I'll put it that way. So unless everybody's involved environmental and stuff like that. | 01:17:22 | |
So with that do we, can we entertain a motion to authorize the mayor and the court to move forward with that paperwork, please. | 01:17:29 | |
I make a motion that y'all are authorized to afford that paperwork. Do we have a second? | 01:17:38 | |
We have a motion. We have a second. Any further discussion? | 01:17:44 | |
Hearing none all in favor, say aye. | 01:17:47 | |
Motion carries 5 O new business. We have our zoning map. | 01:17:51 | |
Umm. | 01:17:57 | |
I'm not even going to do an intro council any discussion. | 01:17:58 | |
We've been through this. We looked at this before. | 01:18:03 | |
I'll entertain a motion to adopt the official zoning map. | 01:18:07 | |
And make a motion to adopt the official zoning map. We have a motion. Do we have a second? | 01:18:11 | |
We have a motion. We have a second. Any discussion. | 01:18:16 | |
Hearing none all in favor. | 01:18:18 | |
Aye. | 01:18:21 | |
None opposed. Motion carries 50. Next up, the amendments to the zoning ordinance. | 01:18:22 | |
You'll recall this is somewhat more detailed. | 01:18:27 | |
Looking at some unresolved issues around lack of clarity around slabs and lack of clarity around parking. | 01:18:32 | |
Any discussion from council on that? | 01:18:38 | |
Quick comment on parking if I may. | 01:18:40 | |
Miss Dickerson I work closely over the last week to early clean up the language 8.063 to avoid a previous potential concern of a a | 01:18:43 | |
quote parking lot becoming a long term storage lot. So we add in language about day-to-day, short term. | 01:18:52 | |
That it is for the use that it serves and will not include temporary or long term storage of vehicles, commercial or otherwise | 01:19:03 | |
strictly parking facility. I think that addresses the concerns we talked about starting a year ago. | 01:19:10 | |
Thank you, Mr. Mayor. | 01:19:18 | |
Any other comments? | 01:19:21 | |
If not, I'll entertain a motion. | 01:19:22 | |
I make a motion to approve the amendments of the zoning ordinance. | 01:19:25 | |
Do we have a second? | 01:19:30 | |
Motion we have. | 01:19:32 | |
Any further discussion? | 01:19:33 | |
Hearing none all in favor, say aye. | 01:19:35 | |
Aye. | 01:19:38 | |
Motion carries 5. | 01:19:39 | |
All right, Next up we have consideration of beer and wine Distilled spirits license for. | 01:19:43 | |
Lala's Tacos and Cantina Kirk Klein Are we in? | 01:19:49 | |
Good shape to approve this one. Yes Sir, we are. They have submitted all their documentation. I have their payment, I have their | 01:19:54 | |
bond, and they're going for fingerprinting tomorrow. So if we could make it conditional on. | 01:20:00 | |
The results of the fingerprinting and background check? Great. OK, so we'll need a motion conditional upon fingerprinting a | 01:20:06 | |
background check for information. I think they are trying to get open before the end of the year, which is exciting. It's a | 01:20:10 | |
beautiful space if you haven't. | 01:20:14 | |
Peaked in there yet? | 01:20:18 | |
The. | 01:20:22 | |
The beer, wine, and distilled spirit. | 01:20:24 | |
Conditional. Conditional upon the results of things and what else? Fingerprinting. And that was it. Been background check. OK all | 01:20:26 | |
together. So we have a motion. Do we have a second? | 01:20:32 | |
We have a motion. We have a second. Any further discussion? | 01:20:39 | |
All right. All in favor, say. | 01:20:43 | |
Aye. Any opposed? | 01:20:46 | |
Or we could say. | 01:20:48 | |
Like the Mexican. All right, we have. | 01:20:50 | |
The highlight of every. | 01:20:55 | |
November, December council meeting. I know annual stormwater update. | 01:20:58 | |
Right. So just just, I'll be as brief as I can be, but not terribly brief. But we are required as a city to provide a annual | 01:21:05 | |
stormwater report to the state of Georgia. As part of that, we have to engage with all representatives that staff level and that | 01:21:12 | |
is you as elected officials to let you know what's going on with stormwater and they give you an opportunity to ask any questions | 01:21:19 | |
about that. So one thing I will say is that. | 01:21:26 | |
There's an annual report that goes on, but there's actually a five year cycle of a program which we've submitted documentation | 01:21:33 | |
earlier this year. This is the last year in a five year cycle. So next year we'll have to submit brand new documentation kind of | 01:21:39 | |
in the middle of the year, June, July, right when all of the fun fiscal stuff maybe is going on to the state for an updated new | 01:21:45 | |
five year cycle. Part of that five year cycle actually does involve inspections and maintenance. So the idea is not that the City | 01:21:51 | |
of Watkinsville. | 01:21:57 | |
Inspect and or maintain. | 01:22:03 | |
All the facilities, including the private facilities, they don't have to all be inspected every year. The idea is that 20% of all | 01:22:05 | |
the facilities are inspected in any given one year, such that 20% five times becomes 100%. So that is an idea. I know we talked | 01:22:11 | |
about maintenance and some of the other zoning ordinance as well. That's something we're seeing with this new development with | 01:22:17 | |
these private stormwater facilities. They look great when they're new. It will be up to the private property owners to maintain | 01:22:23 | |
those facilities. | 01:22:30 | |
And if they do not maintain them every year? | 01:22:36 | |
They may. There may be a time period where we don't inspect it that year. If there's not any issues, not any problems. It may be | 01:22:39 | |
the subsequent year when it's inspected. But if it's inspected and found to be deficient, it is then up to that private property | 01:22:46 | |
owner to bring that property into compliance with their own efforts and not based on resources dedicated by the City of | 01:22:54 | |
Watkinsville. So happy to answer any questions about storm water that you might have, but that is your annual storm water update. | 01:23:01 | |
So the state of the stormwater in Watkinsville is good, positive, positive. We're using the engineering method, we're continuing | 01:23:10 | |
to improve so. | 01:23:14 | |
Constant improvement with our storm water and we have come a long way. | 01:23:19 | |
I. | 01:23:23 | |
There was not much of A stormwater plan or process when I joined this August body nearly two decades ago, so thank you, Mark, for | 01:23:24 | |
all your work. | 01:23:27 | |
No motion or vote there. We'll move on end of year bonuses for city employees. Manager Dickerson, if you could give us an overview | 01:23:33 | |
of your recommendations. | 01:23:37 | |
And then if anyone. | 01:23:42 | |
Personnel committee wants to weigh in on those as well. | 01:23:43 | |
We'll turn it over to you. Thank you, Mayor. So traditionally, December's council meeting has been a time at which we've asked for | 01:23:48 | |
your consideration of your own bonuses for employees. These employees that are considered for this have to be full time and be | 01:23:53 | |
with the city for at least 12 months. | 01:23:58 | |
Prior to. | 01:24:03 | |
To the request. | 01:24:05 | |
We did approach the finance and personnel committee, which is chaired by Connie Massey and member the other members Chuck Garrett, | 01:24:06 | |
as well as the mayor who sits on there's ex officio. | 01:24:11 | |
And it's been a real privilege to work with them and I think we've just, we've made such great strides in the last, you know, | 01:24:49 | |
three or four years that I've been here. | 01:24:53 | |
Just I think you guys hopefully you all have noticed the caliber of employee you have working for you whether it's public works or | 01:24:59 | |
or it's the finance person or our police officers and stuff. I think everybody works really hard and we we've got a really good, a | 01:25:04 | |
good team so. | 01:25:10 | |
So this is the recommendation from the manager Chuck and Connie do y'all have. | 01:25:19 | |
Any other thoughts? | 01:25:25 | |
I agree with what Sharon said is everybody works well together and doing a good job and. | 01:25:32 | |
Sharon would would the budget accommodate if we want to do something small for the folks who are have not been here a year but we | 01:25:40 | |
wanted if we want to do a flat amount or something for. | 01:25:44 | |
Some of our other folks. | 01:25:49 | |
It it probably would. I think the the concern is, is that some of these people have only been here four or five months, some have | 01:25:51 | |
only been here like a month. So I mean they weren't expecting it. I don't think the ones who you know like last year we had Mark | 01:25:57 | |
Novak came on in November, October, November, he didn't get one. I mean I kind of like to stick to that, you know, I'm black and | 01:26:03 | |
white, you all know. | 01:26:08 | |
Rules, but they weren't necessarily expecting it. Most of the ones that effects are actually officers, and you may recall they got | 01:26:14 | |
that $3500 signing bonus, so just to point that out. | 01:26:19 | |
Council's pleasure. I just being here. I do appreciate how hard, how hard all these folks work, and I know some of them. | 01:26:25 | |
More tenure than others. | 01:26:33 | |
Employees. | 01:26:44 | |
All right, we have a motion. Do we have a second? | 01:26:47 | |
All right. Jeff has a quick. We've got a second. Jeff's going to go ahead and ask a question. Thank you, Brett. | 01:26:51 | |
Can we say to modify that to include a bonus for sharing on that? | 01:26:58 | |
You can discretion. | 01:27:04 | |
They all do a great job I think they should all get. | 01:27:09 | |
Same formula. | 01:27:13 | |
All right, so. | 01:27:18 | |
Yep. | 01:27:23 | |
OK. | 01:27:24 | |
I have modified my motion to include the amount. | 01:27:26 | |
Listed next, I think it's one week's pay is that correct Sharon? So we could just. Yep. So to include that. All right. So Jeff, | 01:27:31 | |
you good with you were the no Brett seconded Brett are you good with that a modification to include the manager. | 01:27:39 | |
All right. So we have a motion. We have a second. Any further discussion? | 01:27:49 | |
All right, All in favor. Say aye. | 01:27:53 | |
Any opposed? | 01:27:55 | |
All right, motion carries 5 O with the addition of the manager, who has certainly been here for more than a year. | 01:27:57 | |
Yep, all right. We're thankful for y'all. All right. Public comments. | 01:28:04 | |
Court clown running e-mail. | 01:28:10 | |
None were emailed. | 01:28:13 | |
Umm. | 01:28:16 | |
Is anybody online sharing? Do we know? | 01:28:17 | |
Can't tell. OK. All right, all right. | 01:28:20 | |
It's always weird. | 01:28:24 | |
No, you may. I guess we're talking for the record here. These are archived, right. OK. So Mayor's report will move through that | 01:28:26 | |
quickly. Christmas at Wire Park was a great success. | 01:28:30 | |
I think the crowds were awesome, but I think what was really neat was seeing Bob Marable and Willie Watson and Woodson Montgomery, | 01:28:36 | |
who had all worked for decades at Wire Park, have an opportunity to stand on that stage and see what the project had become. I had | 01:28:41 | |
an opportunity to visit with. | 01:28:46 | |
All three of those gentlemen, and. | 01:28:51 | |
I think they're probably all may have a tinge of sadness for what's not there anymore but are really excited about the future and | 01:28:53 | |
what's happening there. So that was a that was a great night for Watkinsville. | 01:28:57 | |
Water Park is hosting a Peach Bowl watch party that has become a really tough ticket. So if you're like me and you don't have | 01:29:03 | |
them, that could be a fun place to watch the game. So I just wanted to. | 01:29:07 | |
Point that out to everybody. I think they're wow, 12 to 10, so that's that'll be a big day. Hopefully, hopefully it warms up. | 01:29:12 | |
Hopefully it warms up, warms up before that otherwise. | 01:29:18 | |
That's going to be a cold watch party. | 01:29:24 | |
Watkinsville has been selected for a Pioneer Award by Bethel Baptist Church and this was for our efforts around COVID vaccination. | 01:29:28 | |
And they're recognizing a few community partners who went above and beyond. | 01:29:37 | |
During. | 01:29:41 | |
When When we were really fighting the epidemic to encourage vaccination. | 01:29:43 | |
And so they're going to recognize Watkinsville at their annual Emancipation Proclamation. | 01:29:47 | |
Observance on also on Sunday January 1st, so that's a busy day 3:00 PM. | 01:29:51 | |
They'll be recognizing the city, the county, university. | 01:29:57 | |
Blood and Cancer Center as well for going above and beyond when it came to COVID vaccination. It's hard to believe how far we've | 01:30:03 | |
come since then, but what a moment we were in and if you guys remember. | 01:30:09 | |
Worked with the county and University Cancer Center to vaccinate thousands of people over over 22 Saturdays at the Civic Center. | 01:30:15 | |
It was it was really good. Good day for our community. | 01:30:20 | |
I'm not going to read all this. We all know it's coming, but I think we are police and others are doing a great job of reminding | 01:30:29 | |
everybody what's coming our. | 01:30:33 | |
I've checked in with Sharon and the Chief and Public Works. They're making sure that our hopefully our pipes won't freeze at City | 01:30:38 | |
Hall and the Comfort station in all the different places. But it is going to be epically cold starting Thursday night and going | 01:30:42 | |
all the way till Sunday. | 01:30:47 | |
So just a reminder to the public of take some of these steps. You can see them on our Facebook page and on the County South | 01:30:53 | |
Emergency Services Facebook page. | 01:30:57 | |
Our final four entry signs are up, Entryway signs are up. I expect we'll get some commentary on these because there have never | 01:31:03 | |
been signs about entering Watkinsville on these roads. So but they went up today, correct, Sharon, so, so column Ferry at | 01:31:07 | |
Morrison. | 01:31:11 | |
Simonton Bridge, New High Shoals Rd. and Barnett Shoals Rd. all now have some of our new signs as well, so people know they're | 01:31:16 | |
coming into Watkinsville. | 01:31:20 | |
Landscape on those. | 01:31:25 | |
Yeah. | 01:31:27 | |
All right. I think that's all I have. So we will go to Post 1. Councilman Garrett. | 01:31:29 | |
Nothing for Councilman Garrett opposed to Councilwoman Massey. | 01:31:35 | |
Just want to thank all the departments and department heads and everybody. They work so good together, the meetings I've been | 01:31:41 | |
attending. | 01:31:44 | |
Um. | 01:31:48 | |
And that's good for us and that they work well together. | 01:31:49 | |
All right, Councilman Thomas, any updates from the Middle East? | 01:31:54 | |
I am just glad to be here. Thank you all for working with me. It is. | 01:31:59 | |
So I I appreciate y'all allowing me to be here and be a part of this. | 01:32:06 | |
I continue to be proud to be a City Councilman in the great city of Watkinsville and y'all y'all continue to impress me. | 01:32:12 | |
With the staff and just all the wonderful things that they go on in City Watson, so I'm just I am proud to be able to continue to | 01:32:22 | |
to be a part of that. | 01:32:27 | |
Thank you, Councilman Thomas. We're deeply appreciative of your service, and I feel like I've talked to you two times today and | 01:32:32 | |
texted with you, so I don't know how long it's been since you've slept, but be sure you rest well after this meeting. | 01:32:37 | |
And then we have a Councilwoman, Christine Tucker, post 4. | 01:32:44 | |
So very excited to announce that we have hired Kate Patterson as our first ever Downtown Development Authority Director. So I | 01:32:49 | |
think she's going to be a great person to just start this process. | 01:32:57 | |
And. | 01:33:06 | |
Again, we're thrilled to have her. Oh, she started January night. OK, Yes. And she can't be here because she is, you know, | 01:33:08 | |
Christmas. | 01:33:12 | |
What stood out to you during the interview process about Kate, Christine? | 01:33:18 | |
Is your microphone on, by the way? Yeah, good. OK. | 01:33:23 | |
It was clear that she is someone who gets a lot done. | 01:33:30 | |
Which I always very much appreciate and it's very organized and is a people person. Communication is important to her. | 01:33:36 | |
She. | 01:33:46 | |
A. | 01:33:48 | |
I mean, the right amount of varied work experience, not like, you know, a lot of turnover, but she's done some different things | 01:33:50 | |
that I think are going to bring. She worked for years with Enterprise. | 01:33:55 | |
Managing with customer service that is that that should. | 01:34:01 | |
Do her well for any difficult people she might encounter. | 01:34:05 | |
She has real estate experience and in the years that she has been at home. | 01:34:10 | |
Running her, you know, help run her household, She's been involved and. | 01:34:18 | |
Lead. | 01:34:23 | |
Georgia leadership Georgia and on Governor appointed board and. | 01:34:24 | |
On other boards. I mean, I know we're just from our kids being at school together and she's very involved. | 01:34:31 | |
It just does a great job of whatever she does. Like it gets done. So sorry, that was not concise, but it's great. Yeah. No, I | 01:34:40 | |
think she's going to be wonderful. And also she is. | 01:34:45 | |
She she's someone who has the self-reliance that. | 01:34:51 | |
Like, we don't have this super clear cut. Like this is exactly what your job is going to look like. I think she has the gumption | 01:34:55 | |
and the organizational abilities to help create that, but I it also seemed very clear to me that she. | 01:35:02 | |
Is here to do what the council and what the DDA want her to do. It's not like she came in with her big agenda, if that makes | 01:35:09 | |
sense. Yeah. And I think that's a rare gift to be able to balance one of those things. Great. Thank you. | 01:35:16 | |
Also, just on another note, so I have met with Wendy at the director at Ocalaf a few times and. | 01:35:25 | |
We are tweaking a request for propos. | 01:35:34 | |
For some public art. | 01:35:39 | |
That. | 01:35:41 | |
Kind of be the. | 01:35:44 | |
Start, but kind of fill out where some of the old playground is going away. The parts are not safer some of it. So we're working | 01:35:46 | |
on getting some local artists to have some art that's going to be very reflective of the park. So things that are more flora, | 01:35:52 | |
fauna related. | 01:35:57 | |
That could be found in the park. So we, we that is going on. I know that we today approved or looked at the site plan for the | 01:36:04 | |
important yet boring parts of the park, but the the, the. | 01:36:10 | |
Exciting parts are also still in the work, so that that is not forgotten. That's just she's had a lot going on at Vocab, so we're | 01:36:18 | |
getting there. | 01:36:22 | |
All right, Councilman Campbell. | 01:36:27 | |
The only thing I really wanted to echo is kind of what you said on Christmas at Water Park. | 01:36:30 | |
We were there. It's all Sharon, her family, Ryan and his family. | 01:36:36 | |
I think that. | 01:36:41 | |
Development is going to. | 01:36:42 | |
Transformational for the city of Watkins or the visitors it's going to attract. I've already got friends in North Georgia. That | 01:36:44 | |
said, as soon as the restaurants open up, we're coming down because we're beer aficionados and they like to travel every Thursday | 01:36:48 | |
to a new brewery. | 01:36:53 | |
And have. | 01:36:57 | |
So I told him once Lay Lows opens up and a couple more they'll they'll be down here. So we're going to get a lot more visitors, | 01:36:59 | |
meaning more tax money. | 01:37:03 | |
Revenue for the city, So that's excellent. It's very exciting to see at Christmas. | 01:37:07 | |
Right. | 01:37:11 | |
All. | 01:37:13 | |
And with that, we will I'll entertain a motion to step into executive session for personnel and threatened litigation. | 01:37:15 | |
And why not? We just say real estate too, in case we need to do it. So there you go. | 01:37:24 | |
OK. | 01:37:29 | |
All the reasons one can interpret. | 01:37:31 | |
OK. | 01:37:34 | |
2nd. | 01:37:36 | |
All right. We have a motion. We have a second. All in favor, say aye. | 01:37:37 | |
All right. | 01:37:40 | |
Chief, we can close the door and I think. | 01:37:42 | |
Yeah. | 01:37:46 | |
Joe, I think we're going to have you go first. | 01:37:50 | |
Hang on, I need to stop streaming just about 15 minutes to make sure. | 01:37:56 | |
All right, so we have had Councilman Tucker made a motion to exit executive session that was seconded by. | 01:38:10 | |
Councilman Campbell and it was voted upon unanimously, so we are out of executive session. | 01:38:17 | |
And I'll entertain a motion to approve the finance and personnel committees recommendation regarding manager compensation. | 01:38:22 | |
I do. We have a second. We have a motion. We have a second. | 01:38:30 | |
Any discussion? | 01:38:36 | |
All right, All in favor. Say aye. | 01:38:39 | |
Opposed. | 01:38:41 | |
All right, Motion carries 4/1. | 01:38:44 | |
All right. Any further? A little unclear. Brett, you said. I, he didn't say nay. Did you intend to vote in favor his name? He's | 01:38:48 | |
nay. Yep. All right, all right. | 01:38:54 | |
Motion carries. | 01:39:00 | |
Any further business? If not, I'll entertain a motion to adjourn. | 01:39:02 | |
Motion to adjourn and a second. | 01:39:06 | |
All right. All in favor. Say aye. All right. Merry Christmas. | 01:39:10 |
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When the hospital was crossed. | 00:00:41 | |
All right. Well, ho, ho, ho, and welcome to the December Watkinsville City Council meeting. It is great to have a full chamber | 00:01:22 | |
here tonight and I'm pleased to call this group to order. I think we have one member. | 00:01:27 | |
Running late and then we have Councilman Brett Thomas, who is deployed in Kuwait. | 00:01:33 | |
Who is joining us via phone tonight? So Councilman Thomas, thank you for your service and we'll hear from you when you indicate to | 00:01:38 | |
the clerk and she will take care of getting you. | 00:01:42 | |
On the speaker so that we can do that. So we do have a quorum currently, Councilwoman Tucker will be here shortly. I will say for | 00:01:47 | |
the benefit of those of you who are here for the gingerbread houses in the parade, we're going to do you guys 1st and then you'll | 00:01:54 | |
be able to depart if you so choose. And but we will start as we always do with the Pledge of Allegiance. And I think Isabella | 00:02:00 | |
Curian has agreed to lead us. So Isabella, if you could get us started, please. | 00:02:06 | |
To the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with | 00:02:15 | |
liberty and justice for all. | 00:02:21 | |
Thank you. Isabella, what grade are you in? | 00:02:33 | |
5th Isabella's in fifth grade at Column Ferry Elementary School, and that's our only elementary school or school in the city | 00:02:36 | |
limits of Watkinsville, and we're always proud to have any Column Ferry representation here. | 00:02:42 | |
In Watkinsville with us and are very thankful to have a have a school in the city limits and I'm thankful that Doctor Catherine | 00:02:48 | |
Brown is here, the principal as well tonight from Colin. | 00:02:52 | |
I will say just so everybody knows, the meeting is being broadcast simultaneously online. So we do that across the platform called | 00:02:58 | |
Suite 1. So those who can't come to the meeting can always access that meeting online via the city's website. It also allows | 00:03:04 | |
members of the public to look at the agenda items as we move through it. | 00:03:10 | |
All the agenda is always posted a full. | 00:03:17 | |
And I think it's on. Excellent. Good evening, everyone. My name is Leanne Shore. I have the privilege to be a fourth and 5th grade | 00:03:48 | |
teacher at Collin Ferry Elementary, which I enjoy. I can't say enough good things about my coworkers, my students, the staff, the | 00:03:54 | |
administration. It's a wonderful place to be. | 00:04:01 | |
Mr. Mayor Brian Broderick was kind enough to invite us here tonight. Our students have been working on a project since November. | 00:04:10 | |
As you may know, Colin Ferry is a STEM school which STEM stands for, the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. It's a | 00:04:19 | |
recognition that the state gives to the schools who have earned it. And as part of our STEM certification, of course, we tried to | 00:04:26 | |
include the engineering design process in many of the aspects of our curriculum. So this particular group I have in fifth grade in | 00:04:33 | |
the afternoons for enrichment, I have a lot of flexibility about. | 00:04:40 | |
What I can do with them? Miriam Schick, our former media specialist. Several years ago, Pre COVID launched a gingerbread | 00:04:47 | |
Watkinsville project. | 00:04:53 | |
And Leah Packet, the other teacher that I work with, she and I decided to continue this this year with a STEM project related to | 00:05:01 | |
Watkinsville So. | 00:05:06 | |
The students use the engineering design process throughout this project, so they. | 00:05:13 | |
Saw some gingerbread baking shows to get inspiration, and then they each drew a particular building from Watkinsville to create. | 00:05:19 | |
They designed and planned their creations and then brought in very specific things from home. They got very excited about it. | 00:05:29 | |
And then they spent several weeks building and improving, and I would love to tell you that Gingerbread goes well. | 00:05:39 | |
But if any of you've ever built gingerbread houses at your home, there is some learning curves there. So we definitely got to | 00:05:46 | |
experience the improved portion. | 00:05:52 | |
Of the engineering design process and then they were able to rebuild and. | 00:05:58 | |
And then share their work and they did such a wonderful job. I was so proud of the work they did and I just wanted to show it off | 00:06:04 | |
a little bit. There were two that are. | 00:06:09 | |
Were too large for me to bring, so Blind Pig was. | 00:06:15 | |
This vague and had like a Plaza out front with the picnic tables. But I wanted to include a photograph so it's there. And then | 00:06:19 | |
also we did Butcher and Vine of course. Butcher and Vines gone out of business, but is still the same building. So we hope you | 00:06:27 | |
enjoy these. And they've made my room smell fantastic for weeks on end and I hope you enjoy them. And I want to recognize the | 00:06:35 | |
students who came tonight. So we have Isabella Kirian and Abigail Kirian. They are sisters, you can stand up. Yes, ma'am. | 00:06:43 | |
There you go. Yes, Isabella, which one did you do? | 00:06:52 | |
She did Kiki's bike shop up here in the front and then Abigail. Which one were you doing? | 00:06:57 | |
The Crimson Cafe. Very nice. And then I also have up here Cam Weidman and Vivian Fahmy they worked on. | 00:07:04 | |
Sacred Bridal and These ladies and gentlemen spent a lot of time and effort going through this design process and I appreciate you | 00:07:14 | |
letting them come and share this evening. | 00:07:19 | |
All right. | 00:07:25 | |
Let's have Miss Shore and the students come up front and we're going to get a picture of you guys. | 00:07:31 | |
We may block a few, but let's stand right here so we can get the Watkins Bill low ground logo in the background. Doctor Brown. | 00:07:37 | |
All right. | 00:07:50 | |
Thank. | 00:08:01 | |
All right. Great work, ladies. | 00:08:04 | |
I think Carlton Purvis pulled off our first Christmas Miracle Hope the babies never held before, and she was happy. OK, great. | 00:08:18 | |
All right. | 00:08:28 | |
Our second. | 00:08:32 | |
Second item that we're going to cover off on and then we'll have a little break so folks can leave, we want to is. | 00:08:34 | |
The awards for the Christmas parade and. | 00:08:40 | |
I can't say enough about the team that put this together this year. | 00:08:44 | |
Sharon, that starts with you Chief Brock, Kyle Hibbler, all of your staff that worked so hard on that this has become. | 00:08:48 | |
For years, probably decades now, just a wonderful, wonderful Watkinsville tradition and we're really proud of it. I don't think | 00:08:55 | |
there's a bigger, better Christmas parade anywhere in northeast Georgia. And thank you to you and the the staff and everybody who | 00:09:00 | |
put that together. That was, it's was tremendous. I don't think Melanie Atkins is here tonight, but I know she's your partner in | 00:09:06 | |
crime on this and we're really thankful to you and the staff. So let's give them a hand. | 00:09:11 | |
Our Grand Marshall this year was Mr. Harold Townley. Mr. Townley couldn't join us tonight, but he's been a tremendous contributor | 00:09:21 | |
to our community for years and years in a lot of ways and mentored a lot of folks and we. | 00:09:26 | |
The hot cocoa was great, by the way. A lot of a lot of good reviews for our friends from the bank, so. | 00:10:36 | |
Sharon, is there anybody else that I missed or that we need to call out on that if not? | 00:10:42 | |
Get to the award. I was going to say Glenwood was a last minute volunteer. He's in the audience tonight. He helped bring in three | 00:10:46 | |
or four volunteers in last minute. So. OK, Glenn, thank you. Wave to us. There you are. You moved. All right. Glenn, thank you | 00:10:51 | |
for. Thank you for doing that because this thing does not work without a lot of, a lot of volunteers. | 00:10:57 | |
You can't have a couple thousand people descend on downtown Watkins. | 00:11:02 | |
Close off traffic for six hours and make it all work. And get how many floats lined up. Sharon. | 00:11:06 | |
113 floats lined up without, without a lot of volunteer horsepower. So the committee's there in front of you. And as we said | 00:11:11 | |
earlier, Melanie Melanie's been a tremendous, tremendous resource to us and has done a wonderful job with the parade. So thanks to | 00:11:16 | |
everybody who did that. | 00:11:22 | |
We do have judges and we do have awards though, and some of you are here to receive those, so I want to recognize. | 00:11:27 | |
Our I'm going to start with. | 00:11:37 | |
Kids, and if you're here tonight, just step forward. I'll give you give you a reward. If you're not, we'll give it to you. | 00:11:40 | |
The best use of theme for kids was Cub Scout Pack 149. Has anyone here from Cub Scout? Oh, here we go. | 00:11:48 | |
All right. | 00:12:06 | |
For most artistic for children, we have the Oconee flamingos. | 00:12:11 | |
I don't think the flamingos are here. | 00:12:17 | |
And then, for best flow overall, for Children's Summit Academy home school enrichment. | 00:12:20 | |
Here we go. | 00:12:26 | |
TV in the way of the runs. | 00:12:34 | |
Yeah. | 00:12:40 | |
All right. For adults, best use of theme. In the adult category, we have American pest control. Anyone here from American pest | 00:12:42 | |
control? | 00:12:46 | |
Most artistic, I know We have some people here. | 00:12:52 | |
And that is Coldwell Banker. Charlie Upchurch is here. Carlton Purvis, Gentlemen, congratulations. | 00:12:57 | |
It's. | 00:13:10 | |
Best float Overall for adults or Best float for adult category is a county State Bank and then we have a couple representatives | 00:13:15 | |
here. | 00:13:18 | |
And overall. | 00:13:38 | |
And I hope our gentleman with the best tractors here, Brett Brooks. | 00:13:42 | |
No. | 00:13:47 | |
Antique car. I know these folks are represented. Rick and Angie Garrett. | 00:13:57 | |
Come on up. | 00:14:01 | |
All right. Y'all come back next year. | 00:14:11 | |
I don't think we can have repeat when there's A and. | 00:14:14 | |
Overall, the Mary D Williams Award for the I love this one too. My favorite favorite movie is It's a Wonderful Life Every Time a | 00:14:18 | |
Cowbell. | 00:14:22 | |
Rings Oconee County. FFA member gets their jacket that is so great. | 00:14:27 | |
Line up where we can see everybody here. | 00:14:33 | |
You don't want the T-shirts? Or do you still have the desk? Yes, we got the jacket. | 00:14:43 | |
All right. | 00:14:48 | |
Congratulations. | 00:14:51 | |
I. | 00:14:55 | |
I. | 00:15:00 | |
All right, now know as much as Y'all would love to stay and learn about local government, it is Christmas time. So if folks are | 00:15:05 | |
here for the parade and the gingerbread houses and they don't want to stay, then you are welcome to go. We'll give you a couple | 00:15:08 | |
minutes to exit the room. | 00:15:12 | |
Yeah, I think we probably ought to add agenda approval if you all signed the library closing documents. | 00:15:17 | |
I didn't. | 00:15:40 | |
Like a new picture? Yeah. South Main Brewing apparently had two printed and they had an extra so. | 00:16:17 | |
They gave us that one online or hopefully just gave us that one. So yeah, yeah. So anyway, Yep. | 00:16:24 | |
We will move on ahead November. We have a lot on the agenda tonight. Y'all. So if I push, if you feel like I'm pushing, I'm | 00:16:33 | |
pushing for good reason. So we aren't here super late tonight. So I want to have as much discussion as you all want to have. But | 00:16:38 | |
if it gets repetitive I will kind of shut it down and call a question on anything so we can get out of here to decent hour. We | 00:16:42 | |
have a lot to cover. | 00:16:47 | |
And anticipated executive session as well approval of minutes, November 16th minutes. Do we have any? | 00:16:51 | |
Have any questions? Comments on the minutes? Otherwise, I'll entertain a motion to approve. | 00:16:59 | |
We have a motion. We have a second from Mr. Campbell. Any conversation? | 00:17:05 | |
All in favor, say aye. Any opposed? | 00:17:09 | |
Welcome, Council. | 00:17:13 | |
Thomas, again, good to hear from you. | 00:17:15 | |
All right. Approval of the agenda. | 00:17:18 | |
We do have one item we need to add to that and that is approval of the library lease that will go under old business. It would be | 00:17:20 | |
item 9A. | 00:17:24 | |
Adding that to the agenda, I would appreciate it. | 00:18:04 | |
I make a motion to add that to the agenda. All right, We have a motion from Councilwoman Tucker to add approval. | 00:18:09 | |
Of the library. | 00:18:15 | |
Authorizing the clerk and I to finish off the library closing documents. Do we have a second? | 00:18:17 | |
We have a second from Councilman Campbell. Any conversation hearing? None. All in favor? Say aye. | 00:18:22 | |
Motion carries 5. | 00:18:28 | |
Not to the audience. | 00:19:02 | |
Others who are in attendance address the matter merits of a pending matter. Address those remarks directly to council. | 00:19:04 | |
1st on the agenda under administration is the audit report. | 00:19:11 | |
And then we're going to have some budget amendments handle that. I think we have Mr. Clay Pilgrim here with us tonight from Ruston | 00:19:17 | |
and Company who will present the city. | 00:19:20 | |
Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Financial Report. | 00:19:24 | |
Thank you, Mr. Mayor, and thank you Council for having rushed in back to do your audit for fiscal year 2022. I'm a little offended | 00:19:29 | |
that everybody left and didn't want to hang around for this wonderful audit. I didn't even mention the word audit and they still. | 00:19:37 | |
The remainder is of course the city's financial statements. We just assist in preparing them. But the first of those is the audit | 00:20:52 | |
opinion or the independent auditors report. It's found on pages one through three. That is what houses our independent auditors | 00:20:57 | |
opinion. | 00:21:03 | |
I. | 00:21:09 | |
We do follow government auditing standards, as you're aware as a city, obviously being a government. As I mentioned earlier, these | 00:21:44 | |
financial statements are the responsibility of Watkinsville's management. | 00:21:49 | |
And our responsibility as your independent auditor is to a pine upon give an opinion on those financial statements, they're not | 00:21:55 | |
materially misstated whether due to error or fraud. All right, I have a few statements here, always call your attention too. So | 00:22:01 | |
this big bound report, 7080 pages, probably here 60 pages. | 00:22:07 | |
Has many statements in it, but however, there are only two statements in that entire report that pull all activities of the city | 00:22:13 | |
together in one. So we're talking about your general fund, which you all spent a lot of time on. We'll talk about in a moment. | 00:22:19 | |
You got your spouse. | 00:22:26 | |
Special revenue funds, this statement, these two statements, the only two that bring all those activities, you got a statement in | 00:22:28 | |
that position. | 00:22:31 | |
I don't know Page 13 and a statement of activities found on page 14, those are like a balance sheet and income statement for | 00:22:35 | |
business enterprise. A few numbers from those statements got 3 fiscal years for you here comparative you'll see there for fiscal | 00:22:42 | |
year 2022 net investment capital assets that's going to be your land building equipment less any depreciation that's accumulated | 00:22:50 | |
on those assets less any debt utilize the quorum 5 million 112 zero 25 had restricted net position 1,000,000, seven 69102. | 00:22:57 | |
That's going to be like unspent SPLOST money that you've received but not yet expended at your end, and then unrestricted net | 00:23:05 | |
position 3,000,009 twelve 421 gives your total net position 10 million seven 93548. | 00:23:11 | |
You'll see for the year, the city increased that position by 850-6572. | 00:23:18 | |
Over the last several years, expenditures decreased 146090, about 6 1/2 percent. A few items contributed to that. You'll see | 00:24:32 | |
police was down one 23573. | 00:24:37 | |
Various different causes there. As you can see, highways and streets were down 48 to 15 due to personal services and capital | 00:24:43 | |
outlay. Your parks were up 63148 and the library was down 60,000 due to a prior year payment there. | 00:24:49 | |
Unassigned fund balance for fiscal year 20/22 was 2 million nine 4449. As you can see, they're up a little from fiscal year 2021 | 00:24:57 | |
of two million 860-6827. | 00:25:02 | |
The next slide just shows you, you all like looking at the charts sometimes better Listen to me talk and I don't blame you there, | 00:25:10 | |
but you'll see their three-year comparison of your revenues and expenditures for the last three fiscal years, the blue line being | 00:25:15 | |
your revenues. | 00:25:19 | |
You'll see for 2022, two million, one 52850. | 00:25:24 | |
And the green line, your expenditures 2,000,000 one 12539. | 00:25:27 | |
Kind of gives you a little trend there as far as the last three fiscal years. | 00:25:32 | |
The next slide, I know you all spend some time talking about your splash or special purpose local option sales tax. So the | 00:25:38 | |
schedule of finance our projects financed with with those loss funds is found in the report on page 48. I've just called your | 00:25:45 | |
attention here to the totals do still have 3 referendums that you're spending out of. You have two O 9/7/58 from the 2009 | 00:25:52 | |
referendum, 490-2411 from the 2015 referendum and 14823 for the from the 2021 referendum for a total of 840-2992. | 00:25:59 | |
The details of those as far as what projects you know, those were approved by the voters on referendum. So what specific details | 00:26:07 | |
of those projects is found on that schedule on page 48? | 00:26:12 | |
All right. I mentioned two items in this entire report that are the product of your auditor of us as Rushton, the first being that | 00:26:20 | |
independent audit report, the second being our report on internal control and other matters found on pages 45 through 47. | 00:26:27 | |
I will mention have the city and that this could be the case in future years as well. But had the city expended more than $750,000 | 00:26:35 | |
in federal funds? | 00:26:39 | |
You all, we would have a third letter in here which would be our report on internal control and compliance in relation to federal | 00:26:45 | |
programs. But then for fiscal year 22 you did not. So this this is our second piece here and that's our report on internal | 00:26:50 | |
control. You'll see please present we had no material weaknesses in the controls of the city. We had no material non compliance. | 00:26:55 | |
We did have three significant deficiencies there as far as some improvement improvements on controls and processes that we | 00:26:59 | |
recommend. | 00:27:04 | |
But this one was a pretty large statement. This one affected a lot of a lot of governments and that's on leases. | 00:27:44 | |
The way we accounted for leases previously was an operating lease or a capital lease with a capital lease being more on the | 00:27:52 | |
balance sheet with an asset and liability. | 00:27:56 | |
This new standard here changed that to just one method of accounting forum which was more like capital on the balance sheet. | 00:28:01 | |
Pleased to present that for 2022 we actually did not have. | 00:28:06 | |
Any leases that were required to be recorded. So we have to evaluate this. One of the things I've always been talking about in | 00:28:12 | |
this and they're real clear on is materiality. So if if recording a lease in accordance with 87 is the, the effect of that would | 00:28:18 | |
be immaterial then of course you don't go through the jump through the hoops in order to do so. So we did evaluate that and it was | 00:28:25 | |
implemented for 2022. | 00:28:31 | |
Now along with that, the next as far as future reporting changes, 87 was on leases, 96 is on what we call Sabitas. | 00:28:39 | |
SBI TAS which is subscription based information technology arrangements. | 00:28:46 | |
As you all know, you know several years ago, not too long ago, when you wanted software or some type of information technology, | 00:28:53 | |
run down to Walmart or Best Buy and grab your disk CD, bring it home, put it in your computer, and there you had your. | 00:28:58 | |
Office or whatever software you wanted. And then you'd put it in another computer and you'd have it on that one. Then you might | 00:29:05 | |
give it to your neighbor and he'd have it on that one. And I know that's been a little while ago since that all took place, but | 00:29:09 | |
they got away from that and then they started restricting. So you couldn't do that. Well then they've now moved. If you all bought | 00:29:13 | |
anything lately, you know it's all bought. | 00:29:17 | |
Through a subscription base. So you're either paying a monthly fee or an annual fee or quarterly fee for those for that software | 00:29:21 | |
or that information technology. | 00:29:25 | |
What this standard says is you've got a liability there. It's kind of how they look at it. You you've, you've entered into a | 00:29:29 | |
subscription that you're going to pay over time. | 00:29:34 | |
So that's just like Internet some type of note that you're paying. So they they're basically saying that these should be recorded | 00:29:39 | |
similar to are almost identical to the way that lease guidance is where you book an Erector right to use an intangible asset, you | 00:29:45 | |
amortize that over the life and then you've got a liability. | 00:29:51 | |
This one will be the same as 87. We'll have to evaluate materiality as to whether or not it gets implemented or not. As far I | 00:29:58 | |
shouldn't say implemented, it'll be implemented regardless. And by the way, that is effective in the fiscal year you're in right | 00:30:04 | |
now. So fiscal year 2023 in that regard. So pretty much identical to 87, except we're talking about information technology instead | 00:30:09 | |
of leased assets in this relation. | 00:30:14 | |
And that concludes my presentation. I do have one other thing. I need to make sure I'm not going to go through it like I normally | 00:30:20 | |
do because I know you have a lot of business, but there is a letter you have there with you. It says there's two letters, but the | 00:30:26 | |
one you have that says it's underlined, it says significant audit matters. | 00:30:31 | |
That used to say significant audit findings. I'm so glad they changed that for us because I would be presenting this and that's a | 00:30:38 | |
significant audit. | 00:30:41 | |
It's a significant audit matters this This letter is a two page letter as you can see there, and it is. | 00:30:45 | |
We're we're required to communicate these items in this letter to you all as the board charged with governance. I will not go | 00:30:53 | |
specifically through this. I usually do my really quick commercial voice and run through them very quickly. But these are all | 00:30:58 | |
required to be communicated to you. I will say to summarize them very quickly. | 00:31:04 | |
These are required. This is all what I call boilerplate information that was every single word in. This is the exact same as it | 00:31:10 | |
was last year, with the exception of a few dates. | 00:31:15 | |
And there is one change in that Gatsby statement 87, which I just made you aware of, was implemented during fiscal year 22 that's | 00:31:20 | |
noted here. It typically says there were no new accounting standards this year it says of course you do have the one new one. | 00:31:27 | |
The other thing that I think is significant on here is we ask a lot of questions. We request a lot of documentation from | 00:31:35 | |
management. | 00:31:38 | |
Mr. Pilgrim, thank you. I didn't notice at the start, but I think it is important or note this at the start, I think is important | 00:32:19 | |
for everybody to know he is. Mr. Pilgrim is a CPA certified fraud examiner certified in financial forensics and you can probably | 00:32:24 | |
tell that by the level of detail he got into. | 00:32:28 | |
With the Report Council, any questions for Mr. Pilgrim? | 00:32:34 | |
Well, thank you, Clay, for all your work. I know it's not easy. We appreciate you. Thank you all. If you all have questions again | 00:32:39 | |
after you after we finish up here, by all means reach out throughout the year. I know I spent a lot of time talking with Miss | 00:32:43 | |
Dickson, Miss Klein and Miss Black, but I'm happy to answer questions from you all as well. So let's know. Thank you all. Thank | 00:32:47 | |
you. | 00:32:51 | |
All right. Sharon, are there some 2022 budget amendments that emerged out of that that we need to take care of or and they should | 00:32:57 | |
be in your packet? | 00:33:01 | |
I hope they're in your packet. You can pull them up. | 00:33:07 | |
If you guys have those in your packet, if you want to make a motion on those, I don't have it in front of me. Does anybody have | 00:33:13 | |
the budget amendments? | 00:33:17 | |
I make a motion to approve. | 00:33:21 | |
I don't have a copy in front of me. | 00:33:24 | |
We have a second to approve the budget amendments. This is just sort of clean up based on the right box, except to move things | 00:33:28 | |
around. All right, we have a motion. We have a second. | 00:33:33 | |
Any discussion? | 00:33:39 | |
All in favor, Say aye. | 00:33:40 | |
All right, Motion carries 5. | 00:33:43 | |
All right. Manager Dickerson, I will turn it over to you for financial reports, more finance. | 00:33:46 | |
And so these funds will go towards that. | 00:34:30 | |
And then Spice 3. So far we have used money for city signage, which we'll talk about in the mayor S report later Harris Shoals | 00:34:33 | |
Park improvements. | 00:34:37 | |
Some local maintenance improvement grant matching money for streets resurfacing streets. The final payment to the Oconee County | 00:34:43 | |
for the experiment? Station road design installment that was. | 00:34:48 | |
Back in 2010 or 2011, so but we had a agreement for that. So that has that that payment has been made. The thing I'll point out is | 00:34:54 | |
we budget about 83% of what we anticipate would come in on the referendum would be close to 65,000. We've actually been tracking | 00:35:00 | |
close to 78,000 a month. | 00:35:06 | |
And that was pre Costco just for that. This gives you a little bit better idea. So this time last year we were, we were seeing | 00:35:13 | |
about a 20% increase in revenues from October. Our balance is a little bit over $780,000. | 00:35:20 | |
It helps with our accounting. It also helps us keep track of when we have to report back because we have a report every I think | 00:36:04 | |
it's April that's due to the federal government that we have to complete. So it just keeps it, it keeps it separate and clear. It | 00:36:09 | |
also helps you guys remember that you know these monies were given for the purpose of transformation, I mean communities after you | 00:36:15 | |
know post COVID. So it helps you sort of see where maybe you can use those funds to help elevate and and make some | 00:36:20 | |
transformational changes in the city so. | 00:36:26 | |
Any questions? | 00:36:32 | |
OK. I'll move on to the next report. | 00:36:36 | |
Economic development, so we have 17 business renewals that have taken place to alcohol license renewals. | 00:36:39 | |
And then we have our excise tax tax collection reports, our alcohol and then our short term vacation rental. I will point out | 00:36:48 | |
again we are working to track down and we're working with the state and others to track down the taxes that are currently being | 00:36:53 | |
collected by short term vacation rentals because they are not coming to us right now. | 00:36:59 | |
It's not a huge amount of money anyway. What we talked about I think was about 6000 for the year or so, but that money is due to | 00:37:05 | |
us and there's a little bit of bureaucracy and and probably just the change that now we're collecting it versus the county. So we | 00:37:11 | |
are working, Julie and I have been working on trying to address that and may have made some headway today. We'll see. | 00:37:17 | |
And then the last part is the building inspections report, Building permits report. | 00:37:24 | |
We have two. We have 4 permits for four projects, two of which are Wire Park. | 00:37:29 | |
Any questions on those? | 00:37:34 | |
OK. | 00:37:38 | |
All right. Thank you, Sharon, Julie, for all y'all do to keep things running and we'll turn it over. | 00:37:39 | |
To Chief Brock, who hopefully he's keeping the bad guys running. What you got for us, Chief? Got a great crew that does that for | 00:37:45 | |
me. All right. Good evening, Mayor and Council. Always a pleasure to be before you. And Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Shirt on | 00:37:49 | |
tonight. | 00:37:53 | |
I submitted a report last week to council, the monthly report. Any questions over any material operated. | 00:37:59 | |
Hearing, none seeing. | 00:38:07 | |
I like that. That's perfect. I'll get into the exciting part. So back in April, I was contacted by a professor with University of | 00:38:09 | |
Georgia that heads the public relations class for the Capstone Project for the seniors that are graduating class and are achieving | 00:38:15 | |
their public relations degrees. | 00:38:21 | |
He asked me if the Walkinsville Police Department would be the client for them to participate with. | 00:38:27 | |
And. | 00:38:33 | |
Bas. | 00:38:35 | |
Package together for the Police Department for public relation purposes. I'm very pleased to say that that went very well. | 00:38:37 | |
I went and did a presentation with the major at the classroom, in the classroom and talked about everything Walkersville and | 00:38:44 | |
Walkersville Police Department talked about his history and and things that you know we've done and have implemented in the last | 00:38:50 | |
few years and social media aspects among other things. | 00:38:57 | |
And they took that. And they came here and visited here and learned about government, municipal cons of government. | 00:39:04 | |
And what kind of government we operate and who we answer to the chain of command that goes on here and police operations that | 00:39:11 | |
spurred their interest enough to actually have about half that class come and actually do ride along with our officers. | 00:39:18 | |
Of course they went out and did. | 00:39:26 | |
Public interviews with public people with persons in the public at Publix. | 00:39:28 | |
Asking you know, their thoughts and feelings about the Walkinsville Police Department and the interaction that they may, may or | 00:39:37 | |
may not have, I'm very pleased to say that we got a very, very favorable report. | 00:39:42 | |
They presented me a campaign manual that gives me. | 00:39:48 | |
Things to work on, things to implement, and ideas. | 00:39:52 | |
To use in the future and it's very been a very exciting process. They they even put a branding campaign together utilizing some of | 00:39:57 | |
the material that we'd already put in place as well. | 00:40:04 | |
It was a delight to see that class blossom, and I think we actually. | 00:40:11 | |
Garnered some favor and attention to everything public safety. | 00:40:17 | |
From that group, they were genuinely invested in the program and happy to say they all. | 00:40:23 | |
Achieve great grades and went on to graduate. All right, any questions? | 00:40:29 | |
Very good. Thank you. Thanks, Chief. | 00:40:35 | |
All right. We have nothing on the consent agenda. | 00:40:43 | |
And we will do have a public hearing tonight on a couple things. It may feel a little bit like Groundhog Day, but we have. | 00:40:48 | |
Have to make some final, hopefully changes to our zoning, map some amendments to our zoning ordinance. This is going to be a | 00:40:55 | |
public hearing when I open it up. So there are specific comment procedures. I don't, I'm not sure if anybody will have any, but if | 00:41:00 | |
you do, then we'll have you come up to the podium. | 00:41:05 | |
You'll be able to speak just to that agenda item. | 00:41:11 | |
Speak from the podium 4 minutes per person. | 00:41:14 | |
Procedure to let the public know that there would be a hearing on this. So that's the only change. I just put it correct. We had | 00:42:18 | |
inadvertently captured it as the wrong color, the wrong zoning area. So that's all this is, is just clarification of the zoning. | 00:42:25 | |
OK, Joe, unless you have anything to add? | 00:42:32 | |
We will keep moving. That's right. Again, we are in a public hearing. This is essentially A housekeeping update. Is there anyone | 00:42:34 | |
wishes to speak in favor? | 00:42:38 | |
Is there anyone that wishes to speak? Opposed Public hearing is closed. We shall move on. OK Next item is some amendments to the | 00:42:43 | |
zoning ordinance. Manager Dickerson, if you want to report on those, please. We'll follow the same process on that public hearing | 00:42:48 | |
now. We'll actually vote on the matter later. | 00:42:53 | |
Whereas the city used to go through the county Planning Commission for all your planning. That hasn't happened since 2008, but it | 00:43:31 | |
was still in the books as that's how you were doing things. So we clear it. We clarified a lot of that. We also, there were also | 00:43:38 | |
places in there about mayor and council setting fees. We've made a decision year or two ago to take all the fees out because | 00:43:44 | |
anytime the fee changes you have to go in and amend your ordinance, which is very laborious and. | 00:43:51 | |
Just a lot of work to do in the 1st place. So now you have a fee schedule that you do every year. If you have to change fees, we | 00:43:59 | |
just update the fee resolution. It's a pretty easy thing. You don't have to go through all the codification of of the code. | 00:44:04 | |
There are some, a couple of items that did that we did address and that were publicized. We had a notebook that's sitting here. It | 00:44:11 | |
was out there for ever since you know we put this out that we are going to bring this before the council. | 00:44:17 | |
The biggest issues are there are changes to foundations. So detached single family detached homes should be constructed with | 00:44:25 | |
either crawl space or basement foundations and we're raised. Flat slab foundations are allowed. They have to be at least two feet | 00:44:30 | |
above finished grade. This is mirrors what the county allows. | 00:44:36 | |
So we're simply trying to be similar to what they're doing. | 00:44:42 | |
There are also there were also changes with the trying to make sure my page looks different than y'all the we noticed when we went | 00:44:46 | |
through the codification process, we realized that there was no height restriction or specification for downtown. I think it's | 00:44:53 | |
yeah there is a top and so we went in and we added 36 feet, which is similar to some of the other historic main, South Main. Those | 00:45:00 | |
areas that are in the same area, we made downtown the same. | 00:45:07 | |
We also added under storm drain, sorry storm drainage facilities we added and maintained after Shelby landscaped because it's not | 00:45:15 | |
just a matter of landscaping these beautiful storm water structures, but to actually maintain them. | 00:45:21 | |
On parking this, this was a little bit more involved. We prohibit, we've now added language to prohibit storage of vehicles on | 00:45:30 | |
certain facilities. We also added that a parking lot without an associated use on the same parcel would be commercial parking. | 00:45:37 | |
Would have to follow the use the regulated use in the table and we have table 13.01 which in the zoning ordinance provides the use | 00:45:44 | |
by zone. What's allowed within those? | 00:45:49 | |
The final piece of this is that we had location of parking. We had two, we had. | 00:45:56 | |
Allowed off street parking if you were 400 feet from a location or 1000 feet from a location and from the principal use and we | 00:46:03 | |
tried to reduce it so it's the same. So we've reduced it down to 400. So it's the same and you don't have two requirements that | 00:46:07 | |
can be. | 00:46:12 | |
Again, the rest of the items for the most part, I think the rest of these. | 00:46:19 | |
Like I said, there are changes where we say we don't have a development review committee. That was something that was done through | 00:46:24 | |
the county. Any fees are now done through a resolution. | 00:46:28 | |
And so a lot of these little things are and we also one of the other things I think I'm really proud of, we're trying to get away | 00:46:34 | |
from all the paper. We do have to keep, you know, hard copy. We have to have at least one copy of plans that come into the public | 00:46:39 | |
wants to come in and look out and they can physically see them. But we tried to reduce it down to just having one hard copy and | 00:46:44 | |
one digital copy and we're trying to transition to just digital. | 00:46:49 | |
And then? | 00:46:55 | |
And that saves. That saves on cost. I'm sure our city engineer can tell you how much it costs when you have to do multiple copies | 00:46:58 | |
of these large plans and reports. | 00:47:02 | |
So those are the main changes just to make it out there. We will be asking you to approve these later in the meeting. Any | 00:47:06 | |
questions? | 00:47:09 | |
Any questions? | 00:47:16 | |
All right. Well, I think at this point we're back into a public hearing, which is now open. Is there anyone who wants to step | 00:47:18 | |
forward and speak? | 00:47:21 | |
The. | 00:47:27 | |
Anyone who wishes to speak against the amendments. | 00:47:30 | |
Hearing. None. I'll close the hearing again, Council, any. | 00:47:33 | |
Comments. | 00:47:38 | |
If there's not, we will take that up later in the meeting and actually work. | 00:47:39 | |
Approving those All right, we'll move on to appearances. And under appearances, we have back with us our friends from the Oconee | 00:47:44 | |
County School District and Breedlove Land Planning. | 00:47:48 | |
Mr. Campbell, I believe we'll start with you and then we'll go to Mr. Laduff, who offer comments on behalf of the Oconee County | 00:47:54 | |
Schools. Thank you, Mayor. So this is a parcel number W. | 00:47:59 | |
36, it has a N Main Street address, but as I have a specific number because there's not a structure at that N Main Street address. | 00:48:05 | |
So the property is a little over 6 1/2 acres in size and importantly it is zoned downtown. So this is a variance application. You | 00:48:13 | |
did see a concept plan for this property at the October City Council meeting. So you should be familiar with this property where | 00:48:22 | |
it is located, some of the aspects of what the applicant is asking for as part of this request, but to briefly refresh you. | 00:48:30 | |
As a mapping. | 00:48:39 | |
Aerial image you see outlined there where the the property is located along N Main St. along the western side of North Main Street | 00:48:41 | |
if we can get to the next slide. And so there's that's just an idea of a Street View, right? So it's a it's a vacant property. At | 00:48:46 | |
one point in time I seem to recall there was a stand there but there may not have been a bales of pine straw sold out of that | 00:48:51 | |
location. | 00:48:56 | |
And this is the plan for the Oconee County Schools Instructional Support Center that has been submitted as part of this variance | 00:49:03 | |
application request, specifically what is being requested. If we go to the next slide, it is a variance for a specific portion | 00:49:10 | |
within the Watkinsville zoning ordinance and that is listed in the article there. I will for clarification, where it starts, where | 00:49:18 | |
it says parking and all other districts, the immediate preceding code section. | 00:49:25 | |
Specifically relates to EC and CC which are employment center and corridor commercial. If you if you look at your colors on the | 00:49:33 | |
zoning map that was just shown, so that has a parking regulation requirement, but then this section. | 00:49:40 | |
Which would cover all other districts that are not EC and CC, including this property which is on downtown parking shall be to the | 00:49:48 | |
rear of the building. And so that's the variance in the portion of the code to which the applicant is asking for a variance. If | 00:49:53 | |
you look at the next slide, this is a reminder. | 00:49:59 | |
Of the chapter within the zoning Ordinance, Chapter 14 of the criteria, Mayor and Council may grant variances upon finding that | 00:50:05 | |
all the following conditions exist so. | 00:50:10 | |
I think you've all been on council long enough where you said have seen variances before. Each case of a variance is different. | 00:50:16 | |
That is the reason for variances, to code where that provision is there. And of course the applicant will make the presentation | 00:50:22 | |
for why they feel a variance is necessary for their project. I'll be happy to answer any other questions you might have. | 00:50:29 | |
Thank you, Mr. Campbell. At this point, we'll turn it over to Mr. Laduff. Mr. Ladduff, if you could just give us your name and | 00:50:37 | |
address and then offer your remarks on the variance request, please. | 00:50:41 | |
Yes Sir, Dallas La Duff here representing Oconee County Schools, located at 34 School St. | 00:50:46 | |
And good evening to all of you and Merry Christmas. I want to start by saying thank you for the consideration that you've given to | 00:50:53 | |
the proposed instructional support center over the last several months. | 00:50:59 | |
I have with me this evening Fred Richardson, the Director of Facilities for Oconee County Schools. | 00:51:05 | |
Joe Moon who's our site designer from Breedlove Land Painting and Jeff Robinson who's our architect from Cunningham for him, | 00:51:11 | |
Matthews and more architects and we are here tonight with the full support of the Board of Education to present to you. | 00:51:18 | |
A. | 00:51:27 | |
From the Watkinsville zoning ordinance with regard to the parking in front of the proposed instructional support center. | 00:51:28 | |
As you all know, the Oconee County Schools Board offices have been operating at the school St. campuses since 1980. | 00:51:36 | |
When the population of Oconee County was 12,000 or 12,500 residents and the total student enrollment in Oconee County schools was | 00:51:44 | |
2000. | 00:51:48 | |
According to the census. | 00:51:54 | |
The population in Oconee County was 41,000 in 2020, representing a 69 1/2% growth in that 40 year period. | 00:51:57 | |
During that same 4 decades, the student enrollment at Oconee County schools increased by over 70%. | 00:52:06 | |
To reflect a student population of over 8500 today. | 00:52:12 | |
Population predictions for a county county predict the total population will exceed 62,000 by 2050. | 00:52:18 | |
And OCS enrollment will exceed 15,000 by the same time. | 00:52:24 | |
This means that one out of every five citizens in Oconee County is a student. | 00:52:29 | |
In Oak County County schools. | 00:52:34 | |
And according to these predictions, that will remain a fact for years to come. | 00:52:36 | |
The Instructional Support Center is designed to. | 00:52:41 | |
The needs of our incredibly supportive. | 00:52:45 | |
While also preparing us for the reality. | 00:52:48 | |
Of future growth and expansion, the ISC will will house approximately 70 staff members. | 00:52:51 | |
Compared with the 35 that are housed across three buildings at the School Street campus currently. | 00:52:57 | |
We we would also like to thank the Mayor and the Council for the feedback that we've received leading up to the October. | 00:53:03 | |
19th City Council meeting in thereafter since sharing our original site design. | 00:53:10 | |
Oconee County Schools has added green space to the area in between the parking lot. | 00:53:18 | |
And North Main. | 00:53:23 | |
Also added professionally landscaped hedges. | 00:53:25 | |
Trees and other plantings to that same area to screen the front parking lot from North Main St. | 00:53:28 | |
Relocated some of the parking spaces from the front of the building. | 00:53:34 | |
To the rear of the building. | 00:53:38 | |
And also replaced those relocated parking spaces with additional green space. | 00:53:41 | |
The instructional Support center will be the only building of ITS. | 00:53:47 | |
In the city limits. | 00:53:51 | |
It will be built to support the students and families and be a wonderful representation of the value that our community places on | 00:53:53 | |
education. | 00:53:57 | |
The design was intentionally developed to promote ease of access and safety to our visitors. | 00:54:03 | |
By allowing adequate space for parking in front of the building. | 00:54:08 | |
As well as entry and exit availability on either side of the property via drives. | 00:54:12 | |
This will also allow stakeholders and other guests to safely enter the. | 00:54:19 | |
Park near the entrance and immediately be checked in to conduct their business. | 00:54:24 | |
This will be consistent with Single Point of Access entries that Oconee County Schools employs at all of our school campuses. | 00:54:28 | |
In order to better serve our community, it is essential that visitors to the instructional support center can easily navigate the | 00:54:37 | |
property, be greeted at the front door. | 00:54:41 | |
And be checked in immediately and safely upon. | 00:54:45 | |
For all of these reasons, and with the full support of the Oconee County Schools Board of Education, we respectfully request | 00:54:49 | |
variance from Watkinsville Zoning Ordinance Article 806A32. | 00:54:55 | |
Regarding parking in front of the proposed instructional support center. | 00:55:02 | |
Oconee County Schools would like to issue a request for. | 00:55:07 | |
In January of 2023, with plans to open the facility in the summer of 2024. | 00:55:11 | |
Again, we are deeply appreciative of the time and consideration that the Mayor and the Council have given to this request and and | 00:55:17 | |
continue to give. | 00:55:21 | |
And with that, we're happy to answer any questions that you all may have. | 00:55:26 | |
Thank you, Mr. Laduff. | 00:55:31 | |
Joe, is there anything you want to share before we let council ask any questions? I don't think so. I'll just state that they've | 00:55:35 | |
used eight of their 10 minutes so. | 00:55:39 | |
A little short on time. Well, we, I think we're, I don't know, there's too many other people lined up on the agenda tonight. This | 00:55:44 | |
is an important project for Watkinsville, so. | 00:55:48 | |
Hopefully, Mr. Use too much more time, but Council, what questions do we have for? | 00:55:54 | |
For Mr. Ladd? For his his associates. | 00:56:00 | |
So in looking at this plan and trying to remember back to October. | 00:56:06 | |
How many spaces from the front? | 00:56:12 | |
Removed. Did you say before? I believe it was 4. Is that correct For yes, ma'am. | 00:56:15 | |
And that's where you see the little jot out by the little sidewalk to the front door. I believe that's where the green spaces near | 00:56:21 | |
the front door were got larger since since that meeting. | 00:56:26 | |
Any other questions, Council? | 00:56:45 | |
Is there? | 00:56:47 | |
But the courthouse has single. | 00:56:49 | |
Of parking. | 00:56:52 | |
I think I. | 00:56:55 | |
Would like to kind of stick more to that so it resembles the courthouse. | 00:56:57 | |
Umm. | 00:57:01 | |
Let's just say could you do a single row parking in the front? | 00:57:02 | |
And move some additional parking to the back, you know, possibly going off to the left if I can look at the screen back left. | 00:57:06 | |
Is that doable on the site? I don't know. | 00:57:15 | |
I make a quick point, Mr. Mayor, about public health, safety, welfare right now looks like with two rows. | 00:57:19 | |
Two vehicles would be backing up. You have the Classic. | 00:57:24 | |
Basically shopping center problem of Fender benders for people backing up so it would advance the public health, safety, welfare | 00:57:29 | |
to have one road to avoid that problem. | 00:57:34 | |
If you can come in and out of both entrances. | 00:57:42 | |
Yes, Sir. That's how it's currently designed. So is that a change? Because I feel like before you guys had a one way scenario | 00:57:46 | |
going on on several of these entry quarters and then through the middle was it am I misremembering? I don't believe, I believe | 00:57:51 | |
it's been two way. Has it been two ways the whole time? OK. All right. Maybe we were thinking about one way then with angle | 00:57:56 | |
parking. OK. Yeah. So it's been two way the whole time. OK. | 00:58:01 | |
And. | 00:58:08 | |
I feel like I'm just repeating myself from October, but. | 00:58:10 | |
Our ordinances that there would be no parking up front And then October we suggested a compromise that it would be similar to the | 00:58:15 | |
courthouse. | 00:58:19 | |
Perhaps just? | 00:58:24 | |
One row. | 00:58:26 | |
And while I appreciate that, there's a little added green space. | 00:58:28 | |
It is. It's almost the same as what we saw in October and. | 00:58:33 | |
I personally feel like we were being generous to to to compromise it, to to acknowledge that this is a different kind of structure | 00:58:38 | |
and what this is, and just out of mutual respect and appreciation. | 00:58:44 | |
So this is Question Time though, so that is not really a question in that. | 00:58:53 | |
Hey, this is. | 00:59:02 | |
OK. Brett, you're on. | 00:59:05 | |
Hey, I just want to keep my comments short. Sam Afar and the service is spotty, but I just want to concur with Christine. I | 00:59:07 | |
believe this is. | 00:59:13 | |
Very similar to what we saw in the previous time, and I would still request that we get down to a singular lane. | 00:59:20 | |
As the courthouse. | 00:59:32 | |
All right. Thank you, Brett. | 00:59:38 | |
Jeff, Jeff, you've already commented, Connie, Chuck, you all have any other any further comments, questions? | 00:59:42 | |
So also. | 00:59:50 | |
Comments are welcome. So also I have gotten feedback from citizens. | 00:59:52 | |
That. | 00:59:57 | |
Aren't even necessarily excited about allowing any kind of compromise. I mean, so we're. | 00:59:59 | |
You know where we want to. | 01:00:06 | |
Very respectful. | 01:00:10 | |
Affect what y'all do we? | 01:00:13 | |
Thrilled with the schools in Oconee County. That's why many of us are sitting up here. You guys do an incredible job. | 01:00:16 | |
And again, that's why I'm willing to do a little bit of a compromise, but. | 01:00:25 | |
To this. | 01:00:32 | |
Mayor, for clarification, I asked the attorney a question. Sure. So my understanding is, is that for any proposal, including a | 01:00:45 | |
variance proposal, there's really three options for for council and and that would be approval. | 01:00:52 | |
Denial or approved with conditions. | 01:01:01 | |
And in the case of a variance and where Councilwoman Tucker has talked about a compromise, is approval with conditions an option | 01:01:04 | |
on this specific variance request? Yes, I believe it is. And part of any motion will be a reference to in the interest of | 01:01:13 | |
preserving the integrity of the zoning ordinance and the health, safety and welfare of the citizens and the safety aspects. | 01:01:21 | |
Of one row versus 2 rows. If you have two rows and it looks like 2 way traffic between those two rows. So you have likelihood of. | 01:01:30 | |
Conflict between people backing out towards each other, traffic coming one way and traffic come the other way. Much of that is | 01:01:40 | |
alleviated if you have one continuous row instead of two rows as is currently proposed. | 01:01:47 | |
I had a question. Yes, Sir. So what's the amount of parking spaces you got right here? So is the amount that you have to have. | 01:01:58 | |
I believe there's 116 parking spaces on the properties. | 01:02:08 | |
I mean, on a normal day, how many people? | 01:02:14 | |
How many cars would be there? | 01:02:18 | |
Coming and going it, it just varies depending on what we have going on right now with 35 staff members and visitors coming to see | 01:02:21 | |
those, I mean sometimes. | 01:02:25 | |
These guys will be in a room with 20 or 30 people coming to have one meeting and it just depends on, but it's not like you got a | 01:02:30 | |
lot of traffic steadily moving. I mean people come in to work and park and. | 01:02:36 | |
Yeah. And then people are coming in to do business. And then we have board meetings twice a month typically where we'll depend on | 01:02:43 | |
what's happening at the board meeting. There'll be some traffic there, I mean. | 01:02:48 | |
I can't speak to. | 01:02:52 | |
A hard number on, well, all the times I've traveled on school St. and all around there, I've never met somebody coming and going | 01:02:56 | |
out of there. So it seems to me like the traffic, traffic flow is very low. It's it's pretty steady. Yes, Sir. | 01:03:04 | |
All right, Council, Mr. Mr. Reitman and Mr. Campbell have outlined your options you've got. | 01:03:17 | |
I'll entertain a motion to approve a motion to deny our public comment before we close out the public hearing. Please. OK, all | 01:03:23 | |
right. Any opposed? | 01:03:27 | |
Wasn't aware that it was a public hearing, but is there any member of the public who wants to make a comment on the project? | 01:03:33 | |
Yeah. Did we have the public hearing last month? I knew we had discussion last month. Yep. OK, then we're fine. OK. All right. | 01:03:42 | |
All right. We don't have. | 01:03:52 | |
So I'm going to keep it over here. Any further comments? If not, somebody is going to need to make a motion here. | 01:03:54 | |
And as I said, three options, approved, and. | 01:04:01 | |
Or approve with conditions. | 01:04:04 | |
I make a motion that we approve with cond. | 01:04:07 | |
That there is only. | 01:04:10 | |
The front row that touches building similar to what we. | 01:04:14 | |
And that the other parking is Remo. | 01:04:19 | |
Is that if you could make a statement that that is based on upholding the integrity of the zoning ordinance and to advance the | 01:04:23 | |
public health, safety and welfare. So moved. Can I Well, let's see if we get a second then I have a thought on that there. | 01:04:31 | |
OK, we have a motion. We have a second. Would you be willing to grant the applicant some? | 01:04:40 | |
Flexibility if we just stated one row with a maximum amount of parking in that row. | 01:04:46 | |
In other words, if you were willing to say or if you're willing to stay to Max a maximum amount of parking in that room. | 01:04:52 | |
Having trouble seeing how many spaces are. | 01:04:58 | |
In each. | 01:05:03 | |
I think you have 6. | 01:05:05 | |
Or maybe someone from the architecture firm or land planner could enlighten us as to how many are in each Bay there. It looks like | 01:05:07 | |